人教pep版英语四上Unit 5(B let’s talk )ppt课件

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Unit 5 Dinner’s ready B Let’s talk Dinner Time Dinner's ready! Help yourself. What would you like ? I‘d like some ___. Pass me the____. Would you like some noodles ? Yes, please. No, thanks. 你想吃些面条吗? Would you like some… ? Yes, please./ No, thanks. Hey ! look at me , I can use chop sticks ! knife f or k chop sticks I can use the… Listen and answer: 1. Would Mike like a knife and a fork? 2. Would Mike like some soup? 3. What can Mike use? 随便吃吧。 你想要刀和叉吗? 我会用筷子。 你想喝些汤吗? juice fish b ee f s ou p noodles vege table s Today’s specials 2 yuan 5yuan 3 yuan 8 yuan 0 yuan 0 yuan A:Here are today’s specials . Would you like some…? B:Yes ,please./ No , thanks. 最受欢迎的服务员 向 3 位同学推荐 2 种食物(其中有 2 种食物是免费的),谁推荐的免费食物数量最多,谁将是最受欢迎的服务员。 Food Name juice soup fish beef vegetables noodles Amy √ √ A:Here are today’s specials.Would you like some…? B:Yes ,please./ No , thanks. 同学们,我们应该少吃快餐,比如汉堡和可乐,应该多吃蔬菜和水果,良好的饮食习惯有利于你的健康。 chicken bread hot dog s French fries cake hamburger s Western-style food 西餐 Summary In this lesson,we learned the sentences: Would you like some beef? Yes,please./No,thanks. See you !

资料: 7.8万


