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八年级阶段性检测英语试题 命题人:张翠芳 时间:50 分钟 总分:120 分 I 卷 一.单项选择:(20 分) ( )1.It’s a good idea ______ English films. A. watch B. watches C. to watch D. watching ( )2. You must practise______ English more. A. to speak B. to say C. speaking D. saying ( )3. My father gives me _____ on my study. A. a advice B. an advice C. two advices D. a piece of advice ( )4. ______ you ______the radio? A. How about; listening to B. Why not; listen to C. Will; listen D. Why don’t; listen to ( )5. Don’t forget_______ your spelling after you finish your homework. A. checking B. to check C. checked D. check ( )6. This question is _______ than that one. A. easy B. easyer C. too easy D. easier ( )7. This book is very _____ and it is ______ older than that one. A. old; more B. older; more C. old; much D. older; much ( )8.You should ________ in the dictionary when you meet a new word. A.look it up B.look up it C. look it after D. Look after it ( )9 He likes to play______ football, but his sister likes to play______ violin. A. the; / B. the; the C. /; the D. a; a ( )10. Our flowers are more beautiful than______. A. theirs B. their C. them D. they ( )11. --What’s the matter ______ your bike? -- It’s broken. A. to B. on C. about D. with ( )12. We get to the station early______ we can catch the early bus. A. but B. so C. so that D. because ( )13. I’m ____ to hear the ____ news . A. excited, excited B. exciting, exciting C. excited, exciting D.exciting, excited ( )14. In spring, the weather _______ warmer and warmer.. A. turn B. gets C. looks D. feels ( )15. Don’t worry. We have ______ time to finish the job. A. a lot B. many C. plenty of D. lot of ( )16. Why not _______ him a toy car for his birthday? A. buy B. buying C. to buy D.buys ( )17. --Let’s listen to English songs. ---I agree ______ you. A. on B. with C. in D. at ( )18.Mr. Liu often. ________ us to learn English by reading English stories. A.advice B. advices C. advise D.advises ( )19.Mr Black was afraid _______ the tree,because he was afraid of________ down from it. A.to climb; fall B.climb; fall C. climbing; falling D. to climb; falling ( )20. Do you mind _________ the window? A. open B. opening C. to open D.opened 二.完形填空(10 分) People all over the world enjoy sports. Sports can help people stay healthy and __21____. My favourite _ __22_is table tennis because it’s __23__than basketball, football and tennis. In China, table tennis is very popular, and it is __24___than other sports. Ma Lin does__25___in table tennis. He is my favourite table t ennis player and he __26____likes football. He __ 27__from Shenyang. He is 1.74 meters ___28__. And his favourite ___29___is blue. Titanic is his favourite film. ___30____is your favourite player? ( )21. A. boring B. relaxing C. careful D. difficult ( )22. A. movie B. advice C. sport D. book ( )23 A. safe B. safer C. safely D. more safe ( )24. A. more much popular B. much popular C. more popular D. the more popular ( )25. A. good B. well C. bad D. better ( )26. A. and B. also C. too D. as well ( )27. A. is B. are C. come D. am ( )28. A. tall B. long C. high D. wide ( )29. A. food B. colour C. place D. magazine ( )30. A. What B. Which C. Where D. Who 三.阅读理解(15 分) A A man was walking through a forest.He had a few caps in his hand.In the forest there were a lot of monk eys.It was hot, so he decided to have a rest under a tree.He put a cap on his head and lay down to sleep. When he woke up,he couldn't find his caps, "Where are my caps?"he cried and looked up.He saw some monkeys in the tree.Each had a cap on its head. "Give back my caps! "shouted the man to the monkeys.But the monkeys didn't understand him.They onl y jumped, danced and laughed. "How can I get back my caps?"he thought hard.At last he had an idea.He took off his cap and threw it o n the ground.The little monkeys did the same thing.Happily the man picked up all the caps and went on h is way. 判断正误(T 或 F):( ) 31. One day a man was going through a forest. ( ) 32. The man decided to have a rest because he was ill. ( ) 33. When the man woke up, he found his caps were gone. ( ) 34. The man saw a lot of birds in the tree. ( ) 35. The man was angry when he got all his caps back. B Mr.Knott was a teacher.He taught in a big school in London.He lived a long way from the school, so he w 班 级 姓 名 座 号 八年级阶段性检测英语试题 命题人:张翠芳时间:50分钟 总分:120分 一、单项选择题(共25小题,每题2分,计50分。注意:答案填在后面的表格中。) 1、毒品是人类的公害,联合国确定每年6月26日为国际"禁毒日"。被誉为"中国禁毒 第一人"、"世界禁毒先驱"的近代伟人是:( ) A.左宗棠B.魏源 C.林则徐D.邓世昌 2、见右图,你知道在黄海战役中,下令用自己的军舰撞击敌人军舰,最后壮烈牺牲的 中国海军将领是谁吗?() A.林则徐 B.左宗棠 C.丁汝昌 D.邓世昌 3、鸦片战争爆发的根本原因是英国为了 A.扭转对华贸易逆差B. 打开中国市场 C.割占中国领土 D.挽回鸦片被销毁的损失 4.《南京条约》中最能体现英国发动鸦片战争的根本目的的条款是() A 割让香港岛给英国 B 赔款2100万元 C 开放广州、厦门、福州、宁波、上海五处为通商口岸 D 英商进出口货物缴纳的税款,中国须同英国商定 5、下列情况可能出现在1848年的是 A、英国商人在北京、天津等地做生意 B、清朝官员负责治理香港岛 C、英商迫使清朝海关官员降低进出口货物税率D、日本商人在苏州、杭州开设工厂 6、鸦片战争是中国近代史的开端,主要是因为 ( ) A.中国开始逐步沦为半殖民地半封建社会 B.中国人民从此开始反抗外来侵略 C.外国资本主义与中华民族的矛盾成为中国社会最主要的矛盾 D.这是外国侵略中国的开始 7、鸦片战争是近代中国与外国资本主义国家的第一次较量,结果以失败而告终。 八年级的四位同学就“第一次鸦片战争中国失败的根本原因”展开争论, 你认为谁的观点是正确的是 ( ) A.清军武器低劣B.英国实力雄厚 C.英军船坚炮利D.清朝腐朽衰落 8.19世纪侵占中国领土最多的国家是( ) A.俄国 B.法国 C.美国 D.英国 9、有人说,英法发动的第二次鸦片战争是“海盗式的扩张”,给中国文化和人类文明带 来了不可估量的损失,以下各项最能说明这一点的是 A.外国公使进驻北京 B.列强强迫清政府签订一系列不平等条约 C.列强获取大量赔款 D.英法联军攻占北京,洗劫并焚毁圆明园 10、下列史实按先后顺序排列,正确的是 ( ) ①左宗棠收复新疆②阿古柏侵占新疆③清政府在新疆设立行省④沙俄侵占伊犁 A.①②③④ B.②④①③ C.②③①④ D.②①③④ 11、1894年,日本发动了侵略中国的甲午中日战争,北洋舰队全军覆没是在() A.黄海大战 B.辽东半岛战役 C.平壤战役 D.威海卫战役 12、爱国诗人丘逢甲在《春愁》中写道:“四百万人同一哭,去年今日割台湾。”诗中内 容能让人联想起中国近代哪个屈辱条约 A.《南京条约》B.《瑷珲条约》C.《马关条约》D.《辛丑条约》 13、 “1870年,他出任直隶总督兼北洋大臣。从70年代开始,他陆续开办军火工厂 和筹建北洋海军,同时,又开办一些民用工业,如轮船招商局。1895年他代表清政府 签订《马关条约》,成为中国近代史上最大的卖国贼之一。”文中的“他”指( ) A.左宗棠 B.李鸿章 C.曾国藩 D.张之洞 14、八国联军侵华的直接原因是 A.帝国主义国家企图进一步瓜分中国B.义和团运动的兴起 C.中国清政府的腐朽 D.日本侵华刺激了列强 15、北京东郊民巷是重要的外国使馆界,这一地区单独被辟为“使馆界”始于 A 、《北京条约》 B、 《天津条约》C、 《马关条约》D 、《辛丑条约》 16、20世纪初,有人说清政府是“洋人的朝廷”,这种看法 A.是正确的,因为它严禁人民参加反帝活动B.是正确的,因为中国已经成为殖民地 C.是错误的,因为它还是中国人的政府D.是错误的,因为它根本不可能去统治洋人 17、从内容来看,《马关条约》与《南京条约》相比,最大的不同点是 A.中国割去领土面积更大B.开放通商口岸增多 C.索取赔款数额不断增大D.允许日本开办工厂 18、《辛丑条约》签订后,居住在北京东交民巷的刘家被迫举家搬迁。其主要原因是帝 国主义国家要在此 ( ) A.设使馆 B.建教堂 C.办工厂 D.开商埠 19、在下面外国侵略者发动的侵华战争中哪次攻进了北京城,并大肆抢劫() ①鸦片战争②第二次鸦片战争③甲午中日战争④八国联军侵华战争 A、①②B、②④C、②③D、③④ 20、中国完全陷入半殖民地半封建社会深渊,这主要是指( ) A.中国自给自足的自然经济完全解体B.帝国主义直接控制清政府的内政外交 C.赔款数量大,清政府被帝国主义完全控制 D.清政府完全成为列强侵华的工具 21、在中国近代史上,曾经割占过中国领土的列强有 ( ) ①俄国 ②法国 ③英国 ④日本 A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④ 22、在历史学习中,常常要对历史要素的关联进行分析。 下列史实没有关联的一组是 ( ) A.鸦片战争——《南京条约》B.第二次鸦片战争——俄国割占中国北方大片领土 C.甲午中日战争——《马关条约D.八国联军侵华——《北京条约》 23.洋务运动的主要内容包括() ①创办军事工业 ②创办民用工业 ③筹建海军 ④废除科举制 A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②③④ D.①③④ 24.下列条约中,规定中国赔款最多的是:( ) A、《南京条约》B、《北京条约》C、《马关条约》D、《辛丑条约》 25.鲁迅先生回顾说:中国太难改变了……不是把很大的鞭子打在背上,中国自己是不 肯动弹的。第二次鸦片战争的一鞭,使中国开始认识到学习西方的军事技术,于是 开始了() 班 级 姓 名 座 号 as usually quite tired when he got home.At nine o'clock one evening when he was in bed,the telephone bel l rang in the hall,so he went downstairs,picked up the telephone and said: "Hello! Who's speaking,please? " "Watt"a man answered. "What's your name,please? "said Mr.Knott. "Watt's my name."was the ans wer. "Yes,I asked you that what's your name?"Mr.Knott said again. "I told you.Watt's my name."sai d the other man, "Are you Jack Smith?" "No, I' m Knott."answered .Mr.Knott. Both Mr.Watt and Mr. Knott put their telephones down angrily and thought:"What a rude, foolish man!” ( ) 36. Mr.Knott was usually tired in the evening because ________. A. he was a teacher B. he worked very hard in a school C. he lived a long way from school D. he taught too many students ( ) 37. Mr.Knott went downstairs at nine one evening ________. A. to telephone Mr.Watt B. to meet Mr.Watt C. when someone rang him up D. when the door bell rang ( ) 38. Mr.Watt wanted to speak to ________. A. his wife B. Mr.Knott C. Jack Smith D. M rs.Knott ( ) 39. "Watt's my name"means________. A. What's my name? B. My name is What C. Are you asking my name? D. My name is Watt ( ) 40. Mr.Knott didn't understand what Mr.Watt said because________. A. he was a foolish B. he had bad ears C. Mr.Watt didn't speak loudly enough D. The “a” in “watt”is pronounced as the "a" in "what" C Kate is an English girl.She lives in a tall building in the city of London.There are sixteen floors in the buil ding,and she lives on the tenth floor.She uses a lift to go up and down. Kate studies in a middle school near her house and she works hard.She goes to school early.Every day she leaves her home at half past six. She walks to the lift, and it takes her down to the first floor. There is a bus stop near the building.Usual ly she takes No.7 bus to her school, but sometimes she goes on foot.It is only four kilometers to her scho ol from the building.She gets to school at about seven twenty.Classes begin at eight. She goes to play ga mes at three forty.She gets home at a quarter past five.She begins to do her homework at eight and finishe s it at half past nine. ( ) 41. Kate lives in a tall building________London. A, near B. in C. outside D. far from ( ) 42. She goes up and down the building___________- A. in lift B. by a lift C. by lift D. with lift ( ) 43. She leaves___________at six thirty. A. her home B. the building C. the lift D. the bus stop ( ) 44. She goes to school___________- A. by bus B. by bike C. on foot D. A and C ( ) 45. It takes her_____________to do her homework. A. about an hour B. about one hour and half C. one hour and a half D. eighty minutes II 卷 四.词汇检测(10 分) (A)根据音标写单词 1.[vəˈkæbjuləri] ___________ 2.[imˈpru:v] ___________ 3.[ˈailənd] _______4.[riˈlæksiŋ]______ 5.[səˈdʒest] _____________ (B) 根据首字母提示完成单词 6.Read the sentence a________ so that I can hear you clearly. 7.Tony works hard in our class. He is a very e___________ student. 8.It’s n_________ to forget the new words. 9.Do you m________ my opening the window? 10.Daming was too c__________ and made many mistakes in his exercise. 五.用所给单词的适当形式填空:(10 分) 1.What do you think about __________ (read) newspaper? 2.It’s a good idea ___________ (keep) a diary every day. 3.Shanghai is _________ (big) than Beijing. 4.Is Hong Kong as _______ (busy) as Shenzhen? 5.Which is __________ (heavy), the red box or the green box? 6.Swimming is ___________ (dangerous) than playing football. 7.Do you enjoy _________ (watch) the match on TV? 8._________(watch) the football match on TV is cheaper than going to the stadium. 9.Hurry up! We have little time _________ (warm) up. 10.Please read the passage as _________ (quick) as possible. 六.根据要求完成下列句子:(每空一词)(20 分) 1.You should practise English as much as possible.(同义句) You should practise English as much as _______ _________. 2.Not to be late for after-school practice is important.(同义句) ________ important _____ _____ be late for after-school practice. 3.Mr Wang checks his son’s homework carefully. (划线部分提问) _______ ________ Mr Wang ________ his son’s homework? 4.The population of Shenzhen is over ten million.(同义句) The population of Shenzhen is ______ ________ ten million. 5.The population of this city is 30,000.(划线部分提问) _________ the population _______ this city? 6.Why don’t you read some books when you’re free?(同义句) _______ ________ reading some books when you’re free? 7.I’m afraid of going out alone at night.(同义句) I’m afraid _______ _______ out alone at night. 8.Remember to say hello to your mother.(同义句) ________ _________ to say hello to your mother. 9.I don’t know where I should go this afternoon.(同义句) I don’t know where ______ _______ this afternoon. 10.What other things are there in the room?(同义句) _______ ________ are there in the room? 七.根据汉语提示完成句子(20 分) 1.让我们尽可能多说英语。 Let’s try to speak English ________ ________ ________ __________. 2.我们要讨论有关学习英语的好方法。 We’re going to talk about good _________ _______ ___________ English. 3.我建议你每天在纸上写四五个单词。 I suggest you write _______ _______ ________ words a day on pieces of paper. 4.事实上,它只是在二十世纪八十年代才变得重要。 In fact, it only became important ______ _______ __________. 5.它要比中国许多其它的城市人口都多。 That’s larger than the population of ________ __________ _________ in China. 6.它位于康河上,并且有大约 120,000 人口。 It is on the River Cam and _______ _______ ________ of about 120,000. 7.你怎么啦? _______ _________ _________ _________ you? 8.没有什么比打网球更令人愉快的。 Nothing is __________ _________ than playing tennis. 9.我们都尽可能早到为了有时间热身。 We all arrive as early as we can ______ _______ we have time to warm up. 10.那意味着我们有更好的机会获胜。 That means we have a ________ chance of __________. 八.书面表达:(15 分) 每个人都有自己喜欢的体育运动。你最喜欢的体育运动是什么?为什么喜欢它?请以”My favourite sport”为题写一篇文章,介绍一下你最喜欢的运动,并说明原因。 要求:1. 书写认真规范。 2.语句通顺,无语法错误。 3.不少于 60 字 英语答题纸(请把所有答案写在答题纸上,否则不得分!) 选择题答案(一至三大题)(每题 1 分 共 45 分) 1-5 ____________ 6-10 ____________ 11-15____________ 16-20____________ 21-25____________ 26-30______________ 31-35_____________ 36-40______________ 41-45_____________ 四.(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 1._________2.__________3._________4.__________5.____________ 6.___________7.___________8._________9.__________10.__________ 五.(每题 1 分,共 10 分) 1.__________2._________3.__________4._________5.___________ 6.__________ 7.__________8._________9._________10.__________ 六.(每题 2 分,共 20 分) 1.________ _________2.________; _________ _________3._______ _______; _______ 4.________ _________5._______; _________6.________ ________ 7._________ _______ 8._________ ________9._______ ________10.__________ ________ 七.(每题 2 分,共 20 分) 1.______ _______ ______ ________2. ______ ______ _______3. ______ ______ _______ 4._______ ______ _______5.______ _______ _________6. _______ ______ ________ 7._______ ______ ________ _______8. ______ ______9.______ ______10.______; _____ 八.书面表达(15 分)

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