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第七册英语 M4-M6 复习 2016.12 M4 Module 4 Unit 1 Chinese people invented paper. 1. Chinese people invented paper. 中国人发明了纸。 2. I printed our class newspaper yesterday . 我印刷了我们的班报。 He invented this bicycle. 他发明了这辆自行车。 print 印刷(原型) print ed 印刷(过去式) print ing 印刷术 invent ed paper Chinese Fill in the blanks: Cai Lun was Chinese. He was very clever. He invent ed paper. Bi Sheng Bi Sheng was Chinese. He invent ed an important thing. He invented printing. He was very clever too. Chinese people invented.... paper printing gunpowder compass Where was Lingling ? She was beside the two girls. Where was Lingling ? She was between the two girls. Where was Lingling ? She was in front of the two girls. 在前面 He invent this bicycle in 1839. ed Zhu Bajie was beside Sun Wukong. beside 在 ... 旁边, between 在 ... 中间, in front of 在 ... 前面 beside 在 ... 旁边, between 在 ... 中间, in front of 在 ... 前面 空间位置 Always wash your hands before 前 you eat and after 后 you go to the toilet. 时间前后 三、用所给的单词填空。 invent invented He _______ this bicycle in 1839. American people didn’t ______ paper. in on He was a teacher ______ 1997. The man ____ the bicycle is English. help helped I ______ my mum yesterday. I didn’t ________ him last Monday. invented invent in on helped help 五、 Correct the wrong words. ( 改错。 ) English people invented paper . ( ) A B 2. Chinese people invent printing . ( ) A B 3. Chinese people didn’t invented the telephone .( ) A B 4. English people invented these cars. ( ) A B Chinese invented invent American Module 5 Unit 1 We went to the Great Wall. We went to the Great Wall. 我们去了长城。 2. We saw lots of mountains. 我们看到了很多山。 3. We ate candie s. 我们吃了糖果。 4. We had a good time. 我们过得很愉快。 5.I wore warm clothes. 我穿了温暖的衣服。 Did you take Amy's doll? 拿走 M6 It took us fifty minutes to climb to the top. take-took 花费 M5 I took a picture of you. 拍摄 M8 I wore warm clothes. Unit 2 I wore warm clothes. Module 5 说出过去式 saw went wore was fell see go wear is/ am fall What did you do yesterday? I went to ... I saw... I ate... I had a good time. Let's review! Dear Mr Fu Dear Amy, 1. This old woman didn’t have food. 这个老妇人没有食物。 2. It didn’t become gold. 它没有变成金子。 3. It became a snake. 它变成了一条蛇。 4. He didn’t come back. 他没有回来。 Ann wanted a picture of herself (她自己) .Jack said to her,”I can paint you.”He took a paintbrush and began to paint.But he didn’t look at Anne.He only looked at his painting.After an hour,he finished.Ann saw it and became angry.She said,”It is not me .You only painted a flower!”But Jack said to her,”You are beautiful like a flower.” ( )1.Ann drew a picture of herself. ( )2.Jack painted a picture for Ann. ( )3.After two hours,Jack finished the picture. ( )4.Ann saw the picture and became happy. ( )5.Jack only painted a flower √ × × × × Thanks a lot!

资料: 7.8万


