Unit 8 When is your birthday Period 3教案(人教新目标版)

Unit 8 When is your birthday Period 3教案(人教新目标版)


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Unit 8 When is your birthday?Period 3  (Section B 1a–1d)【教学目标】     ●知识目标      1. Master the new words and useful expressions.       2. Master some useful sentences.     ●能力目标        1. Get students to master the ordinal numbers .        2. Have students talk about the date of the events.     ●情感目标       Improve students' cognition of time.【教学重难点】     ●重点       1. Master the new words and useful expressions.         Words and expressions: test, trip, art, festival, dear, student, thing, term, busy, time, Have a good time!       2. Master some useful sentences.          — When is Sally's birthday party?          — It's on October 5th.     ●难点        Talk about the activities and the dates.【教学准备】     A tape recorder, a projector and handouts.【教学方法】     任务型教学法、情景交际法、自主学习与合作学习相结合【课时安排】     One period【教学过程】     Step 1: Warm-up     1. Review the ordinal numbers.      2. Review the words and expressions in the next period.      3. Role-play the conversation in 3d.    Step 2: Presentation   Teach activity 1a 1. Show the pictures of different activities and present the words and expressions. 2. Ask students to talk about the events in Section B 1a. 3. Point out the four new expressions in the box. Lead students to read and repeat. 4.Ask students to match the pictures with the events.   Step 3: Practice   1. Teach activity 1b     (1) Ask students to read the activities again and try to recite them.     (2) Ask students to listen and circle the events you hear in 1a.     (3) Invite one student to read his/her answers.     (4) Check the correct answers with the class.   2. Teach activity 1c     (1) Lead students to read the instructions and make sure they know what to do.    (2) Play the recording for the students to try to fill in the chart.    (3) Play the recording for a second time and ask students to check their answers.    (4) Check the correct answers with the whole class.  Step 4: Consolidation  Teach activity 1d     1. Ask students to work with their partners and ask and answer questions about John's calendar.     2. Give students an example.       A: When's Sally's birthday party?       B: It's on October 5th.    3. Invite some students to act their conversations out.【课堂小结】    In this period, we’ve learned how to talk about the events and consolidated the use of when-questions.【课后作业】   1. Remember the months and the ordinal numbers.    2. Make a list of people’s birthdays in your family.  

资料: 10.8万


