Wild Animals教学设计

Wild Animals教学设计


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Let’s read. Wild Animals Pandas live in the mountains of Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu in China. They can climb and swim. They love bamboo. They eat for 12 hours a day! Now, there are only about 1,600 pandas in the wild. Blue whales are the biggest animals. They live in the sea and eat small fish. The number of them is about 2,000. There are lots of animals in the wild, but some of them are in danger. People are trying to save them. What can we do to help them? Ask and answer. Look and write. forest forest _________ leaves and fruits meat _________ carry heavy things run fast _________ about 42,000 about 100 _________ Vocabulary: wild 野生的,野外 bamboo 竹子 whale 鲸 danger 危险 hour 小时 try 试图 save 救援 Where do they live? What can they do? What do they eat? 补充材料 plant many trees cut the trees 多种树 砍伐树木 make friends with animals kill the animals 和动物做朋友 捕杀动物 make the air/ sea clean play with fire in the forest 净化空气和海水 在森林里玩火 Indian elephants Chinese river dolphins south China tigers

资料: 3.6万


