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情境对话 爱好 入门衔接知识 小学知识回顾 典型例题剖析与引路 小学知识回顾 一 谈论自己的喜好 1 I like--- 我喜欢------ 2 I love to--- 我喜欢------ 3 I like to--- 我喜欢做------ 4 I love to--- 我喜欢做------ 5 I enjoy doing sth--- 我喜欢做某事------ 二 询问爱好 1 Do you like---? 你喜欢------吗? 2 Do you like to---?你喜欢做------吗? 3 Would you like to---? 你喜欢------吗?请 4What do you like?你喜欢什么? 5What’s your favorite? 你最喜欢的是什么? 入门知识衔接 1. like与love 的比较用法 love比like表示喜欢的程度更深一些,语气更重一点,但like 比love更常见。 like与love都可接名词,代词、动名词和动词不定式。 例如:我们喜欢这只熊猫。 We like / love the panda. 我喜欢她。 I like / love her. 他喜欢写作。 He likes / loves writing. 我姐姐喜欢逛街购物。 My sister likes / loves to go shopping. 2 表示询问爱好的语句: Do you like to---? Would you like to---? 语气更委婉、客气 邀请别人做某事 例如: 请喝点茶吧。 Would you like some tea? 3 What do you like? 是问某人喜欢什么,可在后面加best用来表示程 度 例如:你最喜欢什么? What do you like best? What’s your favorite?把问题具体化 例如:你最喜欢的运动是什么? What’s your favorite sports? 你最喜欢的食物是什么? What’s your favorite food? 答句可用:My favorite---is--- 选择题 1 I like apples.----____. A. Me too B. My brother is C. Don’t dothat 2 ---What’s your favorite season? ---____ A July B Morning C Spring D Wednesday 3 ---How do you like the movie? ---___. A.It’s wonderful B. What about you C.No,I don’t like it at all. D.I’d like to see it tomorrow. 4 ---Would you like something to drink? ---___. A Certainly B No, thanks C Me too D I’d love 5 ---Would you like to go out for a walk with us? ---___, but I must finish my homework first. A Of course not B That’s all right C I’d love to D Yes, I do 1. Why do she like music best ? do → does 2. What’s you favorite subject ? you → your 3. What’s your mother favorite color? mother → mother’s 判断正误。 × × × 句型转换。 1. His favourite subject is English. (改为一般疑问句?) —————————————— 2. Her mother’s favourite color is blue. (对划线部分提问) ——————————————— Is his favourite subject English? What’s her mother’s favorite color? 3. He likes art because it’s fun. (对划线部分提问) ____________________ 4. My sister often does her homework in the evening.(改否定句) _____________________________ _______________________ Why does he like art? My sister doesn’t often do her homework in the evening. Li: Which is your _______ ______? Han: Math. Li: ____ do you like __? Han: Because it’s interesting. Li: Are you good at ___ ? Han: No. I’m ___. Li: What’s your favorite_____? favorite subject Why it it not color 补全对话 Han : Blue. Li : What’s your mother’s favorite color? Han : ____ favorite _____ is red.Her color homework 衔接训练57、58页 Thanks a lot!

资料: 4439


