高三英语上册Unit 4 Making the News难点详解

高三英语上册Unit 4 Making the News难点详解


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高三英语上册Unit 4 Making the News难点详解重要单词用法例析1. below prep. & adv. 在……下面,低于Do not write below the line. 不要该横线下写字。I live on the floor below. 我住在下一层。2. concentrate vt. & vi. 集中于,专注I tried my best to concentrate my thoughts on the problem. 我努力让自己集中思想在这个问题上。3. meanwhile adv. 在此其间,与此同时The train won’t leave for an hour. Meanwhile we can have lunch. 火车还有一个小时才开,其间我们可以吃中饭。Tom was at home studying. Meanwhile, Jon was out playing. Tom在家学习,与时同时Jon外出玩耍。搭配:in the meanwhile同时,在此期间In the meanwhile I’ll visit an old friend of mine. 在这期间我将去拜访我的一位老朋友。4. gifted adj. 有天分的; 有天赋的He is a gifted musician. 他是天才音乐家。5. seldom adv. 很少There is seldom snow in Guangdong. 广东很少下雪。He seldom goes out on Sundays, does he? 星期天他很少出去,对吗?Seldom has there been such a happy meeting. 过去很少有过这样愉快的会议。注意:(1)其后的反意疑问句用肯定式;(2)位于句首时,谓语用部分倒装。6. occupation n. 职业;占用,占据Teaching is me occupation. 教书是我的职业。The old house is under my occupation. 这所旧宅现已为我所有。辨析:occupation表示职业,较为正式,常用于表格;work工作,不可数名词;job职业,可数名词,可指单独一个任务,也可指工作职位;profession工作,是指需要特别技能/训练和高等教育的工作;trade是指手艺工。7. eager adj. 渴望的,热切的She is eager to go home. 她很想回家。He is eager for a computer. 他渴望有台电脑。辨析:be anxious to do sth 急于做……(强调着急)8. acquire vt. 获得,取得She acquired a knowledge of the English by careful study. 她认真学习而精通英语。9. deny vt. 不认,拒绝He denied telling me. =He denied that he had told me. 他否认他告诉过我。注意:后接动词作宾语时,只能用-ing形式。10. employ vt. 雇用,使用We employed a cook. 我们雇用了一个厨师。How do you employ your spare time? 你是怎样利用你的空余时间的?He is employed in watering the flowers. 他正忙于给花浇水。11. cover vt. 盖,遍布,走,采访The Red Army covered 500 kilometers one day. 红军一天要行走500公里。All the papers like to cover the affairs of the famous persons. 很多报纸喜欢报道名人的韵事。

资料: 3.6万


