七年级英语上册Unit 8 Fashion Reading (I)教案

七年级英语上册Unit 8 Fashion Reading (I)教案


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七年级英语上册Unit 8 Fashion  Reading (I)教案I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. read the article about the fashion show fluently;2. find out detailed information about the host and models by reading carefully;3. guess the meanings of specific words from the context;4. use basic words and expressions to describe clothes and materials.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: lady, gentleman, style, trainer, comfortable, popular, among, purple, grey, smart, cool, cotton, scarf, both, jeans, silk, wool, bootdifferent styles of clothes, both … and…, be made of, sports clothes2. New structures: Trainers are popular among young people.Here comes Simon. /    He looks smart.Both of them are wearing blue jeans.That’s all for today’s fashion show.Thanks for coming.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Sum up how to give a fashion show;2. Describe clothes and materials.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-inT: Today we’ll learn Reading of Unit 8—The fashion show. Please look at the picture. What is it about? It’s about the fashion show.Do you like watching a fashion show?Do we need a host and models at the fashion show?【设计意图:通过学生比较熟悉和感兴趣的话题导入新课,使他们迅速进入本课话题,在此基础提出新的问题,为接下来的教学做好铺垫。】Step 2 Presentation1. Speak out: preparation for a fashion showT: Here is the flow chart of the fashion show. Can you tell me what we need to do before the fashion show?First we should choose a host for the fashion show; then we need some models to perform at the show. Both the host and models may wear different kinds of clothes. What kind of clothes will they prepare for the show?【设计意图:通过简单的流程图,让学生说出准备“时装秀”的三个步骤,这一环节简单易懂,可以使其轻松融入进课堂,同时又为下面话题的引出,做好相关铺垫。】2. Show students some pictures of clothes and read new words after the teacher.【设计意图:通过流程图说出“时装秀”准备的最后一个步骤为挑选衣服,从而引出对“时装秀”主持人和模特所挑选服装的猜测,进而引出各类服装及其材质的介绍,让学生在语境中认识新单词,同时又让他们在不知不觉中进入到主要教学任务:以课文为模板,了解主办“时装秀”所要做的准备工作。】Step 3 ReadingT: We have learnt about different kinds of clothes. What will the host and models wear for the show? Now let’s read an article about the fashion show.1. Fast readingRead the article quickly, and answer the questions.Where do they hold the fashion show?How many students are mentioned in the fashion show? Who are they?Who is the host?2. Detail reading(1) Read and do the True and False.    Young people like trainers.  ___    Simon’s tie is red and yellow.   ___    Both Amy and Daniel wear blue jeans.  ___    Jeans are popular among young people.   ____    Sandy looks modern and beautiful.   ___(2) Read and answer the questions in pairs.What are popular among young people?What is Simon wearing?What do young people really like?What is Sandy wearing?How does Sandy look?(3) Read and fill in the blanks.Names Clothes Trousers ScarvesAmy   Daniel   Both Amy and Daniel wear jeans.3. Post-reading  Ask students to role-play the article.T: Now we have some models of the fashion show. They want to tell you something about the fashion show.【设计意图:通过完成不同教学任务,训练学生的阅读方法和速度,在熟悉课文的同时,也为设计“服装秀”做好文本的输入。】Step 4 PracticeDesign clothes for Kitty.T: The students at the fashion show invite Kitty to show her clothes. She doesn’t know what to wear. Would you like to help her? Here are some tips for your design.  What is Kitty wearing? /What are her clothes made of? /What colour are her clothes?How does she look?【设计意图:通过帮助Kitty设计服装,学生可以回顾Reading的结构,为后面作文布局打下基础,同时也锻炼学生的总结能力。】Step 5 ConclusionT: Boys and girls, as we know, wearing different kinds of clothes can make us look different. So fashion is a way of expressing oneself. Remember fashion is a way of life! Try to be yourself!【设计意图: 通过书本学习,延伸到学生的生活,对他们的生活态度进行一定的引领。】V. Homework1. Read the new words and phrases carefully.2. Design clothes for yourself if you want to go to a fashion show. Write a short passage aboutwhat you will wear.

资料: 3.6万


