The Olympic News教学设计

The Olympic News教学设计


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第四届全国小学英语教学观摩研讨会 教学材料及教案 比赛题目: 奥运短讯 The Olympic News Hello, boys and girls! This is News Dai Dai Cool. Today let’s talk about Michael Phelps. In China,Michael’s nickname is “the Flying Fish”. He won 8 gold medals in the 2008 Olympic Games. He broke the world’s record again and again. Every day he gets up at 5 o’clock and goes swimming. In his free time, he likes playing basketball, too. Many people think Michael is the fastest swimmer in the world. OK! That’s all for today! Thanks for watching News Dai Dai Cool! Till next time, goodbye!天津市小学英语学科教学设计 课 题 奥运短讯 年 级 六年级 教 师 刘畅 教 材 自订 教 学 目 标 知识:1.通过阅读了解使学生能在口头交际中运用文中出现的有关奥 运会比赛及奥运健儿的词汇:gold medal, the world’s record, the 2008 Olympic Games, nickname, in his free time, won, broke. 2.了解英语新闻短讯的格式。 能力:通过多种阅读方法培养学生从语篇中获取信息、分析信息、处理 信息并生成自主信息的能力。 情感态度:从阅读中获得乐趣、感悟奥运健儿坚毅的意志品质和为获得 成功而坚持不懈的决心。 课前准备 教学素材,小组合作材料,多媒体课件。 教学方法 情景导入法、任务激励法、小组合作法、找读法、KWL 法等教学方法。 教学过程 设计意图 Step 1.Warming-up 1)Greeting 2 ) Free talk: Talk about the Olympic Games, review the sports items. 3) Divide the students into Shooting, Table tennis, Diving, Swimming and Weightlifting groups. Step 2.Presentation 1 ) Watch the video of the Olympic News. 2 ) Read and get familiar with the passage. 3) Raise some questions, then ask the 在热身活动中,让学生对本课涉及的 内容进行预热,让学生复习一些之前 预习过的体育项目的词汇,并依据不 同项目进行分组,布置任务,争得金 牌。 观看奥运新闻,即本课语篇内容,使 学生融入情景。 运用 KWL 教学方法,先给出问题, 后让学生带着问题寻找答案,培养学 生的阅读技巧,使学生进一步了解本 语篇的内容。 培养学生自主学习的能力,通过同伴students to read in groups and circle the new words. 4 ) Learn the difficult points with the teacher’s or the other students’ help. 5) Make an interview with the information which the students have got. Step 3. Practice reading 1) Teacher pretends to be the TV reporter. Read the passage. 2)Let the students be the TV reporter. Step 4. Prepare the students’ TV Show 1) Let the students talk about the player. 2) Prepare the news of the Olympic Games. 3) Show it to the class. 互助继续通读全文并将不熟悉的内容 作好标记。 通过小组讨论等多种形式解决学生提 出的问题。 通过对 Michael 的采访,激活所学词 汇短语,为进一步理解语篇和播报新 闻奠定坚实基础。 为学生创设电视播音的情景,教师扮 演播音员,进行领读。 分层给学生布置任务,学生既可以完 成基于本语篇的新闻播报,有能力的 学生更可以根据教师所提供的其他奥 运明星的个人信息,进行新闻撰写与 播报。 作业 1. Collect the information of your favorite sports player. 2. Write a report about him/her. 3. E-mail it to me. 板书设计: The Olympic News nickname won gold medal broke the world’s record in his free time

资料: 3.6万


