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第十单元考试 Homework 1.  Recite the phrases. 2.  Review the exercises .   Unit 10  Revision(复习6) Aims. 1.  复习句型变换 2.  Do some exercises. Difficulties and emphasis. 肯定句变否定句;肯定句变一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答;划线提问 Teaching preparation    补充练习 Teaching procedure Step 1. Reading. Read the phrases.. Step 2.练习 肯定句变否定句: 1.        Wang Bing is stopping David. 2.        There are some boys in the room. 3.        Tom can speak Chinese. 4.        We have four lessons. 5.        Stand in a line. 6.        David has got a goal. 7.        It means “No cycling”. 8.        I watch TV every day. 9.        We planted trees yesterday. 肯定句变一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答。 10.    Wang Bing is stopping David. 11.    There are some boys in the room. 12.    Tom can speak Chinese. 13.    We have four lessons. 14.    Stand in a line. 15.    David has got a goal. 16.    It means “No cycling”. 17.    I watch TV every day. 18.    We planted trees yesterday. 提问: 19.    Wang Bing is planting trees on the farm.      20.    Wang Bing is planting trees on the farm. 21.    Wang Bing is planting trees on the farm. 22.    Wang Bing is planting trees on the farm. 23.    There are twelve boys in the room. 24.    There are twelve boys in the room. 25.    Miss Green teaches English in China. 26.    Miss Green teaches English in China. 27.    Miss Green teaches English in Chin, a. 28.    Miss Green teaches English in China. 29.    It means “No cycling”. 30.    I watch cartoons at home every day. 31.    I watch cartoons at home every day. 32.    I watch cartoons at home every day. 33.    I watch cartoons at home every day. 34.    These are my books. 35.    These books are mine. 句型转换,句意不变。 1.  What is the date today? 2.  What’s the time? 3.  Ben is  Ron’s brother. 4.  I want to have a CD Walkman as my birthday present. 改写句子。 1.  I’m milking the cow now.(用yesterday改写) 2.  That is a knife. (改复数句) 3.  These are apples.(改单数句) 4.  I watch TV every day.(用now改写)     Step 6. Homework 1.   Recite the phrases. 2.   Review the exercises
