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1. 一 Hello, what can you do?一 I can play_______ piano, so I want to join the Art Club.A. a B.an C. the D. / 2. To everyone's surprise, Liu Wei________ play music on the piano with his toes so fluently.A ・ canB. may C. should 3. She can_____ English very well. A. speak B. say C ・ talk D. tell 5. She is a_____ singer and she can sing very_________.A. good; goodB. well; well C. good; well D. well; good 7. 一 They are very happy to______ the Music Club.A. take part in B. join C ・ go in for 8. Doit wony_______ me. I can do it myself.A ・ for 三、根据汉语意思翻译句子。每空一词 1. 你会骑自行车吗? Can you_______________ ? 2. 戴维汉语说得很好。David can_____________very well. 3. 不要担心你的英语。Doni____________ your English. 4. 我想加入舞蹈俱乐部。______________ join the Dancing Club. 5. 我认为她唱得很好。_________ she sings very well. 6. 我想加入游泳俱乐部因为我喜欢游泳。I'd_____________join the Swimming Club________I like swimming. 四、按要求完成句子。每空一词 1.1 like swimming. What about you?(改为同义句)I like swimming._______________you? 2.1 want to join the Music Club.(改为同义句)_______________ join the Music Club. 3. Sally can sing English songs.(改为一般疑问句)________ Sally______ English songs? 4.1______________________________________ can sing and dance.(改为否定句)1 sing dance. 5. Lisa can speak French.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)一_____ Lisa______ French?一 No,___________ 6. She wants to join the Language Club.(对画线部分提问)_______________ she want to join? 7.1_________________________________________________________ think she is a good swimmer.(改为否定句) she is a good swimmer. 二、单项填空 1. My American teacher can____________Chinese very well. A. speaks B. speak C. talk D. speaking 2. 一 Can you ride a horse, Tony? 一__________ . A. Yes, I can B. Yes, I amC. No, I can D. No, he can not 3. Don't worry about___________ . He can do it well by himself. A. he B. him C. his D. her 4.1 can play__________ violin but I can't play____________ baseball. A. a; the B. the; the C. the; / D. /; the 5. Would you like___________ for a walk after supper? A. go B. going C ・ to go D ・ went 三、句型转换 1. Her father can play basketball and table tennis. 否定句)Her father______________________basketball_______ table tennis. 4. We'd like______ to the zoo. Do you want to go with us?A .go B. going C.to go D. goes 6. do you want to join?一 The Music Club.A. What colorB. What club C. What language D. What class D. join in B. with C. about D.at 2. Lucy can dance well. Can you dance well?(改为同义句 )Lucy can dance well._________________________ you? 3. Don't be worried about me.(改为同义句)Don,t______________________me. 4. Mike can play basketball well.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) —_________ Mike__________ basketball well? —____________, he_________ . 5.1 want to join the Dance Club.(改为同义句)1_________________________________join the Dance Club. 二、单项选择 1 • Everybody_____ in the classroom.A. are B. is 2. They promise______ a new computer for me A buy 3. Wu Bin is kind and gets on________with his friends.A. good 4. How_____ Cindy grows! She's almost as tall as her mother now.A. cute B. strong 5. Please choose me_______the cleaning monitor. I am sure I can be a good monito 匸 A ・ with 四、完成句子 2. 我们每周一要卫生大扫除。We____________________ eveiy Monday. 3. 你能答应帮我学数学吗? Can you______________________________me__________my math? 4. 露西善待每个人。Lucy is_____________________ everyone. 5. 我想要一个整洁漂亮的家。I'd like a___________ and___________house. 1. Tom wants_________ the swimming club.A. to join B. joins C. joining D. join C. have D. has B. buying C. to bay D. bought B. fine C. well D. fast C. fast D. straight B. as C. at D. on 6. My mother often helps me________ my lessons.A. for B. with C. at D. in 7. You can draw? Then you can________ in our art festival.A. are B. am C. is D. be 8. 一 Can I take the book out of the reading room?—No, you .You read it here. A. can; must B. don't have to; must C ・ can't; must 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Little Tom doesn't like (clean) the bedroom and his room is very dirty. 2. This bag is too heavy. Can you help me (carry) it? 3.——Can Li Ming (speak) English?——Yes, and he can speak it very well. 4. Lucy would like (join) the Music Club. 5. Most children enjoy (listen) to the popular songs. 三、单项填空 1. Carrie is a kind girl, and she is always ready others. A. help B. helps C. to help D. helping 2. The good news makes us very • A. happy B.angry C ・ happily D. angrily 3. We get the score in the school, and we are really happy. A. best B. good C. badD ・ worse 4. —Can he promise us? 一 Of course! He is very friendly. A ・ teach B. teaches C. to teach D. teaching 5. are you getting your English?——Very well. A. What; along with B. How; in withC. How; on with D. What; on with 1.你真的擅长乒乓球吗? you tabic tennis? 2. Can you help me_________ my English?A ・ with B. of C. learning D. about 3. 一 Can your sister sing?—_______ ・ A. Yes, he can B ・ Yes, he does C. No, she doesn't D ・ Yes, she can 4. Bob can play_________ tennis but can't play____________ violin.A. the; the B./;/ C. the;/ D./;the 5. 一 Can you paint or sing?—_________.A. Yes, I can B ・ No, I can, C.I can sing D.I like singing 6. Please call me____________ 8989766.A. in B. at C. about D. with 7-She____Chinese and she can_a little English.A ・ speaks; speaks B. speak; speakC. speaks; speakD. speak; speaks 8. —Tom likes soccer. What club can he join?一 He can join the _ club. A. sport B ・ music C. sports D. swimming 9. Miss Read likes children very much. She can be good__________ children.A. with B. for C. in D. at V ・用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空 36. He can________ (play) ping-pong and tennis. 37. Does his sister want__________ (join) the music club? 38. Bill likes swimming very much; he wants to join the______________ (swim) club. 39. Jim often________ (play) soccer with his friends after school. 40. What about_________ (watch) TV at home? VI •句型转换 41.She can play the violin.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定冋答)一_________ she_______the violin? 一 Yes, she__________ . 42.His brother can play basketball.(就画线部分提问)___________________ his brother___________? 43.She can sing and dance.(改为否定句)She____________ sing_________dance. 44. My brother also likes swimming.(改为 同义句)My brother_____________ swimming,___________ . 45. Peter likes music.(改为否定句)Peter_____________________music. II ・单项选择(10 分) 1. ——Do you often play_____ table tennis with your friends? —No, I dorf t like sports ・ I often play________ piano in my free time. A. a; the B. the; / C. /; the D. the; a 2. 一 Jim, can you_______ this word in Chinese? 一 Yes, 1 can________a little Chinese. A. speak; say B. say; speakC. tell; speak D. talk; say 3. (2012-孝感中考)The peaceful music in the CD made the students__________relaxed. A. feel B. feels C. felt D. to feel 4. 一 Do you enjoy______ here? 一 Yes, it is very interesting. A. live B. living C. to living D. lives 5. 一 Can you swim, Tony? —______• A. Yes, I can B. No, he can'tC. Yes, he can D. No, I can 6. My mother is always_____ me because I carf t look after myself. A. worryB ・ worry aboutC. worried D. worried about 7. The old man is very kind-hearted and everyone would like_ friends with him. A. makeB. makcsC ・ to make 8. 一 What does Kate usually do on Sunday? 一 She usually helps her mother_____________ . A. do cleaning B. do the cleanC. to do the cook D. doing the cook 9. 一 What are you going to do this afternoon? 一 What about___________ swimming? A. go B ・ goes C. to go D. going 10. Everyone in our class________ to school by bike. A. go B. goes C. to go D. going (II)用所给词的适当形式填空。(5 分) 6. Everyone in his school________ (know) him. 7- What would you like________ (drink), tea or coffee? 8. Li Xiaoxia can_______ (play) table tennis very_________(good).. 9. Most children enjoy_________(play) computer games. 10. The students do________(clean) every day. VI.完成句子(10 分) 1 .你和你的新同学们相处得好吗? Are you_________________________ your new classmates? 2. 我来自中国。你呢? I come from China._____________ you? 3. 他想骑自行车去上班,因为路上有好多车。 He wants__________________________ to work because there is much traffic on the road. 4. ——你想吃些面包吗?——不,谢谢。我不饿。 一_____ you____________ bread? —No, thanks. I'm not hungry. 5.___________________________________________________________________________________ 我非常喜欢大山。他讲汉 语讲得很好。I like Dashan very much. He can_____________________________________________ 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Li Xiaohong can___________ (swim) in the rive 匚 2. 一 Would you like_________ (go) shopping with me? 一 Yes, Fd love to. 3. Darning is a good boy. He often helps his mother______________ (do) some cleaning at home. 4.1 want__________ (be) a drive 匚 Because I like driving. 5.1 get on_________(good) with my friends. 三、单项填空 L Jack's father can play computer games _his mother_. A ・ because; canB. but; canC. because; can't D. but; can't 四、句型转换 2. Danny does well in swimming.(改为同 义句)Danny 2. ——Would you like another cup of coflee? 一 • A. I think B. I,d love toC- No, thanksD. Tm afraid 4. We all like our class monitor. He is kind everyone. A. to B. at C. with D. for 5. Most of the young people enjoy_________the football match. A. watch B. watchingC ・ to watch D ・ watches 1. He can draw some pictures.(—般疑问句并作肯冋一 he pictures? —Yes, he swimming. 3. Tom is getting on well with his teachers.(对画线部分提问)_______________Tom_____________________his teachers? 4. Darning wants to be our PE monitor.(改为同义句)Daming___________________________________our PE monito 匚 5. Lefs listen to the radio togethe 匚(改为同义句)_______________ listening to the radio together?

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