牛津5A教案 Unit 9 Shapes

牛津5A教案 Unit 9 Shapes


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Unit 9 ShapesUnit 9 Shapes 第一课时 教学目标:1. 能听说读写单词 a circle, a square,. sun , moon .2. 能听懂会说单词: a diamond, a rectangle, a triangle, an oval.3. 能运用以上词汇,并能听懂会说,会读,会写句子:What shape is the …?It's a/an …教学重难点:1.能四会掌握单词a circle, a square, sun , moon .2.能听懂会说,会读,会写句子: What shape is the …?It's a/an …教学准备:录音机,单词图片,句型卡片,实物。教学过程:A:Preparation出示图复习句型:I have …What does he/she have? He/She                                 has …We have … What do they have …? They have …B:Presentation1. 复习单词,在复习过程导入新内容。What shape is the …?Learn to say : shape 然后出示所有的图形: These are six shapes.逐个出示实物,再谈论到他们的形状。学习所有的三会和四会单词,并拼读四会单词。What shape is the sun?(出示太阳的图片)It's a circle.学习单词 sun 学生拼读What shape is the moon?(出示月亮的图片)It's a circle.学习单词 moon 学生拼读2. 看图P71,同桌两人练习句型:What shape is the …?It's a/an ….然后两两练习 open say.3. 画一幅图,但是只能用刚刚教过的图形学生上台介绍自己的作品,用句型This is a…. There are…….C.Learn a song《shapes》D: Exercise1.Read the words. a circle, a square,. sun , moon .2.Copy the four skilled words and sentences. What shape is the …?It's a/an …. 教后感:形状是非常有趣的教学内容,教学时我采用各种各样的实物引出形状。学生学习兴趣很高。教学时我还采用写写画画的形式巩固学习内容。                                 第二课时 教学目标:1.能听说读写单词 a star, a heart. Art , teach , fly , 2. 熟练运用What shape is the …?It's a/an …3. 听懂会说,会读,会写句子:Show us how to …教学重难点:1. 四会掌握单词a star, a heart. Art , teach , fly , 2.能听懂会说,会读,会写句子: Show us how to …教学过程:Step 1. Warm up:sing the song. 《shapes》Step 2. Review and presentation:1. T: ( guess the shapes on the screen出示图形的一个角,对猜对的学生用五角星或鸡星奖励,为教新单词作铺垫) What shape is it?It's a circle /……..?The same to review : square, diamond, rectangle, triangle, oval , 并在复习中新授单词a star aheart 学生拼读2.T: Now it's time to begin our new lesson.Today we'll have an Art lesson..Learn : Art.T: I'll teach you about shapes.Learn: teach3.T: There are the shapes: (show all the shapes)Let's read them together. One by one fly over the screen. And Ss read together.4.T: Do you know how to draw them.Ask someone to draw on the paper.5.T: Now look at the blackboard.What is the boy doing?He's flying a kite.T: Right . Now let's say a rhyme:Fly, fly my kite. Fly , fly very high. Up up to the sky. T:What shape is the kite?S: It's a square.T: That's right. The boy has a bag. What shape is it?Is it a square,too, …?S: No. It's a rectangle.6. T: One more picture. How many circles can you see?S: I can see five circles.T: Yes. It's a kite, too! Can you draw a circle, …?S: Yes. I can.T: Come to the blackboard and show us how to do it.Ask one more student. Learn : Show us how to …7.T: Now, look.!( 在圆圈上画几笔) Is this a sun? What shape is the sun?What shape is the moon?Say a rhyme:Sun sun sun is a circle.Moon moon moon is a circle.Sun and moonAre all circle.Step3:Practise:Step4: Consolidation:1. What shape is this? (图形:窗户)It's a ____rectangle________.2.What shapes can you see in the picture?I can see  _triangle____ __rectangle____ ___square___.How many squares are there in the picture?There are __three____.3. Is this a picture of a man?__Yes___ , it is.What shape is the head in the picture?It is __a circle____. 教后感:我采用多媒体辅助教学来复习图形,象学生呈现形状各异的事物。并以上一堂美术课的形式呈现新知,把学生引入实际情景中来学习英语,收到了良好的学习效果。                                 第三课时教学目标:1.进一步掌握句型 What shape is the …?It's a/an …Show us how to …2. 熟读对话,并初步改编或扩充本单元所学的对话。3. 了解元音字母0在单词中的读音教学过程:Step1:Warm up:Listen a song : Twinkle, twinkle, little starSay a rhyme: Twinkle, twinkle , little star.Step2:Review:1.师生示范:T: These are shapes. Do you know how to draw them.Can you draw a circle, …?S: Yes, I can.T: Show us how to draw it.2. look at P72 and try to say in English.3.几组学生表演会话。利用图片和情景反复练习句型:What shape is the …? It's a/an …Show us how to …Step3:New:了解元音字母0在单词中的读音。让学生自己总结,并能熟练朗读。让学生在举些例子Step 4:Draw and say:1. 讲解活动的方法。老师示范画图然后问答。2.全班分小组来做这个活动。 第四课时教学目标:1.进一步掌握句型 What shape is the …?It's a/an …Show us how to …学习E部分的对话。2. 完成本单元的练习教学过程:Step1:Warm up:     singa song : shapesSay a rhyme: Twinkle, twinkle , little star.Step2:Review:1.听录音理解对话的意思。回答问题:How do we make a New Year card?2.听录音跟读对话, 再组织他们进行对话表演。Step3:Assignment:1. 完成练习册上的练习。2.默写本单元的四会单词和句型。 教后感:本课的教学内容相对前几课内容较为简单。但八种形状须反复练习才能为学生牢固掌握。教学过程中我利用实物和图形反复练习学生掌握所学内容。巩固这几个图形时我采用画画等活动,活跃了课堂气氛,有效的巩固了所学内容,受到了良好的小学反馈。学生学习英语的兴趣也有了很大的提高。
