七年级英语上册Unit 8 Fashion Grammar教案

七年级英语上册Unit 8 Fashion Grammar教案


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七年级英语上册Unit 8 Fashion   Grammar教案I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. know what the present continuous tense is;2. learn when and how to use the present continuous tense;3. understand the rules of forming v-ing;4. talk about the things that are happening at the moment.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: lie, write to, wait for, look for2. New structures: I am eating.      You/We/They are eating.               He/She/It is eating.               I am not eating.               You/We/They are not eating.      He/She/It is not eating.      Am I eating?      Yes, I am.      No, I am not / I’m not.      Are you/we/they eating?               Yes, we/you/they are.               No, we/you/they are not / aren’t.      Is he/she/it eating?      Yes, he/she/it is.      No, he/she/it is not / isn’t.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Learn to know the uses of the present continuous tense;.2. Sum up the rules of forming v-ing;3. Talk about the actions happening at the moment by using the present continuous tense.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-inShow students four pictures about the song.  T: Today we’ll learn Grammar of Unit 8—the present continuous tense. First please look at fourpictures.T: Can you tell me what the boy is oing in the picture?He is driving in his car.He is sailing on a ship.He is travelling on a train.He is riding on a horse.【设计意图:学生通过观看歌曲视频并回答视频中的男士正在做什么,从而迅速进入本课教学,也为下面学习现在进行式的概念和用法做好准备。】Step 2 PresentationPresent continuous tense1. Basic form(1) Ask students to look at the four sentences and try to find out the rules.    T: Now please look at the four sentences. Can you find something in common? Here “He” is the subject. “Is” is the verb “to be”. And “driving”, “sailing”, “travelling”, “riding” here are the -ing forms of the verbs.(2) Work out the basic form.    T: If we connect the three parts together, we can get the basic form of the present continuous tense. That is: subject + be + v-ing. We may pay attention to the verb to be, it will change according to the subject. Usually the verb “to be” here is “am”, “is” or “are”.【设计意图:通过四句现在进行时的句子,让学生总结出现在进行时的基本结构,这一环节简单易懂,可以让学生较快进入到下一环节的学习中。】2. Uses of the present continuous tense(1) T: Look at the timeline. When does the action happen? The action is happening at present.For example: Mary is talking to her friends.(2) ConclusionT: The present continuous tense is to talk about actions happening at the moment of speaking.【设计意图:通过timeline时间轴,引出现在进行时发生的情况。直观的图像能较好地帮助学生理解现在进行时的用法。】3. Positive & negative sentences(1) Show students some examples to help them learn how to make a positive sentence.T: We have learnt the uses of the present continuous tense. Now let’s learn how to make positive and negative sentences and how to ask and answer questions by using the present continuous tense. For example:  I am eating. You/We/They are eating.He/She/It is eating.These are positive sentences.(2) Tell students how to change a positive sentence into a negative sentence.T: For negative sentences, we usually add “not” after the verb “to be”. For example:I am not eating.You/We/They are not eating.He/She/It is not eating.       We also can say “isn’t” for “is not”, “aren’t” for “are not”.(3) Show students how to change a positive sentence into a question and the ways to answer the question.T: Finally, let’s read the questions.Am I eating?Are you/we/they eating?Is he/she/it eating?We may find the verb “to be” goes at the beginning of the question. Generally, we can give short answers to these questions rather than long answers. For example:Yes, I am.Yes, we/you/they are.Yes, he/she/it is.No, I am / I’m not.No, we/you/they are not /aren’t.No, he/she/it is not /isn’t.【设计意图:通过现在进行时句式的转换及回答,让学生明确各句型的基本结构,并掌握其相互间转换的技巧和方法,帮助学生灵活运用现在进行时。】4. Rules of forming the “-ing” form of a verb  (1) Show students some groups of words and ask them to work out the rules.① Most verbsT: When we use the present continuous tense, we must be careful with the “-ing” form of the verb. Please look at these words, what can you find? Yes, we add “-ing” to the words directly. We can add “-ing” to most verbs.(work→working, play→playing, show→showing, go→going)② Verbs ending in a silent “e”T: Now look at these words. When the verb ends with a silent “e”, we drop the “e” and add “-ing”.(come→coming, make→making, dance→dancing, take→taking)③ Verbs ending in “ie”     T: Here are three words. They all end in “ie”. For the verbs ending in “ie”, we usually change “ie” to “y”, and then add “-ing”.     (lie→lying, tie→tying, die→dying)④ Some verbs ending in a vowel + a consonantT: Look at these words. They are short and end in “consonant + vowel + consonant”. For these words, we must double the last consonant and then add “-ing”. (run→running, swim→swimming, get→getting, plan→planning)【设计意图:利用图表形式,让学生直观理解并总结动词现在分词的构成规则。】(2) Practice① Ask students to ask and answer questions in pairs.T: Now look at the pictures. What are they doing?(He is running. / She is drinking. / It is eating. / The doctor is writing. / He is fishing. / Sheis dancing)② Finish Part A on page 97. T: People are doing different things. What about Kitty’s classmates? What are they doing? Let’s help Kitty complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs.5. Signal words of the present continuous tense.T: Look at the words in blue. When we see these words, it means we had better use the present continuous tense. Here are some of the words and expression.now, at the moment, at present, right now …Look, …Listen, …It’s 4 o’clock. …【设计意图:在学生熟练掌握教材内容后,以重点标注提示词的方式帮助学生学习、总结什么情况下使用现在进行时,使学生更好地理解这一时态。】6. Some special words are not used in the present continuous tense  (1) T: After learning the present continuous tense, let’s play a guessing game. You may begin your question like this: “Is he/she/it doing …?” or “Are they doing …?”       (He is drawing a picture. / It is playing basketball. / They are playing football. / They are riding bikes. / She is teaching. / It is eating an apple.)(2) T: In the last picture, we can see there are two apples in the frog’s hands. Look at the apple in his left hand. We can say “He is eating an apple.” We can also say “He is having an apple.” But for the apple in his right hand, we just say “He has an apple” because “has” in this sentence means “own”, and it cannot be used in the present continuous tense.(3) Conclusion     T: Here are some special words. They are about our feelings, likes or dislikes. These words cannot be used in the present continuous tense.?feelings: smell, taste, sound, look, hear, find, see?have (有)?think (认为,觉得), like, love, hate, wish, want, hope, remember, forget, understand, need【设计意图:让学生通过完成A guessing game的操练,复习并学会正确运用现在进行时。最后一张图利用has的两个不同含义,引出部分不可用于现在进行时的动词。】Step 3 Practice1. Finish Part B on page 98.2. Now please look at the photo. Peter is talking about his classmates. Would you like to make a conversation talking about their activities?Ask some students to share their ideas.【设计意图:让学生通过课本练习,过渡至谈论学生的活动,既发挥语言的语用功能又培养小组合作学习的方式。】V. Homework1. Talk about your own school activities with the present continuous tense.2. Preview Integrated skills.

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