Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball测试题

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball测试题


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Listening Test Part I.听句子,根据内容选择相关的运动。(10分)     Written Test Part I.看图片,补单词。(6分) What's this? II. 模仿例子写出相应的句子。(12分) A. I have a computer game.        Do you have a computer game?  1. I have a baseball bat.                                      2. I have a backpack.                                         3. I have a dictionary.                                          B.  She has a brother.            Does she have a brother?       1 .She has a pencil sharpener.                                    2. He has a good friend.                                         3. Jim has a big family.                                            III. 选择题。(5分) (    )—your name?                         —My name is Li Lan.A.  How's           B.  What's      C. Where    D. What’re (    )2.  —Are you Han Mei? —_________. I am Wei Hua.      A.  Yes, I am    B.  No, I am     C.  Yes, I'm not   D.  No, I'm not (    )3.  This is ____uncle, Jeff Green. A.  you          B.  she          C.  my         D.  I (    )4.  _____you _____a ruler? A.  Do, has       B.  Do, have     C.  Does, have     D.  Does, has (    )5. —Does he play sports? —No, ____.  He only watches them ____TV. A.  he does, on    B.  he does, in       C.  he doesn't, on    D.  he doesn't, in IV. 情景七选五。(5分) TONY: Hi! My name' s Tony.  ①                  ? JOHN: My name's John. TONY: ②_________! JOHN: Nice to meet you, too! TONY:③__________. JOHN:Yes, I do. TONY: Do you have a basketball? JOHN: ④____________________.  I have a soccer ball. TONY: Let' s play soccer together ! JOHN:⑤____________Let's go! V. 你能写出划线词的对应词吗?(5分)   1.  This is a tennis ball.  _______ is a tennis racket. 2.  These are boys.   _________ are girls. 3 . Playing computer games is interesting , watching TV is           . 4.  A basketball is _______ , and a ping-pong is small. 5 . ______ name is Jack , and her name is Anna. VI. 模仿例句根据要求给句子变形。(12分) Mr. Edison  例子:I have six balls.                 Mr. Edison has six balls. She 1.  I have a great sports collection.  —————                          He 2.  They have some computer games.—————                            I 3.  She has a friend.              —————                           Jim 4.  I have a sister.               —————                            They 5.  We have some books.          —————                              Kate6.  You have a big family.        —————                                  VII. 看图片,写英语。(10分) 4.  Does she have 12 basketballs? 5.  Does she have 14 volleyballs? VIII.读书破万卷。(10分) There is a little cat in the house.  She likes playing ball. The ball is very nice.  It is the cat' s good friend. One day the little cat makes a mistake ( 犯错误) . The owner ties(系)her to a big tree. She wants to play with the ball. But she can' t get it. The little cat is very sad( 伤心的) . "How can I get the ball?" the little cat says. She uses her forepaw(前爪) to get the ball. But it is too hard. She can ' t get the ball. The little cat thinks and thinks.  Then she has an idea(主意).   She turns round (转身) and soon she gets the ball.  Now she can play with the ball again.  How happy she is ! But do you know how she gets the ball? 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F) (         ) 1 .The ball is the cat ' s good friend. (         ) 2. The owner ties the cat to a big tree, because (因为)she doesn ' t catch the mouse. (         ) 3. She can get the ball easily (轻易地) (         ) 4. The Chinese for the word "hard" is " 困难的". (         ) 5 .  The cat is very happy because she can get the ball at last (最后).   IX. Tony 采访了Mr.King,请你帮他写一篇采访纪录。(15分)TONY;   Good morning, Mr.  King!KING;   Good morning, Tony! TONY;   May I ask some questions about your sports collection? KING:   Sure! TONY;   Do you have any tennis rackets? KING;   Yes, I do.  I have 80 tennis rackets. TONY;   Do you have any baseballs?                                                                              KING;   Yes, I do.  I have 40.TONY;   Do you have any soccer balls? KING;   Yes, I do.  I have 20 soccer balls, and I have 20 volleyballs, too.  But I don' t have any basketballs. .    TONY;   Well, do you like sports? KING;   Of course, I do.  But I don' t play sports.  I only watch them on TV.     Mr.  King      ①     a great sports collection.  He has      ②         tennis rackets,   ③    baseballs. He also has 20      ④    balls and 20   ⑤    . But he      ⑥         ⑦   any basketballs.  He likes   ⑧     . But he      ⑨        play sports.  He on    ⑩    them on TV. ①         ②           ③         ④          ⑤           ⑥         ⑦           ⑧         ⑨          ⑩                     参考答案: Unit 5 听力部分 I. 1. Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball, the rules and realities of the game, 2. The game of soccer, is the world's most popular team sport. 3. The officially approved colors for tennis balls are white and yellow. 4. Today young people play basketball in grade school, high school, college, and at athletic clubs. 5. Volleyball became an Olympic event in 1964.    1. c   2.   d   3.  a   4.  e  5.  b    II.独白: Eric’s room is quite a mess now. His brown coat is on the chair. The computer is on the floor. A basketball on his bed and a football is on the desk. Where are the pingpong ball and the bat ? They’re in the backpack on the floor. Well, his tennis racket is still on the wall.   1.C   2.  B   3.  A   4.  E   5.  D   III.对话: -Hi, Tony, what’s up? -Hi, Lisa. Let’s watch sports on TV. -What’s this? -It’s a volleyball match, It’s boring. -Whis this? -It’s basketball. It begins at 7:30. It’s relaxing. -I have a basketball too. What’s this then? -It’s a baseball game. It’s difficult. -What’s this? -It’s a Tennis match of Wimbledon 2005. It’s interesting. But you know little about it. -What’s this? -It’s a soccer match. I think it’s much fun. Let’s watch! -Sounds good! 1.  volleyball          boring       2.  baskeball           relaxing       3.       baseball            difficult       4.       tennis              intersting       5.       soccer              fun                     I . 1. volleyball      2.   fool    3.   television      4.   rackets    5.   baseballs    6.   basketballs II. A.   1. Do you have a baseball bat?       B.   1. Does she have a pencil sharpener? 2. Do you have a backpack?                        2. Does he have a good friend? 3. Do you have a dictionary?              3. Does Jim have a big family?III. l.B    2.D   3.C    4.B   5.CIV.  ①  C       ②  B         ③   G      ④  E        ⑤    D       V.I. That        2. Those        3. boring        4. big        5.  His VI.   1. She has a great sports collection.      2. He has some computer games.          3.   I have a friend.         4.  Jim has a sister.         5. They have some books.         6. Kate has a big family. VII.   1. Yes, she does.     2.  Yes, she does.     3.   No, she doesn't.     4.   No, she doesn't.     5.Yes, she does.     VIII.  l.T   2.F   3.F   4.T   5.T IX. ① has         ②80         ③40         ④ soccer     ⑤ volleyballs           ⑥ doesn' t     ⑦ have      ⑧ sports     ⑨ doesn't     ⑩ watches             
