七年级英语上册Unit 8 Fashion Reading (II)教案

七年级英语上册Unit 8 Fashion Reading (II)教案


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七年级英语上册Unit 8 Fashion   Reading (II)教案I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. retell The fashion show with the help of a mind map;2. understand the uses of new words and expressions;3. write about how to hold a green fashion show by making use of waste;4. feel the beauty of fashion.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: lady, gentleman, comfortable, popular, among, purple, grey, smart, cool, scarf, both, silk, style, trainer, cotton, jeans, wool, bootdifferent styles of clothes, both … and…, be made of, sports clothes2. New structures: Trainers are popular among young people.Here comes Simon.He looks smart.Both of them are wearing blue jeans.That’s all for today’s fashion show.Thanks for coming.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Retell the story with the help of a mind map;2. Sum up the uses of the words and phrases;3. Describe a fashion show.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 RevisionT: The students are giving a fashion show. What are they wearing at the show? Now let’s look at the pictures and try to say something about the fashion show.Who is the host of the fashion show?What is she wearing?Who are the models of the fashion show?What are they wearing?【设计意图:通过思维导图帮助学生复习课文内容,使学生迅速进入本课教学,也为接下来的教学做好铺垫。】Step 2 Language focusFocus on some important words and expressions:1. show sb. sth. / show sth. to sb.(1) Show students pictures and guess.T: Millie is the host of the fashion show. What are the students going to show today?They are going to _______________.    They are going to _______________.(2) Conclusion     T: From these two sentences, we know: show sb. sth. or show sth. to sb.(3) PracticeT: After learning the expressions, let’s try to put these words in the correct order.hamburgers/Mary/her cousin/showsa CD/me/Mary/shows【设计意图:通过同一意思两种表达,让学生总结出show的两个结构,这一环节简单易懂,可以使学生轻松融入课堂。】2. be made of(1) T: Look at Sandy. What is she wearing? She is wearing a red silk blouse and a black wool skirt. Sandy’s red blouse __________ silk.Sandy’s black skirt __________ wool. What is her red blouse made of? What is her black skirt made of?(2) ConclusionT: When we talk about the material of clothes, we may use the expression “be made of”.(3) PracticeT: Here comes Amy. What is Amy wearing? And what are her clothes made of?      Amy is wearing a yellow cotton blouse. Amy’s yellow blouse is made of cotton.Amy is wearing a blue silk scarf. Amy’s blue scarf is made of silk.3. both of / both / both … and ...(1) T: Let’s look at Amy. She is wearing blue jeans. What about Daniel? He is wearing bluejeans, too.      Both of them wear blue jeans.      They both wear blue jeans.      Both Amy and Daniel wear blue jeans.(2) Conclusion     When we talk about two people who have something in common, we may use both.(3) Practice     T: Amy is wearing a yellow cotton blouse. Sandy is wearing a red silk blouse.       ______________ wear a blouse.____________ wear a blouse.______ Amy ______ Sandy wear a blouse.【设计意图:通过Amy和Daniel的穿着,引出他们的共同之处,让学生体会both表示“两者都……”的含义,在操练中体会both的各种用法。】4. among & between(1) T: What shoes are these students wearing? They are wearing trainers. Do you know why young people like to wear trainers? Because trainers are light and comfortable.Trainers are popular _______ (among/between) young people.T: There are three models on the stage. Who stands in the middle?Simon stands _______ (among/between) Millie and Daniel.(2) ConclusionWhen there are three or more things, we often use among; when there are two things, we use between instead.(3) Practice     The teacher is sitting _________ the students, telling them a story.The little boy walks ________ his parents.【设计意图:利用数量的差异,让学生直观理解among和between的用法。】5. look + adj.(1) T: Now it’s the end of the fashion show. The models are all on the stage. How do they look?      Simon looks _____.      Amy and Daniel look _____.      Sandy looks _________________.  (2) Conclusion Here look is a linking verb. We usually add an adjective after it(3) Practice     T: Look! The babies are not happy. How do they look?       The boy baby _________.       The girl baby _________.【设计意图:在学生熟练掌握课文内容后,又以提问的方式帮助学生更好地回顾课文重点知识,同时学习、总结连系动词用法,由此使学生更好地理解文章。】Step 3 PracticeLearn to use the keywords and expressions to finish a report by Jack.T: Jack goes to watch a fashion show. He is writing a report about the fashion show. Let’s help him finish the report with the keywords and expressions we have learnt.  Today I go to a fashion show. Millie is _______ a host _______ a model. She wears sports clothes and trainers. Trainers are _______ _______ young people. Simon wears a purple shirt and grey trousers. He _______ _______. Amy and Daniel wear jeans. _______ _______ _______ look cool. Sandy wears a red blouse. It _______ _______ _______ silk. She looks modern and beautiful. We thank them for _______ us _______ _______ _______ clothes. 【设计意图:学生通过完成report的练习,复习并学会正确运用重点结构及知识点,同时为接下来的服装设计做好语言上的素材准备。】Step 4 Discussion1. T: Some students want to hold a green fashion show. Do you have any good ideas on how to make use of waste? I have some ideas. For example, we can make old jeans into shorts; we can also make an old skirt into a handbag. Moreover, we can use old CDs to make a skirt. Do you think it is a crazy idea? Do you have any other ideas?    What are waste?How can you make good use of old clothes?What is good about the things made of waste?Will you buy the clothes made of waste?What will you use to make clothes for the green fashion show?2. Ask some students to share their ideas.【设计意图:让学生通过课本练习,过渡至谈论如何充分利用生活中的废弃物进行时装设计,在发挥语言的语用功能及小组合作学习方式的同时,培养学生充分利用废弃物的观念,倡导环保生活理念。】Step 5 ConclusionT: Boys and girls, fashion is in everyday life. Fashion is fun!【设计意图:通过书本学习,延伸到学生的生活,对他们的生活态度进行一定的引领。】V. Homework1. Write a short passage about your design for the green fashion show and share it with your partner.2. Preview Grammar.

资料: 3.6万


