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小学三年级英语下册期末试卷 年级__________ 姓名____________ Ⅰ. 判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同(共 10 分,每题 2 分) ( )1. big eighteen kite sister ( ) 2. under studen ruler put ( ) 3. box boy long today ( ) 4. fat dad family man ( ) 5. desk eleven twelve seventeen Ⅱ. 看图片选择正确的单词(共 10 分,每题 2 分) ( )1. 2.2.( )2. ( )3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. A. Friends B.elephant C. China D. USA E. girl Ⅲ. 选出每组单词中不同类的一项(共 10 分,每题 2 分) ( )1. A. dog B. giraffe C. big ( ) 2. A. blue B. thin C. black ( ) 3. A. she B. he C. boy ( ) 4. A. eleven B. map C. box ( ) 5. A. teacher B. UK C. student Ⅳ. 单项选择(共 20 分,每题 2 分) ( )1. I’m _______China . I am Chinese. A. to B. from C. on ( ) 2. I have______orange and a pear. A. one B. a C. an ( ) 3. An apple a day keeps the doctor ________. A. From B. away C. way ( ) 4. Is your toy box on desk? ____________. A. No,it is . B. Yes, it isn’t. C.No, it isn’t ( ) 5. I like it very much. How_______you? A. On B. about C. for ( ) 6. It ________a long nose . A. have B. has C. are ( ) 7. This is my friend , John. _____________. A. I’m ten. B.Goodbye C. Nice to meet you ( ) 8. Do you like pears? ____________. A. Yes,I do. B. No,I do. C.You’re welcome. ( ) 9. The giraffe is so____________. A. ball B. tall C. long ( ) 10.Let’s play __________together. A. hide B.seek C. hide and seek Ⅴ. 连词成句(共 15 分,每题 3 分) 1. elephant / the / Look /at /( .) __________________________________ 2. has / long /a / nose / It / ( .) ____________________________________ 3. chair / under /It’s /the / ( .) ___________________________________ 4. Have / time / good / a / ( .) _____________________________ 5. is / Where /your / car / (?) _____________________________ Ⅵ. 根据 A 栏的句子,从 B 栏中选择合适的答语并将其序号填入括号中(共 15 分,每题 3 分) A 栏 B 栏 ( )1. Happy Teachers’ Day! A. Yes, I do. ( ) 2. Do you like apples ? B. She’s my mother. ( ) 3.Who’s that woman ? C. I see 11. ( ) 4. How many cats do you see ? D. It’ under the chair. ( ) 5.Where is the ball ? E. Thank you. Ⅶ. 情景交际(共 10 分,每题 2 分) ( )1.当别人问你来自哪里,你回答是: ------------- A. My name is Tom. B. I’m from China. ( ) 2.你和妈妈走在街上,远处有位阿姨向你们招手,你不认识,你问妈妈 ----------- A. Who’s that man? B.Who’a that woman? ( )3.当你把妈妈的照片拿给朋友看,你向他介绍说--------- A. This is my mather. B.She’s my sister. ( )4.你看到了姚明,感叹他长得高,你会说------- A. He is so tall. B.He’s so short. ( )5.你在动物园里看到了鸵鸟,你会说------- A. It has a small head. B. It has a long tail. Ⅷ. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(共 10 分,每题 2 分) Look ! This is my room .The toy car is on the desk .The toy boat is under the desk . My cat is under the chair. It’s black . It has two big eyes. I like it very much. Where’s my new bag? Is it in the desk? No,it isn’t. It’s on the chair. The books are in the bag. ( ) 1. The toy car is on the desk. ( ) 2. The toy boat is on the desk,too. ( ) 3. My cat is yellow. ( ) 4. My bag is on the chair. ( ) 5. My books are under the chair.

资料: 2867


