Lesson4《I Like Music》Part1教学实录

Lesson4《I Like Music》Part1教学实录


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 Lesson4《I Like Music》Part1教学实录1.     Greeting and Free talk.   T:Hello,everyone!Ss:Hello,Amber!T:How are you today?Ss: I’m fine,thanks.T:How’s the weather?Ss:It’s sunny/cloudy/rainy…T: What day is it today?Ss:It’s…2.     New lesson:T: Today let’s learn lesson 4. I like music.I will show you a picture. Look at this!Who’s this?Ss:Mrs. Smith…Ken…Lily…Jimmy…Steve…T: Where are they?Ss:In the classroom.T: Is Jimmy happy?Ss: No.T:Is Steve happy?Ss:No.T:What’s wrong with Jimmy and Steve?Ss:…T:Let’s listen to tape. Then you will know what happened.T:Who knows what’s wrong with them?Hands up.Ss: Late.T:Yes, Jimmy and Steve are late. We’re late.(T举着Jimmy和Steve头像敲门)   Now,who want to be Jimmy and Steve?S1S2: Sorry, we’re late.T: That’s okay.(重复一组)。Who want to be Mrs Smith?T:Mrs Smith says: That’s okay.But please be on time from now on. Look at the picture,listen and fellow the tape. Who can repeat it?T: Now,who wants to be Mrs. Smith?T: What are Ken and Lily talking about? They’re talking about the class. Now ,I have a timetable.Can you guess what’s the first class?(PPT出示数学书)SS:数学T:Math. Do you like math?Ss:Yes,I like math.T: How about you?Ss: I like math.T: You can ask and answer with your deskmate.T: Do you like math?Ss:Yes,I like math.T: How about you?Ss: I like math.T:You may say “I do,too.T: Who wants to be Mrs. Smith?And Who want to be Jimmy and Steve?T: Now,open your books and turn to page 29. Let’s read it fellow the tape.T: Read it by yourself for three minutes.T: Now, let’s repeat it again.T:Let’s read it together.(PPT呈现28页内容)T:This Time ,Group1 is Jimmy and Steve. Group2 is Mrs. Smith. Group3 is Lily.Group4 is Ken. Can you finished it? (PPT呈现28页部分内容)T:You did well, now can you fill them? (PPT呈现28人物头像)T:Great!You’re so excellent. Now, you could make the dialogue with your partner.(ss角色表演4-6组)T:That’s all.Homework for today,look at the screen and write it down.T: So much for today.Goodbye,every.

资料: 3.6万


