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词 类 代 词 知识梳理 一、代词的分类   代词是用来代替名词的一种词类,大多数代词具有名词或形容词的功能。英语中 的代词通常分为人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、不定代词、疑问代词、 相互代词、关系代词、连接代词九类。对于前六类代词,小学生应较好地掌握。   二、人称代词   1. 人称代词的构成 2. 人称代词的用法  (1)人称代词的主格:在句子中作主语,也就是该句所描述的状态的呈现者或动 作的执行者。在陈述句中,它位于句子的最前面。   如:I am in the classroom. She plays the violin very well. They worked in the factory last year.  (2)人称代词it:在英语中,it有许多不同的用法,其中一种用法是用作代词, 指代前面已经提到过的人、事或物。 如: —Where’s your car?  —It’s in the garage(车库). —Who is that? —It’s me. —What’s the weather like in winter in Beijing? —It’s snowy and cold. (3)人称代词的宾格:在句子中作宾语,位于动词或介词之后,是动作的承受者。   如:Mr Li teaches us English. The fish in the fridge is for me.   (4)人称代词并列出现的排列顺序:当几个人称代词并列出现的时候,其排列 顺序与中文的不同。   ①单数人称代词并列作主语或宾语时,其顺序为:第二人称、第三人称、第一 人称。   如:You and I can come into the hall now. My brother and I are going to the cinema this evening. You and Amy were there at that time. You, Mike and I rowed a boat on the lake last summer. The cake is for you and me. ②复数人称代词并列作主语或宾语时,其顺序为:第一人称、第二人称、第 三人称。   如:We and you are going to plant trees in the nature park. You and they climbed the highest mountain two years ago. 三、物主代词   1. 物主代词的构成 2. 物主代词的用法   (1)形容词性物主代词放在名词之前,用来修饰名词,这一点与形容词有相似之 处,都不能单独使用。   如:This is my room. His cousin is in America now.   (2)名词性物主代词可以像名词一样单独使用,其作用相当于“形容词性物主代 词+名词”。   如:This room is mine.(mine=my room) His hobby is playing computer games. It’s the same as hers. (hers=her hobby) 四、反身代词   1. 反身代词的构成 【注】反身代词的构成说明: 第一、二人称的单数形式在形容词性物主代词之后加 self, 复数形式在形容词性物主代词后加selves;第三人称在宾格代词后加self(单数形 式)或selves(复数形式)。 2. 反身代词的用法   (1)反身代词常用来加强语气。   如:The king went to see the girl himself. I can do it by myself.   (2)反身代词也可以用在动词之后。   如: David teaches himself Chinese. She will be herself again in no time. 五、指示代词   1. 指示代词的概念   指示代词表示“这个”“那个”“这些”“那些”等含义。指示代词有 this/that/these/those等。this和that用于指代名词单数形式;these 和those 用于指代 名词复数形式。 this 和these用于指代空间上较近的事物;that 和 those 用于指代空 间上较远的事物。   如:This is my book. That book over there is yours. These are dogs. Those in the tree are cats. 2. 指示代词的用法   (1)指示代词兼具形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的特点,既可以单独使 用,也可以在后面加名词。    如:This is his computer. =This computer is his. Those peaches are fresh. =Those are fresh peaches.   (2)指示代词在句子中可以都用the 代替。   如:I like this new picture. =I like the new picture. 六、不定代词   1. 不定代词的概念   不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词,叫作不定代词。不定代词可以分 为:   (1)普通不定代词:some(一些),any(任何), no(没有),every(每个) ,each(每个)等。   (2)数量不定代词:many(许多),much(许多), both (两者都), all (全都), little(很少), a little(一点儿),few(很少),a few(少数几个)等。 2. 不定代词的用法   (1) some, any 和 no 的用法辨析   some 和 any 都有 “一些”的意思, some 用于肯定句中,any 用于否定句中, no 用于肯定句中表达否定的意思。   如:There are some girls in the room. There aren’t any pandas in the mountain. There is no water in the bottle.   【注】在一些表示建议、请求的疑问句中,用some 而不用 any。   如:Would you like some coffee? Can I have some more rice? (2)every和each的用法辨析   ①every 和 each 都有“每个”的意思,谓语动词均用单数形式。every 强调整 体之中的每一个;each 强调个体概念。   如:Every student in the class gets a new book. Each kid likes playing computer games.   ②every表示“(三者以上中的)每一个”; each 可以表示“(两者中的)每一个”。   如:I read English every day. There are green trees on each side of the river.   (3)many和much的用法辨析   many和much都有“大量;许多”的意思。many只能修饰可数名词复数形式, much只能修饰不可数名词。   如:There are many people in the room. Much of the time was wasted. (4)both和all的用法辨析   both表示“(两者)都”;all表示“(三者或三者以上)都”。   如:My parents are both teachers. All the students in Class One like English very much.   (5)few,a few,little,a little 的用法辨析   ①a few 和a little是一对用作表示数量的不定代词的固定词组,其意义是肯定的。 a few修饰复数可数名词,a little修饰不可数名词。   如:I have a few friends here. There is still a little water in the bottle.   ②few和little具有否定的意义,意为“几乎没有”。few修饰复数可数名词,little 修饰不可数名词。   如:He has few friends and lives alone. There is little water in the bottle. Let’s go and get some. (6)other, the other, others the others, another 的用法辨析   ①other表示“另一个”,其后可接名词单数形式,也 可接名词复数形式。   如:Put the candy in your other hand. Do you have any other questions?   ②表示“两者中的一个”用one;表示“另一个”则用 the other。   如:I have two sisters. One is Sarah, the other one is Susan.   ③表示不限定范围内的“其他的”用 others。   如:Some go there by car. Others go on foot. Some say yes, and others say no.   ④“很多中的一个”用one;表示“剩下的所有”用 the others。   如:Jack is cleverer than the others in his class. 【注】the others = the other+名词复数形式。   如:Jack is cleverer than the other students in his class.   ⑤another指“另外一个”,强调在剩下的所有里面再拿一个,表示单数概念。   如:I don’t like this hat. Please show me another one. 七、疑问代词   疑问代词引导的疑问句为特殊疑问句,疑问代词一般放在疑问句的句首。疑问代 词有:who(谁,主格),whom(谁,宾格),whose(谁的),what(什么),which(哪个)等。   (疑问代词部分的讲解将在后面的疑问句章节中作详细讲解,故在此章节中省略) 考点精析 考点1 考查代词的词形转换 【例1】按要求写单词。   1. my(名词性物主代词)          2. their(宾格形式)         解析:此类题考查对各类代词词形的记忆和转换。 答案:1. mine 2. them 举一反三 1. 词形转换。 (1)she (名词性物主代词)     (2)she (复数形式)    (3)we (单数形式)    (4)this (对应词)    2. 英汉互译。 (1)他的书包   (2)我的一个朋友   (3)look at him    (4)its name   它的名字  hers they I that his bag one of my friend/a friend of mine 看着他 考点2 考查代词的运用 【例2】 根据中文提示填空。   Help        (我)with my English.   解析:此题考查对人称代词的主格与宾格的运用。Help 是动词,在动词之后要 用代词的宾格。   答案:me 【例3】单项填空。 (  )1. This is     crayon,     is over there. A. my; your   B. mine; yours  C. my; yours (  )2. There are 30 students in this class.     student has a computer. A. Each B. One C. Every (  )3. Most people think     are the winners. A. ours B. us C. we 解析:第1小题考查形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的运用。第一空后有名 词crayon, 应该用形容词性物主代词;第二空之后直接是be动词 is,应该用名词性物 主代词。第2小题考查学生对不定代词的掌握情况。 30 students 是大于2的,在这个 集体中的每一个,用的代词应该是every。第3小题还是考查学生对代词的运用。 在 分析此题的时候,学生容易受到think是动词的影响而选择us,事实上,在此题中 most people think 是一个主句,后面的句子是从句,因此选择主格代词作主语。   答案:1. C 2. C 3. C 举一反三 1. 单项填空。 ( )(1)Let's go and help    . A. she    B. her    C. hers ( )(2)This is Mr Green. We are     students. A. he's B. his C. he ( )(3)I don't have     questions. A. no B. some C. any ( )(4)—    bike is it? —It's his bike. A. What B. Which C. Whose B B C C 2.选择括号内适当的代词填空。 (1)He is     (I / my /me) father. (2)Pass     (me / I / my) a pen. (3)Can I use     (you / your / yours) eraser? (4)Please help     (them / their / they) clean the classroom. (5)Are     (this / these) your pens? (6)Be quiet. Please don’t wake     (he / him / his) up. (7)This pencil is     (me / my / mine). (8)That yellow shirt is    (she / her / hers). (9)Can you tell    (me / my / I) the way to the park? (10)Sarah does    (she / her / hers)homework every day. my me her me your them these him mine hers 考点3 考查代词的综合运用 【例4】 按要求改写句子。   Those are their watches. (改成单数形式)       解析:此题考查代词在语境中的综合运用。句子由单数形式改成复数形式的时 候,要求将句子中所有能够改为复数的成分都改成复数形式,反之亦然。   答案:That is her/his watch. 举一反三 1.在下面这段话中的横线上填写适当的代词,补全短文。      is a photo of my family.    father is the man on the right. The woman with glasses is____       mother.     is an English teacher. The girl in red skirt is my sister.     name is Linda. Who‘s the girl between my mother and Linda? It’s    , Lily. 2. 将下面的句子改为否定句和一般疑问句。 There is some water in the glass. (1)否定句:   (2)一般疑问句:  This My my She Her me There isn't any water in the glass. Is there any water in the glass? 过关检测 一、选择括号内的正确代词填空。 1.     (they / he) are my friends. 2.Look at the tall building.     (he / it) is a bank. 3.This gift is for     (you / your). 4.He is     (they / their) Chinese teacher. 5.     (he / his) is a policeman.     (she / his) brother is a farmer. 6.     (me / my) pen is red,but (she / hers) is blue. 7.I want to invite     (them / they) to my birthday party. They them My hers HisHe their you It 8.—Whose pencil is that ?—It’s (mine / my). 9.Can you help     (my / me)? 10.Would you like to go with     (us / our)? 二、按要求写单词。 1. I (宾格) _______ 2. they (宾格) _______ 3. we (名词性物主代词) _______ 4. she (形容词性物主代词) _______ 5. him (主格) _______ 6. you (主格) _______ 7. it (反身代词) _______ 8. us (反身代词) ___________ 9. that (复数形式) _______ 10. those (反义词) _______ mine me us me them ours her he you itself ourselves those these 三、根据句意用适当的代词填空。 1. This is my brother._____ are twins. 2.Miss Green is our teacher,we all like_____ very much. 3. Sarah has four pens, but she doesn’t use_______. 4.This is not her book. _______ is in my schoolbag. 5.—What time does ______ sister have breakfast? —My sister has breakfast at 7:00. 6.—Where are my shoes?I can’t find _______. 7.—_______ are you doing? —I’m doing _____ homework. 8.—________ T-shirt is that?—It’s mine. 9.I have a dog. _____ name is Gogo. 10.She is a friend of ______. We got to know each other two years ago. mine Its Whose my What them your Hers them her We 四、单项填空。 ( )1. She is a student, and name is Julia. A. his B. her C. hers ( )2. Could you help with English, please? A. I; my B. me; me C. me; my ( )3. A friend of came here yesterday. A. my B. his C. him ( )4. pencil box is beautiful. But is more beautiful than . A. Toms; my; he B. Tom’s; mine; his C. Tom’s; mine; him ( )5. Most of_____ like Chinese food. A. they B. their C. Them B C B B C ( )6. Don’t you let help you? A. I and my friend B. my friend and I C. my friend and me ( )7. I don’t want this shirt. Please show me . A. others B. the others C. another ( )8. I have two sisters. of them are doctors. A. Both B. All C. Either ( )9. There are tomatoes in the basket. A. a few B. a little C. little ( )10. — is Betty? — Tom’s sister. A. What B. Where C. Who C C C A A ( )11. ______ have been chosen. A. I, you and he B. He, you and I C. You, he and I ( )12. That’s not ______. It is ______. I made it ______. A. yours; mine; myself B. your; mine; mysel C. yours; her; myself ( )13. I can’t repair the model ship ______. Can you help ______? A. me; myself B. myself; myself C. myself; me ( )14. We study Chinese, English, maths and some ______ subjects. A. the other B. other C. another ( )15. Betty and John have come back, but ______ students in the class aren’t here yet. A. the other B. others C. the others B C C A A 五、按要求改写下列句子。 1. This is their classroom. (改为同义句) _____________________________________ 2. This is my book, and that is his book.(改为复数形式) _________________________________________________ 3. 我们的老师喜欢我们,我们也喜欢他。(汉译英) _________________________________________________ 4. 这是谁的书?(汉译英) _________________________________________________ 5. This red bottle is Mike’s.(就画线部分提问) _________________________________________________ This classroom is theirs. These are our books, and those are their books. Our teacher loves us, and we love him, too. Whose book is this? Whose is this red bottle?/Whose red bottle is this? 六、完形填空。 Look at the girl! She is ______ good friend. She is _______ English girl. _______ name is Susan. _____ twelve. My _______ is Julia. _______ a Chinese girl. I am eleven. Susan has a happy family. ______ father is a driver and her mother is a doctor. I have a happy family, too. There are three people in ______ family. They are my father, my mother and ______. I love my parents and ______ love me, too. ( )1. A. I B. my C. mine ( )2. A. a B. an C. the ( )3. A. She B. She’s C. Her ( )4. A. She B. She’s C. Her ( )5. A. name B. book C. friend 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B B B C A ( )6. A. I B. I’m C. She ( )7. A. She’s B. Hers C. Her ( )8. A. my B. mine C. me ( )9. A. we B. me C. I ( )10. A.them B. their C. they B B C C A Good bye

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