Unit 1   Public signs 第二课时

Unit 1   Public signs 第二课时


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Unit 1   Public signs第二课时教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:must, make,mean2.能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组:a cousin, always, a question, a cage, make noise.3.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:What does it/this/that meam? It means you /we should/must/shouldn’t …教学重点:1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:must, make,mean3. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:What does it/this/that meam? It means you /we should/must/shouldn’t …教学过程:一.Review: What does it mean?It means you should/shouldn’t …出示图片让学生进行问答。二.Presentation and practice:1. 出示‘Danger’标志及课文挂图。T: There’s a sign on the wall. What does it mean?S: It means “Danger”.T: It means you must stay away from the building.学习must, stay away.讲解: must 为情态动词,意为必须,后跟动词原形。在此复习 should, can 同为情态动词,后跟动词原形。Stat away意为远离。2. 出示课文第二张挂图。T: What’s on the grass?S: There’s a sign on the grass.T: What does it mean?S: It means we should keep off the grass.T: Yes. It means we shouldn’t walk on the grass.Read: walk on the grass.T: Look , what’s this? It’s a bird’s cage.Learn: cage.T: Look at this sign. What does it mean?S: It means ‘Keep quiet”!T: Yes. It means we shouldn’t make noise here.Learn: make noise.3. 介绍图上人物。T: Who’s he?S: He’s Ben.T: Who’s he?S: He’s Ben’s cousin.Learn: cousin.并解释意思。T: Where are they?S: They’re in the park.T: Ben’s cousin has a lot of questions.You know “a lot of questions”?出示:a lot of questions  学读并了解意思。T: Now he is asking Ben some questions about the signs.Learn: ask .. about …4. 听课文录音回答问题。What day is it today?Who’s Jack?How old is Jack?What is Jack doing now?What do the signs mean?What does “Danger” mean?What does “Keep off the grass” mean?What does “Keep quiet.” mean?5. 跟录音读对话。   学生分角色朗读。6.完成课文中的填空题。7.划出四会单词:danger, mean, must, should, shouldn’t, make.拼读这些单词。划出词组: public signs, a lot of questions, different things, on the wall, stay away, walk on the grass, make noise.再次朗读,了解意思。三. Assignment:1. 抄写四会单词,并默写。2.抄写词组。教后感:在教授公共标志的同时给学生以文明礼貌的教育。
