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Section A 1a-1c (一) 熟记与本节课有关的7个短语 watch TV ,read a newspaper,talk on the phone, listen to a CD,use the computer,make soup …. (二)熟记以下重点句型 What are you doing now? I am watching TV. What is she doing? She’s washing her clothes. What are they doing? They are listening to a CD. Are you doing homework? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. …. (三):初步了解现在进行时的含义及其构成。 看电视: 读报纸 打电话: 听CD: 用电脑: 做汤: 洗盘子: watch TV read a newspaper talk on the phone listen to a CD use the computer make soup wash the dishes What are you doing? I’m watching TV. I’m=I am Are you using the computer? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. What is he doing? He’s reading a newspaper. he’s=he is Is he washing the dishes? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. What is she doing? She’s making soup. she’s=she is Is she listening to a CD? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. What are they doing? They’re talking on the phone. they’re = they are Are they talking on the phone? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. activities watch TV make soup Listen to a CD read a newspaper talk on the phone wash the dishes 表示现在或现阶段正在进行或发 生的动作、存在的状态。 be (is ,am ,are) ﹢ 动词ing be随人称的变化而变化 现在进行时 含义: 构成: She’s using the computer. What’s she doing? He’s reading a newspaper. What’s he doing? He’s washing the dishes. What’s he doing? He’s making soup. What’s he doing? She’s talking on the phone. What’s she doing? They’re watching TV. What are they doing? --What’s Li Lei doing? -- He____________________. ( read a newspaper ) --What’s his mother doing? --She_____________. ( watch TV ) --What are they doing? They _____________ . ( talk on the phone) 他们正在使用电脑。 我的妈妈正在做汤。 她正在洗盘子吗? 那个女孩正在听CD。 is reading a newspaper is watching TV are talking on the phone They are using the computer. My mother is making soup. She is washig the dishes. That girl is listening to a CD. ……

资料: 3.2万


