英语优质课竞赛教案--A Telephone Call

英语优质课竞赛教案--A Telephone Call


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A Telephone Call   I.Teaching MaterialA Telephone CallA: May I speak to Jim, please?B: Sorry. He's not at home.A: Where is he now?B: He went to the bookshop.A: Would you please take a message?B: Sure.A: Tomorrow is Teachers' Day. We'll have a party at school.B: What time is the party?A: At three thirty in the afternoon.B: OK, I'll tell him When he's back.A: Thank you.II. Teaching Aims1) Enable the students to make telephone calls in English andget them to know how to behave themselves on the telephone.2) Raise the students' interest to learn English.3) Encourage the students to have good cooperation with one another.III.Teaching contents1 ) Patterns:May I speak to ...?Would you please take a message?2) Vocabulary: message, party, take a messageIV.teaching AidsFour toy telephones, a CD-ROM, a toy Santa Claus.V. Teaching proceduresStep 1. Warming-up ExerciseSing the song "Greetings".Step 2. Presentation and Practice1) Ask the students to look at the screen and listen to the talk between the teacher and the person in the screen.2) After the talk, the teacher tells the students how to make a telephone call in English. Write the pattern "May I speak to...?"on the blackboard and teach them how to use it on the phone.3) Using the four toy telephones, ask the students to make telephone calls in pairs with the following patterns:---- May I speak to...?---- Speaking.Those students who do not have toy telephones can use their pencil-boxes instead, or they can put their fingers to their ears as a sign to make phone calls.4) Ask one student his/her name and his/her home telephone number, using the following sentences:Would you please 'tell me your name?Would you please tell me your home telephone number?5) Make a telephone call to a student and get the students to learn the following short dialogue:T: Hello. Is that 8614761?S: Yes.T: May I speak to Xiao Long?S: Sorry, he is not in the office.T: Would you please take a message and ask him to come to school this afternoon?S: Sure.T: Thank you.6) Ask the students to make calls in groups.Then ask some pairs to act out to see if they know how to use the patterns below:May I speak to..,?Would you please take a message?7) Ask the students to look at the screen and listen to the dialogue "A Telephone Call" withthe following questions in mind:What is the message about?What time is the party?Then ask the students some questions if they have understoodthe dialogue.8) Ask the students to look at the dialogue on the screen and listen to it again.9) The teacher tells the students the meaning of the word "tomorrow" with the help of a calendar and the following sentences:We'll have a party at school.I'll tell him when he's back.10) Ask the students to read the new word and the sentences on the blackboard.11) Ask the students to retell the dialogue in their own words in pairs.12) Play the game "Throwing Santa Claus" to see if the students can say the sentences well.The teacher throws the toy Santa Claus to a student. When the student catches the Santa Claus, he or she must say one of the sentences on the blackboard, and then throws the Santa Claus to another student.13) Ask the students to act out the dialogue in roles.Step 3.1) Show the students three pictures on the screen. Ask them tomake telephone calls in groups based on the picture they have chosen.Picture One: You want to invite Tom to play footbaU with you, butTom hasn't got a telephone at home. You ask Rose to take a message to Tom.Picture Tw Miss Wu is ill. You want to pay a visit to her with Jack. But Jack is not atme. His sister picks up thephone.Picture Three: You will hold a birthday party on Sunday. Youphone to Lily to invite her to your party, but she isn't at home. How do you speak to her mother, who is at home at that time?2) Ask some pairs to act out their telephone calls.3) Ask the students to make phone calls to the teachers who are sitting around the dassroom.The teacher tells the students:"There will be a party on New Year's Day. We will invite some teachers to come to our party.Write the names and the telephone numbers of some teachers and maketelephone calls to them".Step 4. SummaryTell the students the way of making a phone call in their daily life.Step 5. HomeworkAsk the students to make phone calls to their friends and tell them their school life after class.Step 6: EndingSing the song "Happy Weekend". 专家点评鲍当洪老师执教的 A Telephone Call是一节真实、自然、生动、有趣的小学英语课。该课教学目的明确,教学过程有序,教学活动设计合理,教学各环节过渡自然,学生思维活跃。这节课在组织和设计上主要有以下特点:1.注重学生的主体地位,实现了教师角色的转变。执教教师从学生的兴趣出发,通过创设情景,示范教学内容,启发学生的思维,组织学生实践,培养学生的语言交际能力。教师在整个教学活动中成功地扮演了多个角色。首先,他是一个示范者,他为学生展示语言结构、意义和语言运用的情景;同时他又是一个启发者,启发学生思考,引导学生想象;其次,他还是一个情景的设计者和学习的指导者,他通过多媒体课件展现生动、逼真的交际情景,帮助和引导学生在语境中理解语言的结构和意义;此外,他更是一名课堂活动的组织者、学生学习的激励者和促进者,他通过玩具小电话、身体语言设计情景,组织学生开展游戏和两人小组活动,给学生提供模仿、体验、实践和创造性运用语言的机会,并在活动中适时地鼓励和表扬学生,保护学生的自信心和学习的积极性,使学生学有所获。2.注重把语言结构和语言功能有机结合,实现了从知识到能力的转变。本课教学内容涉及关于打电话的表达方式,执教教师能够注意处理好结构与功能的关系,将语言结构的学习融于模拟的交际情景之中。教师在教学的设计上采用分解难点、分步呈现、逐步扩展、层层深入的方式,注重示范质量,保证学生对语言意义的正确理解,通过各种模仿和操练活动,使学生掌握新的语言形式。例如,教师运用多媒体创设了不同的生活情景,让学生两人一组选择其中的一种,并运用所学语言进行模拟交际,促进了知识向能力的转化。3.注重教学内容与学生的生活经验相结合,实现了学以致用的教学目标。鲍老师通过创设情景,将学习内容与学生的实际生活相结合,使学生身临其境,从而达到了学以致用的目的。例如,他在给某个学生打电话之前,先用英语了解学生家的电话号码,然后拨号给该学生打电话,让学生感到真实和亲切。同时,他设置的三个情景:约同学踢足球,约同学看望老师,约同学参加生日晚会,也都反映了学生的实际生活。追求语音、语调自然,教态亲切、大方,风格友善和幽默也是鲍老师教学成功的重要因素。当然,本节课还有改进的余地,例如,在学生两人小组活动中,教师对学生角色的描述不够明确,使得学生对话中的一些语言显得不够得体。此外,让学生向现场听课的老师询问电话号码时,应该适时教给学生使用得体的语言,以避免学生在特定的场合出现使用不得体的问话方式。
