Lesson 24 Year Animals 教学设计

Lesson 24 Year Animals 教学设计


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Lesson 24 Year Animals 教学设计一、教材分析本课为第四单元的最后一课。第四单元主要介绍中国的传统节日及文化,而本课是与本单元内容息息相关的十二生肖的一个小故事。它以故事的形式,使学生了解十二生肖的来历,让学生体会了阅读故事的乐趣,同时还帮助学生复习、巩固了本单元所学知识与内容。二、学情分析五年级的小学生已经掌握了序数词、动物名称等英文表达,并且具备了一定的语言组织表达能力。他们喜欢故事,对阅读故事的兴趣很高。三、教学目标1.知识与技能目标:1)学生能在故事插图和老师的帮助下听懂和理解本课故事。2)学生能就故事内容回答相关的问题。3)学生能借助图片表演故事或片段。2.情感态度目标:1)学生增强阅读故事的兴趣;2)学生敢于开口,乐于模仿,愿意用自己的方式表现故事内容。3.学习策略目标:  积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。4.文化意识目标:  学生增强成热爱中国传统文化的意识并增强民族自豪感。四、课时安排:一课时五、教学方法:讲授法、讨论法、表演法、阅读指导法六、教学手段:十二生肖头饰、多媒体等     七、教学过程Step.Class OpeningGreetings:T: Hello, everyone. I’m the Lion King. Are you happy today?S: I’m happy, and you?Step.Presentation1. Pre-reading activities T: I’m not happy, because after I named the year, the cat came to my home. And he was very very angry. Do you know why?S: ....T: I don’t know either. Now, let the cat tell us why.[设计意图: 教师通过扮演狮子快速吸引学生注意力,以表达不开心的方式提问学生原因,给故事设疑,激发学生阅读的兴趣。]2. While-reading activities1). General readingPlay the video.课件出示一个问题,让学生听故事,并回答问题。What happened? Why the cat is angry?[设计意图:通过听故事,了解故事的主要内容并回答问题。培养学生快速捕捉关键信息及自主学习的能力,同时又检验了学生对故事的理解。]  2). Detailed reading    A.Read picture 1-3 silently by yourself.a.出示问题,让学生带着问题听读故事,并勾画答案。然后请学生回答问题。Why does the Lion King want to have a meeting?When is the meeting?What does the rat say to the cat?b.Now, let’s read in role.Ask three students to read the dialogue among the lion, the rat and the cat.(教师给出必要指导:语气、表情、动作。)Ask another three students to come to the stage.Act out the dialogue.B. Show picture4-7.a. Ask the students to choose their favorite picture,     read and act.b. Ask the students to order year animals.  Who is the year animal? Please stand up.  Who is the first/second/third/fourth/fifth/sixth?  Ask them to come to the stage and introduce themselves.  After they come back to their seat, ask the other six animals to come to the stage, and ask them to stand in order. Then ask all the students to introduce them.  Horse is the seventh. Sheep is the eighth......Now, years have names and year animals have their         order.C. Read picture8-9 in group.  Questions: Is there a cat?   If you are the cat, how do you feel?           What will the cat do ?Ask the students to read in role and then act out the dialogue.[设计意图:细读故事时,引导学生通过默读、朗读、小组读、分角色读等方式让学生带着问题精读故事,以此训练学生的阅读能力,帮助学生掌握细读、跳读、寻读等阅读技巧。同时用多样的活动设计、合作式的学习使学生的阅读思维更加活跃,有效促进学生阅读理解能力的提高。]3. After-reading activities.  1) Order and retell.A. Show picture1/3/5/7/9, and ask the students to order them.(Put the pictures in order on the blackboard.)B. Ask three students to retell the story according to the pictures.(提示1:The Lion King wants to name the year. There will be a meeting.The rat tells the cat the meeting is in the afternoon.The rat asks the ox for help, and he comes first.Twelve year animals have their order.The cat is late. He will eat the rat.提示2:The Lion King wants to name the year. There will be a meeting.The rat tells the cat the meeting is in the afternoon.The rat asks the ox for help, and he comes first.Twelve year animals have their order.The cat is late. He will eat the rat.提示3:No tips.)[设计意图:通过黑板上故事图片排序,帮助学生理清十二生肖故事情节以及人物之间的关系,并通过3次不同提示词的帮助,引导学生复述故事,提高语言表达能力。]2) Discuss : Which year animal is the first? Do you like the rat?(PPT呈现提示:Do you like the rat? Why or why not?            I like the rat. Because...            I don’t like the rat. Because...Tips: honest(诚实的)cunning(狡猾的)jump a queue(插队)   clever(聪明的) winner(胜利者) bad friend(坏朋友) 必要时学生可用汉语。)Which year animal do you like best? Why?3) Continue to write(续写)  Choose one task to complete.A.         If you are the cat, what will you do tomorrow? (Write 3-5 sentences.)B.         If you are the rat, what will you do tomorrow?4) Further reading(拓展阅读)A. Now, let’s read the book:《The Lion and The Mouse》.(After reading, you will find why the Lion King asks the rat      to help.)B. Another story for you, please enjoy it after class. And here’s your homework.Step III. Class Closing  Homework:1.Rewrite the story of year animals.2.Read the story: 《The Chinese New Year》  (After reading and thinking, write something about the story.)

资料: 3.6万


