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高考新题型之 概要写作 Summary《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语 科考试说明》 概要写作: 提供一篇350词以内的短文,要求考生基于该短文 写出一篇60词左右的内容概要。(满分25分)what the summary writing is the criteria(标准) of a good summary how to write a good summary 1 2 3 5 After this class, I hope you will know:A summary is a short statement(陈述) that gives only the main points of something, not the details(细节). It is a brief(简短的), complete(完整的) and objective(客观的) restatement(重述) of the main idea and key points of a long composition(文章). 01 What is a summary? Mr Li is a graceful teacher who is always ready to help students in need. He helps students who need improve their English. He looks after students who don’t feel well. Mr li, a teacher, is willing to give a hand to students who need help. 提炼 要点 整合 concordance 删除细节 omit details 删除具体例子 omit specific examples 避免重复 avoid repetition 同义转换: 近义词、同义词等替换 语言 句子重构: 调整词类/语态(active voice; passive voice)                 逻辑:衔接(照应、替代、省略、连接和词汇衔接 ) 02 Skills of Summary Writing•a 60-word summary •use your own words •in the third person(第三人称) •with a brief sentence •connection between sentences(句子衔接) 03 Requests of Summary WritingStyle : Topic : Structure : A Narration B Argumentation  C Exposition Have you ever wondered where they come from and what they mean? 1 1 A. 2.3.4 B. 2.3 4 Step 1 Read for the style, topic and structure expositionFind : the first/ last sentence join them together Step 2. Find the key information of each paragraph• There’s a question  that has millions of correct answers in the world.  That question is “What’s your name?” Everyone gives a different answer, and every one is correct. However, have you ever wondered where the names come from and  what they mean? •     Some people give their children names that means good things. Clara means  “bright” ; Beatrice means “one who gives happiness”; Donald means “world ruler” ; Leonard means “as brave as a lion”. •     The earliest first names ,or surnames, were taken from place names. A family  with the name Brook or Brooks probably lived near a brook(小溪). Someone who  was called Longstreet probably lived on a long, paved road.  •      •      Sometimes people are known for the color of their hair or skin, or size, or their  special abilities. When there were two men who were named John in the same  village, the John with the gray hair probably became John Gray. Or the John who  was tall could call himself John Tallman. John Fish was probably an excellent  swimmer and John Longfoot was probably a fast runner or a good dancer. Step 2. Find the key information of each paragraph                                    examples                                  examples                                       examples… is correct. However, have you ever wondered  where the names come from and what they mean? Step 3: Paraphrase(改写) origins meanings come into being where the names come from and what they mean  However though as As to people’s names, people may be curious about the various origins and meanings. Faced with a variety of names, people may be curious about how they come into being. Step 3: Paraphrase Various as people’s names are, they have developed gradually in some common ways.  整合、提炼 Paraphrase supporting points 1, 2 &3 on your own and then share them with your desk mate.    The earliest first names ,or surnames,  were taken from place names.  Step 3: Paraphrase     Some people give their children names  that means good things.      Sometimes people are known for the  color of their hair or skin, or size, or their  special abilities.     Some people give their children names  that means good things.  Step 3: Paraphrase Some people’s first names may carry family members’ wishes and blessings(祝福). The earliest first names ,or surnames,  were taken from place names.  Step 3: Paraphrase Place names are where people got their inspirations(灵感). Sometimes people are known for the color  of their hair or skin, or size, or their special  abilities.  Step 3: Paraphrase Other origins include people’s hair or skin, their sizes as well as their special abilities. 1.As to people’s names, people may be curious about the various origins and meanings.…. 2. wishes and blessings(祝福) 3.Place names are where …. 4. Other origins include…. Step 4: make an outlinemake an outline and better it 表转折:but, however, though, although 表递进:in addition to, not only...but also, besides, what’s more 表对比:meanwhile, on the other hand Various as people’s names are, they have evolved in some common ways. Some first names originate from family members’ sincere hopes and blessings. Place names are where people got inspiration for some early surnames. Meanwhile, other early surnames are related to people’s hair or skin, their sizes as well as their special abilities. Step 5: neatly copy (誊写) • avoid adding your own comments. • avoid any mistakes in spelling, grammar and punctuation. How to write a summary(Exposition) 1.Read 2.Find the key information 3.Paraphrase(改写) 4. Make an outline(提纲) 5. neatly copy(誊写) -Topic , structure

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