Topic 3 Section B(仁爱)

Topic 3 Section B(仁爱)


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The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands教学目标 1. (1)Learn some new words about school things: pencil, ruler, eraser, pen, desk, book, blackboard (2)Learn other useful words and expressions: English, in English, it, an, orange, spell, a, car, apple, double 2. Learn the demonstratives “this/that” and articles “a/an”. (1)Is this a ruler? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. (2)Is that an orange? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.  Ⅱ. Teaching aids教具 实物图片 / 录音机 / 数字卡片 / 小黑板  Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案 Step 1  Review  第一步  复习  (时间:7分钟) 1. (1)(复习数字0~10。) T: Let’s review the numbers from zero to ten. What’s your telephone number, S1? S1:It’s …(根据实际回答。) T: Repeat it together, please, boys and girls. Ss:… T: What’s your telephone number, please, S2? S2: It’s 13955042985. (2)(复习数字11~20。) T: Let’s review the numbers from eleven to twenty. (玩一个数字游戏,拿出数字卡片,方法见Section A。) 2. (复习上节课的对话,找两个学生表演。) T: Let’s review the conversations in Section A. S3& S4, talk about the age and phone number, please. S3: What’s your name? S4: My name is Li Jie. S3: How old are you? S4:I’m five. S3: What’s your phone number? S4:(010)6800-3553. T: Very good, thank you. Sit down, please. S5, S6, something about “class” please. S5: Hi, Michael! What class are you in? S6:I’m in Class Four, Grade Seven. Are you in Class Four, too? S5: Yes, I am. / No, I’m not; I’m in Class Seven. T: Good, thank you. Sit down, please. S7, S8, something about “grade,” please. S7: Hello, Jane! What grade are you in? S8:I’m in Grade Seven. Are you in Grade Seven, too? S7: Yes, I am. T: Great, thank you. Sit down, please. S9, S10, something about “Nancy”, please. S9: Hi, S10! Who’s that? S10: That’s Nancy. S9: How old is she? S10: She’s fourteen. S9: What class is she in? S10: She’s in Class Eleven, Grade Eight. T: Well done! Thank you. Sit down, please. Step 2  Presentation  第二步  呈现  (时间:8分钟) 1. (老师拿出字母卡片,把组成“orange”的六个字母O-R-A-N-G-E粘在黑板上,旁边写上小写字母“orange”,再手拿桔子的实物图片提问。) T: Look at this picture. Let’s ask and answer. OK? Ss: OK. T: What’s this in English? (启发学生回答:It’s a/an …。) Ss: It’s an orange. T: How clever! It’s an orange. (板书这两句话。) What’s this in English? It’s an orange. T: Let’s go on.(继续问答。) How do you spell it? (反复教读这句话,帮助学生理解这句话的含义,启发他们回答,和学生一起看黑板上的字母拼读出这个单词。) Ss: O-R-A-N-G-E, orange. (板书这两句话。) How do you spell it? O-R-A-N-G-E, orange. (播放录音,让学生跟读并理解它的用法。) (教师把实物卡片拿得远离自己,和学生对话。然后教另一半对话,使用that,继续完成1a Look, listen and say。) T: Now let’s make another conversation. Listen to me carefully. What’s that in English? (教师指着远处的小汽车图片问所有的学生。) Ss: It’s a car. (启发学生还是用It’s a/an … 来回答。) T: How do you spell it? Ss: C-A-R, car. T: Thank you. Ss: You’re welcome. (指导学生使用You’re welcome。) (教师指导学生听过录音后,板书下列内容。) Thank you. You’re welcome. 2. (教师走到一个学生的课桌前指着课桌和学生对话,教授Is this/that a/an? …句型, 完成2a Look, listen and say。) T: Boys and girls, answer my questions, please, OK? Ss: OK. T: Is this a desk? (指着课桌。) (板书这个句子。) Is this/that a desk? (启发学生回答Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.) Ss: Yes, it is. T: Is this a ruler? (还指着课桌问。) Ss:No, it isn’t. T: Is that a pencil-box? (教师指着较远处的一个铅笔盒问。) Ss: Yes, it is. (向学生说明this和that的用法,板书下列内容。) this→近指            that→远指 3. (解释a/an的用法。) T: How to use “a” and “an”,do you know? Look at the blackboard, and listen carefully. (板书下列内容。) a用于辅音音素开头的单数可数名词前 an用于元音音素开头的单数可数名词前 T: Look at these phrases, pay attention to “a” and “an”. a car/bus/pen/ruler/desk an orange/apple (过渡到下一步。) Step 3  Consolidation  第三步  巩固  (时间:10分钟) 1. (播放1a录音,再次熟悉1a,模仿1a进行巩固练习。) (1)(拿出一个苹果的图片,图画的下面是打乱了顺序的几句话,找学生上黑板给这些句子重新排序。) T: Boys and girls, put these sentences in the right order. S1, S2, you two, please. (两名学生把各自的答案写在黑板上待检查。) A: That’s OK. B: It’s an apple. C: A-P-P-L-E, apple. D: Thank you. E: How do you spell it? F: Excuse me, what’s this in English? (2)(拿出一幅电话的图片挂在较远处,让学生用that进行表演。) T:S3, S4, make a conversation using “that” and perform it, please. S3: Excuse me, S4. What’s that in English? S4:It’s a phone. S3: How do you spell it? S4: P-H-O-N-E, phone. S3: Thank you. S4: You’re welcome. 2. (让一名学生上讲台扮演教师,手拿一些学习用品放在背后,右手每次只拿一样让学生猜,学生猜对时,要展示给学生看。) T:S5, come to the blackboard, please. You ask, and the other students answer. (S右手里拿好的东西不能再更换,猜中后才可更换,还需要找一名学生公证。) S5: Is this a ruler? (走近时用this。) Ss: Yes, it is.(展示给同学们看。) S5: Is that an eraser? (走远时用that。) Ss: No, it isn’t. S5: Is this a book? Ss: No, it isn’t. S5: Is this a pen? Ss: Yes, it is. Step 4  Practice  第四步  练习   (时间:15分钟) T: Boys and girls. Listen to the tape and repeat, please. Now, take out some school things and make up dialogs. (让学生拿出一些学习用品,如:ruler, pen, pencil等,自编对话,上讲台表演对话,注意用上本课的目标语言和生词。) T: Group 1, come here, and act out your dialog, please. 1. (让学生两人一组操练上面的对话,范例如下。) T: Let’s make a conversation using “this” and “that”. S1, S2, you two, please. S1: Is this a telephone? (拿着一幅电话的图片。) S2: Yes, it is. S1: Is this a bag? (还指着电话问。) S2: No, it isn’t. (指导学生再用that做个表演。) S1: Excuse me, what’s that in English? S2:It’s a ruler. S1: How do you spell it? S2: R-U-L-E-R, ruler. S1: Thank you. S2: That’s OK. T: Good. Go back to your seats and sit down. Group 2, please. S3: Excuse me, what’s that in English? S4:It’s a desk. S3: How do you spell it? S4: D-E-S-K, desk. S3: Thank you. S4: You’re welcome. 2. (播放2a的录音,让学生跟读,然后两人一组,自编对话,复习巩固this/that和a/an。) T: Listen to the tape and repeat, then make a conversation and perform it. S5:Is this a ruler?(拿一把尺子问S2。) S6: Yes, it is. S5:Is that a ruler? (拿一块橡皮放在较远处后用手指着问。) S6: No, it isn’t. It’s an eraser. (拿出一幅苹果的实物图片,让学生练习关于“that”的对话。把图粘在较远的黑板拐角处。) T: Boys and girls, look at this photo. Make a dialog about it and act it out, please. S5, S6, you two, please. S5: Excuse me. What’s that in English? (指着画中的苹果问。) S6:It’s an apple. S5: How do you spell it? S6: A-double P-L-E, apple. S5: Thank you. S6: That’s OK. 3. (拿出准备好的小黑板,让学生口头朗读填空。) T: Look at the small blackboard; complete the conversation and practice with your partner. (小黑板的板书设计如下:) A: Excuse me, what’s this/that  English? B:       pencil. A:                                          ? B:                     ,            . A: Thank you.   B: That’s          . / You                 . 4. (练习a/an。擦去板书中的a/an,让学生再填一遍,加深对a/an的印象。) T: Boys and girls. Look at the blackboard, please. I’ll clean up “a” and “an”, then complete the sentences by yourselves. Step 5  Project  第五步  综合探究活动  (时间:5分钟) 1.(拿三件学习用品:a pen, a ruler, a book, 玩一个猜谜游戏。) (教师先问。) T: What’s this in English? Ss: It’s a pen/ruler/book. (学生熟悉了物品后,叫两位同学上讲台,一位同学蒙上眼睛,然后猜另一位同学展示的物品,猜对时,同学们给予掌声鼓励。此游戏可更换物品,让学生轮流做。) S1: Is this a book? S2: No, it isn’t. S1: Is this a pencil? S2: No, it isn’t. S1: Is this a pen? S2: Yes, it is. Congratulations! (如果一次猜中,也算获胜,掌声鼓励。) 2. Homework: (1)总结:在学过的名词中,哪些前面加a,哪些前面加an。 (2)参考1a,自编两则对话,写在作业本上。
