Unit11 Sad movies mad me cry Section B The Winning Team, Reading and writing

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Section B 2b &3a Reading and Writing Unit 11 Sad movies made me cry. Read the story and fill in the chart . 2b The mistake Peter made on the soccer field The feelings Peter had about his mistake Peter’s worry about his coach The person offered Peter some advice The way Peter reached an agreement with his teammates Peter’s father Missing scoring a gao l Angry Kicking him off the team Through communicatio n ( with his teammates ) Step 1 Fast-reading Read the story again and rewrite it in less than 80 words. Step 2 Summary Writ ing Peter’s experience What happened ? How did it make him feel? What advice did he get? How did Peter solve it? Work in group s of 4-6, finish the summary in 4 minutes. Peter missed scoring a goal and then his team lost the soccer game. It made him angry and worried . His father found him unhappy and tried to cheer him up . He encouraged Peter to communicate with his teammates and learn from his mistakes. The next day , Peter did as what his father said. To his surprise and relief , they didn’t blame him. They decided to pull together to win the next game. It made him feel happy and lucky . What happened ? How did it make him feel? What advice did he get? How did Peter solve it? 1. 你如何评价故事中的 Peter ?原因是什么 ? 2. 简要叙述你与朋友或家人之间的一件难过 的往事 , 以及此事的给你造成的影响 . 3. 从这件事你学到了什么?请提出至少两条 解决此类问题的建议。 根据要求完成短文写作: Step 3 Writ ing Part one: Outline writing Your opinion Peter is … because… Your experience I … with …when… Your advice First ,we should ….; Second, we had better… Step 3 Group Writ ing Part Two: Beginning. Step 3 Group Writ ing Peter is … Because In my opinion,… In my opinion, Peter is a brave boy and he has a strong sense of honor . Because he could say sorry for his fault and decided to pull together to win the next game. Part Three: Body. Your experience Description of your experience What happened? When and where ? Why did it happen? How did it make you feel? Why Work in groups of 4-6. And complete the body of your story together. Step 3 Group Writ ing Part Three: Ending. First, how to face the trouble Second, how to solve the trouble suggestions Work in groups and come up with your endings for the stories on the blackboard. Marking tandard 根据 2018 年中山市中考作文评卷标准,按内容和语言给分。 内容分与语言分的分配: 内容分: 7 分 1 你如何评价故事中的 Peter ?( 1 分)原因是什么( 1 分) 2. 简要叙述你与朋友或家人之间的一件愉快或者难过的往事( 2 分) , 以及此事的给你造成的影响( 1 分) . 3. 就此事提出学到的教训或提出至少两条解决此类问题的建议。( 2 分) 语言分: 8 分 第一档: 8 分 要求: 内容涵盖 所有的要点 ,表达 准确 ,意思 连贯 ,符合逻辑,只有个别不影响交际的语言错误。 第二档: 6-7 分 要求:内容涵盖 绝大部分 要点,表达准确,意思连贯,符合逻辑,但有 少量 语言错误。 第三档: 4-5 分 要求:内容涵盖 大部分要点 ,表达较为清楚、连贯,基本符合逻辑,但有 一些 语言错误。 第四档: 1-3 分 要求:内容涵盖部分要点,能写出 少量正确句子 ,但整体表达不太连贯,且语言 错误较多 。 第五档: 0 分 空白卷 或完全抄袭(一字不改抄袭)为 0 分。 确定语言分档次时要考虑内容的涵盖,每少一个要点,语言分降一个档次给分。 A possible sample: In my opinion, Peter is a brave boy, because he could say sorry for his. Once I had a serious quarrel with my best friend at school. He brought me my wallet which I left on the desk. But he was so late that I missed the bus. So I got mad with him. I didn’t remember exactly what I said, but it made him really sad. A few days later, I said sorry to him and he forgave me. To solve these problems, I have two pieces of advice. First, admit your own fault in time. It takes two to tango. Never try to find others’ fault. Second, put yourself in other’s shoes. If it hurts you, it hurts the others too. Don’t be so mean to your friends. Only in this way can we deal with the problems well. Homework Finish your own story and Please read your partner’s story and grade it as if you ' re a teacher. 内容分 语言分 总分

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