Unit1 How tall are youppt(PEP人教版六年级英语下册)

Unit1 How tall are youppt(PEP人教版六年级英语下册)


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Unit1 How Tall Are You ? Part B Let's talkLet’s chant and guess Mike￿is￿taller￿than￿John. John￿is￿taller￿than￿Wu￿Yifan. Wu￿Yifan￿is￿taller￿than￿Oliver. Who￿is￿the￿tallest? Amy￿is￿thinner￿than￿Sarah. Sarah￿is￿thinner￿than￿￿Chenjie Chenjie￿is￿thinner￿than￿Miss￿White. Who￿is￿the￿heaviest? Mike is the tallest Miss White is the heaviest标题 bigger longeryounger stronger heavier older smallershorter thinner funnier taller标题 更滑稽的 更矮的 更年轻的 更高的 更重的 年龄更大的 更大的 更瘦的 更强壮的更长的 更小的写出下列词语的反义词 taller- older- thinner- thinner- heavier- bigger- longer- shorter younger stronger fatter(更胖的) lighter(更轻的) smaller shorterHow old are you? I’m ___ years old. How tall are you? I’m ____ m tall. How heavy are you? I’m ___ kg. How long are your legs? My legs are ___ m long. What size are your shoes? I wear size ___. Bob 10 39 1.38 1 Let’s talk 31How old are you? I’m ___ years old. How tall are you? I’m ____ cm tall. How heavy are you? I’m ___ kg. How long are your legs? My legs are ___ cm long. What size are your shoes? I wear size ______. May 12 43 156 1.1 35 Let’s talkA:How old are you? A:How tall are you? A:How heavy are you? B: I’m ____ years old. B:I’m _____m tall. B:I’m __kg. A:What size are your shoes? B:I wear size______. (My shoes are size____)标题 Mike and Wu Yifan are talkiing about the weekend.1.What size are Wu Yifan’s shoes? 2.How heavy is Wu Yifan? He wears size 37 shoes (His shoes are size 37) He is 46 kgMy hair is longer than yours. My eyes are bigger than yours. Your head is smaller than mine. Your hands are bigger than mine. =your hair =your eyes =my head =my hands标题 巧用巧用HowHow问体貌问体貌 意义 用途 例句 How tall 多高 用来询问 身高 How tall are you? How old 多老 用来询问 年龄 How old are you? How heavy 多重 用来询问 重量 How heavy are you? How long 多长 用来询问 身体部位 长度 How long your legs? How big 多大 用来询问 身体部位 大小 How big are your feet?(What size are your shoes?)Put the words in right order 1. than you shorter and thinner am I ____________________________ 2. you how are heavy ? ____________________________ 3. feet how are big your? ____________________________ I’m thinner than you and shouter. How heavy are you? How big are your feet?选择填空 1.---- How _______are you? ----I’m 48kg. A. heavy B. old C. long 2. His brother is 4 kg _______than me. A. shouter B. Heavier C. heavier 3.---- How ____are your feet ? ----I wear size 17. A. old B. long C. big A C C1.用句子簿抄写B Let’s talk的句 子1次,并写上中文意思 2 背诵 let’ talkGoodbye

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