2021年高考英语考前押题《最后一卷》新高考版 试卷 含答案

2021年高考英语考前押题《最后一卷》新高考版 试卷 含答案


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2021 年高考英语考前押题《最后一卷》新高考版 本试卷满分 120 分,考试时间 100 分钟。 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 A The best dessert for a party of family and friends? A homemade pie. The second best? A store-bought pie that you can pretend is homemade without being questioned. The following are some stores where you can find such great pies on Long Island. Olish's Farm (75 Eastport Manor Rd., Eastport) Owner Donny Olish prefers to buy fruit locally for his shop. Although more than 30 varieties are on offer, he's sometimes forced to look elsewhere to buy strawberries, pears, apples, blackberries and raspberries(山莓) to produce a pie for the ages. More info: 631 -325 -0539, olishfarms. com. Briermere Farms (4414 Sound Ave., Riverhead) Briermere is nothing short of a pie factory, whose two dozen flavors (味道) are sold by the hundreds on lovely fall weekends. And for good reason: Much of the fruit used is grown right there on the farm. Don't miss its cream pie, an open-faced pie filled with cream and topped with fruit. More info: 631-722 -3931, briermerefarms. com. Diane's Bakery Cafe (23 Bryant Ave., Roslyn) Blue. Straw. Rasp. Three kinds of berries that join produce what remains the most popular pie at this old shop. But almost as popular are its chocolate and banana cream versions, followed closely by pecan and apple pies, to which New York State fruit is the key. Besides all these pies, you can treat yourself to other types of desserts there. More info: 516 -621 -2522, dianesroslyn. com. Jericho Cider Mill(213 Route 106, Jericho) Apple-raspberry. Apple-peach. Apple-blueberry. Are you detecting a theme? A new and cute outdoor seating area is the latest addition to Jericho Cider Mill. A matchless selection of New York's favorite home-grown fruit finds its way into equally matchless 13 varieties of pies. More info: 516 - 433 - 3360, jerichocider. com. 1.What do we know about Olish's Farm? A.It merely uses home-grown fruit. B.It has a new outdoor seating area. C.It always opens on fall weekends. D.It offers the largest variety of pies. 2.Which one sells best at Diane's Bakery Cafe? A.The apple pie. B.The chocolate pie. C.The mixed berry pie. D.The banana cream pie. 3.Where should you buy pies for an apple-themed party? A.Olish's Farm. B.Jericho Cider Mill. C.Briermere Farms. D.Diane's Bakery Cafe. B Turtles (海龟) may become endangered in some parts of the world as climate change continues to take hold, scientists have revealed. Turtles use beaches to lay their eggs, but warmer sand increases the chances of a female being born, which tips the balance against a healthy rate of sexes. If more and more turtles are born female, it will put sea turtles at risk of extinction. The best sex ratio is around 50:50, as that provides the most suitable balance for reproduction. But a sand temperature of 29.3 degrees Celsius or above makes it increasingly likely that turtles will be born female — a phenomenon known as temperature-dependent sex determination. Around the Red Sea, in Egypt, Sudan and Saudi Arabia, the temperature of the sand is continuing to rise. The Red Sea is one of the world's most popular locations for turtles. It's home to five of the world's seven species of sea turtles, including green turtles and hawksbill turtles. Both of these types of turtle are endangered, and the scientists wanted to find out whether climate change could be playing a role in the future of their survival. The scientists measured the sand temperature at five separate nesting sites around the Red Sea. Temperature measurements were taken every 15 minutes for a period of five months. Four of the five study sites had temperatures higher than the 29. 3 degrees Celsius threshold (起始点). Sand temperatures as high as 36 degrees Celsius were measured at some sites, which could present a considerable threat to their survival. Nearly all species of sea turtles are classified as endangered, while three of the seven species are critically endangered. Their population has fallen over a period of 200 years, almost mainly as a result of human activities. Some turtles have been targeted for their eggs, skin, shells and meat, while others have been illegally or accidentally caught in fishing equipment. 4.What causes the imbalance of turtles' sex ratio? A.Global warming. B.Human disturbance. C.Disappearance of sandy beaches. D.Decline in the birth rate. 5.Why did the scientists carry out the measurement? A.To find ways for turtles to survive. B.To know the degree of climate change. C.To assess the effects of weather on turtles. D.To compare turtles' different nesting sites. 6.What do the statistics in paragraph 4 imply? A.Fewer male turtles may be born. B.Turtles prefer living in the Red Sea. C.Higher temperatures attract more turtles. D.Turtles are sensitive to temperature changes. 7.Which word best describes the author's attitude to turtles' present situation? A.Positive. B.Tolerant. C.Sympathetic. D.Anxious. C We can recognize our friends' faces. Many social animals can also identify individuals of their own species by their facial features. That's important, because they need to be able to adjust their behavior depending on who they meet. And research has shown that some species of monkeys, birds, and domesticated(驯养的) animals can even distinguish among different faces by looking at photographs alone. Scientists have also wondered whether domesticated animals that have coexisted with people for thousands of years can recognize different human faces. Léa Lansade of France's National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment is one of them. Her experiment on horses provides insight into this. She and her team first taught the horses how to "choose" between two side-by-side images by touching their noses to a computer screen. The horses were then shown photos of their present keeper alongside faces of unfamiliar humans. They had never seen photos of any of the people before. The horses correctly identified their present keeper and ignored the stranger's face about 75% of the time, significantly better than chance. What's more, the horses also preferentially picked photos of their previous keeper — a person they hadn't seen in six months. In fact, even though the horses didn't get it right every single time, they were at least as accurate in picking out their previous keeper as they were in identifying their present one. The results suggest that not only can horses distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar human faces, but they know that photographs are two-dimensional representations of real life, without any other cues(提示) like sound. And they're even better at this than our oldest animal companion, the domestic dog. So maybe think twice before doing anything at a stable(马厩) that might give a horse a long face. After all, the horse could probably "remember" you. 8. What does the author say about man's ability to recognize friends' faces? A. It's not unique to man. B. It's an inborn ability. C. It's man's most vital ability. D. It's superior to that of animals. 9. Why did Léa Lansade and her team do the experiment? A. To teach horses to recognize human faces. B. To study horses' ability to identify human faces. C. To make horses distinguish between their keepers. D. To figure out similarities between man and horses. 10. How does the author sound in writing the last paragraph? A. Academic. B. Dramatic. C. Cautious. D. Humorous. 11. What is the best title for the text? A. Human Faces Are Familiar to Horses B. Horses Recognize Keepers' Pictures C. Horses Read Man's Facial Expressions D. Man's Sound Helps Horses Select Photos D Do you need a human to create a beautiful perfume? That's the question being asked as artificial intelligence (AI) starts to enter the perfume industry. Companies are increasingly turning to technology in order to create more best-selling, unique perfumes that can be produced in just minutes. Last year, Swiss-based perfume developer Givaudan launched Carto, an AI-powered tool to help perfumers. Using a touch screen, the perfumers can choose one from 1,500 ingredients(成分) and put it in a bottle without touching them and pull together different perfumes using data from the brands vast library of perfume formulas (配方). A small robot immediately processes the fragrances into perfumes, making it easier for perfumers to test their new perfumes. One benefit of Carto is that with it, perfume samples are created instantly, giving them a competitive advantage. "We can adjust the perfume almost live with the customer," says Calice Becker, vice president perfumer and director of the Givaudan Perfumery School. "It is a big plus not just because we gain time but there's more closeness when we connect in front of the tool." German perfume house Symrise has gone one step further and teamed up with IBM Research to create an AI system called Philyra, which actually studies the perfume formulas and customer data to produce new perfumes. Like Carto, Philyra can't actually smell anything. Claire Viola, vice president of digital strategy fragrance at Symrise, is the first to agree it hasn't been without weakness. "It's machine-learning and sometimes the results are wrong," she says. "You have to qualify every new material, so it understands the difference between different perfumes, for example." Margaux Caron, global beauty analyst for colour cosmetics(化妆品) and perfumes at believes artificial intelligence is a powerful tool to create perfumes. "Technology and science is sometimes pictured and considered cold, but the perfume category is displaying a warm, emotional, human approach to it. The partnership between AI and perfumers is anchored in this philosophy," she said. 12.What is the advantage of Carto? A.It can be used to test perfumes. B.It can tell perfume ingredients apart. C.It frees perfumers totally from the task. D.It helps tailor perfumes to customers' needs. 13.What can we infer from Claire Viola's words? A.Philyra needs to be improved. B.Philyra has a sharp sense of smell. C.Philyra's study result is accurate. D.Philyra's good with new materials. 14.What's Margaux Caron's attitude towards using AI? A.Supportive. B.Objective. C.Concerned. D.Skeptical. 15.Why does the author write the text? A.To introduce new perfume brands. B.To explain how to make perfumes by AI. C.To discuss AI's strengths and weaknesses. D.To show application of AI in making perfumes. 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分) 阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有 两项为多余选项。 How Laughing at Yourself Makes You Attractive Instantly Have you ever embarrassed yourself in public? Chances are that we all have this kind of experience. ____16____. Laughing at yourself means receiving who you really are willingly. Most of us feel bad about ourselves because of past mistakes. However, it's normal to be imperfect. It's our imperfections that make us humans. ____17____, and you won't be able to laugh at yourself without first accepting yourself! Being a little doubtful about yourself helps you gain confidence. Usually, people who are able to laugh at themselves are the optimistic ones. They tend to be more successful in life. ____18___. More importantly, it helps them recognize their own weaknesses and know where they can do better. ____19____. Don't worry about losing respect from others, because people actually appreciate it when you laugh at yourself. Laughing at yourself shows that you have the courage to do so. It makes people think you are real about your imperfections. You don't need to take yourself seriously all the time. Laughing at yourself isn't always easy, but you can start with some past experiences. Think about some past mistakes you made. ___20___. Just remember: it is human to make mistakes. Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will be so much happier. A. Building self-confidence is a process B. Self-acceptance is key to self-confidence C. It's okay — you should even have a laugh about it D. This will help you perform well in stressful situations E. Try to look at them in a positive way rather than feeling embarrassed F. This is because laughing at oneself contributes to lightening their mood G. Laughing at yourself makes people like you more because you're being real 第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 Mitchell Couch is a building inspector with carpentry experience. For him, making a couple of wooden desks was simply a quick 21 to the hardware store and about $ 50 in supplies. When Couch posted his 22 on social media, he was 23 with requests from parents for blueprints to copy the desks. Due to COVID-19, school districts have 24 distance learning rather than traditional classroom teaching. With more kids learning from home than ever before, providing good learning environments has proved 25 . "We heard the kids who have their own space to learn do much better with distance learning," Couch said. With that in 26 , he put together a DIY tutorial(教 程) online 27 the materials required and instructions on how to build the desks. "The video went 28 ," Couch added. "I had 200 messages the following morning, and the requests continue to 29 ." After seeing the tutorial, one couple in Couch's community was 30 to help out kids in their own community. They made a(n) 31 Couch couldn't refuse. They'd 32 the cost of supplies if he agreed to build 35 student desks. Couch signed on for the project 33 . While the desks are certainly appreciated by the families that receive them, Couch's true 34 for building them is to 35 a sense of neighborhood unity. He's hoping people look closer at their community and realize the most positive change happens. 21. A. service B. trip C. entrance D. response 22. A. suggestions B. creations C. imaginations D. discoveries 23. A. discouraged B. satisfied C. associated D. flooded 24. A. invented B. confirmed C. adopted D. developed 25. A. fruitless B. impossible C. adventurous D. challenging 26. A. sight B. mind C. reply D. advance 27. A. detailing B. advertising C. producing D. selling 28. A. wrong B. strange C. bad D. crazy 29. A. move around B. set out C. pour in D. pass down 30. A. inspired B. praised C. shocked D. amused 31. A. offer B. decision C. announcement D. difference 32. A. save B. cut C. bear D. count 33. A. enthusiastically B. surprisingly C. hurriedly D. hesitantly 34. A. happiness B. motivation C. emotion D. excitement 35. A. keep B. possess C. strengthen D. complete 第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Anika Chebrolu won the 3M Young Scientist Challenge, 36 (describe) as "the nation's premier middle school science competition", due to her research on a drug helping prevent the spread of COVID-19. She was awarded $ 25,000. Anika 37 (spend) much energy during the past years researching ways to fight the flu before she shifted her research as COVID-19 struck her country. "Given the severe influence it has had 38 all of us across the world, I knew I should change my work to reflect this," she said. "This, kind of work is 39 (extreme) demanding and also boring. You need a lot of 40 (concentrate)," said Mahfuza Ali, a 3M corporate scientist and Anika's 3M mentor(导师). "I was quite 41 (impress) with her maturity, determination and comprehension." They began working together in June when Anika 42 (name) a top-10 finalist in the Young Scientist Challenge. And 43 two held virtual meetings where Ali offered advice to Anika on her research, which included analyzing close to 700 million compounds(化合物). 44 she has received such a great award, Anika said she wasn't much cleverer than others. "Just go for it. Anything is possible, no matter whether you are in your youth 45 in your old age," she added. 第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 (满分 15 分) 假定你是李华,下周五下午你将参加主题为“做家务对我们有益”的英语演讲比赛。请 你就此写一篇演讲稿,内容包括: 1.简述学生做家务的好处; 2.你班学生做家务的情况; 3.提倡大家课外时间多做家务。 注意: 1.词数 80 左右; 2.题目已为你写好。 Doing the Housework Benefits Us _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 第二节 (满分 25 分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 A small village in Turkey was covered in a thick blanket of snow. However, that didn't stop local vet Ogün Öztrük from heading over to attend to a cow. The visit was mostly routine as the cow belonged to a regular client of his, but what happened after this made him stay in the village despite the cold weather. With his hair lightly dusted with snow Öztrük was finishing up his job and making his way out of the village, but that was when an extraordinary sight from a distance caught his attention—a little girl was walking slowly on a path covered with thick snow, towards him, with a pup on her back. The girl, Cemre Su Türköz, eight years old, lived in the village. Her dog Pamuk had had an itch(痒) for a few days. Thinking the dog was sick, Cemre decided to find her dog a vet as soon as possible. Since Cemre couldn't reach the district center due to heavy snowfall, she was forced to look for another way. And luck quickly appeared. That day, Cemre heard that a vet would show up in town to deal with a cow. Fearing that the vet would leave the village fast, Cemre Su put Pamuk on her back and crossed more than a mile of snowy mountain roads to reach his place. And that was something Ogün couldn't allow to miss. "When I first saw them, I was very surprised and touched," Ogün told The Dodo. "She'd wrapped her dog up and brought him to me on her back.'' Ogün checked Cemre's dog Pamuk on the spot while the little girl was looking on, worried about her pet. But she surely had the reward of her hard work and perseverance as Pamuk's condition was nothing serious. 注意:1.续写词数应为 150 左右; 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Ogün said that Pamuk only had minor skin issues which are easy to treat.__________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ He's been visiting the village to check in on them.____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 2021 年高考英语考前押题《最后一卷》新高考版 参考答案 第一部分 阅读理解 第一节 A 答案:1-3.DCB 解析:1.考查理解具体信息的能力。根据 Olish's Farm 部分中的"more than 30 varieties are on offer"可知,Olish's Farm 提供 30 多种派;根据下文对其他三个店铺的介绍可知, Briermere Farms 提供 24 种派,Diane's Bakery Cafe 提供 5 种派,Jericho Cider Mill 提供 13 种派。由此 可知,Olish's Farm 提供的派的种类最多,故选 D。 2.考查理解具体信息的能力。根据题干信息把解题线索定位到 Diane's Bakery Cafe 部分。根 据该部分中的" Blue. Straw. Rasp. Three kinds of berries that join produce what remains the most popular pie at this old shop"可知,Diane's Bakery Cafe 最受欢迎的派是有蓝莓、草莓、山莓的 混合浆果派,故选 C。 3.考查理解具体信息的能力。根据 Jericho Cider Mill 部分中的"Apple-raspberry. Apple-peach. Apple-blueberry. Are you detecting a theme?"可知,Jericho Cider Mill 是一家以各式苹果派为 特色的苹果主题派店,与题目中的"apple-themed party"的主题一致,故选 B。 B 答案:4-7.ACAD 解析:4.考查理解具体信息的能力。本题问引起海龟性别比例失衡的因素。根据第一段中的 "Turtles(海龟) may become endangered in some parts of the world as climate change continues to take hold" "but warmer sand increases the chances of a female being born, which tips the balance against a healthy rate of sexes"可知,全球变暖是这一结果的原因。故选 A。 5.考查理解具体信息的能力。本题问科学家开展测量工作的目的。根据第三段中的"the scientists wanted to find out whether climate change could be playing a role in the future of their survival"可知,科学家想要知道气候变化是否会对海龟将来的生存产生影响。故选 C。 6.考查推理判断的能力。本题问第四段中的数据说明了什么。根据第四段中的数据可知,5 个测量地中有 4 个的温度高于 29.3 摄氏度,在一些测量点,沙温甚至高达 36 摄氏度。再结 合第一段信息可知,沙温升高会增加雌性海龟出生的可能性。由此可以推出,这些数据表明, 新生的雄性海龟的数量很可能会减少。故选 A。 7.考查理解态度的能力。本题问作者对海龟生存现状的态度。根据最后一段的内容可知,几 乎所有的海龟物种都被列为濒危物种,而 7 个物种中有 3 个是极危物种,它们的数量在过去 200 年里下降了,这几乎主要是人类活动的结果;一些海龟被捕杀,还有一些海龟被非法或 意外捕捞。由此可知,作者对海龟的生存现状是忧虑的。故选 D。 C 答案:8-11 ABDB 解析:8.考查理解具体信息的能力。第一段提到我们能够识别朋友的脸,很多群居动物也能 够通过面部特征来识别自己种群里的个体。由此可知,这不是人类独有的能力。 9.考查推理判断的能力。根据第二段"Scientists have also wondered whether domesticated animals that have coexisted with people for thousands of years can recognize different human faces. Léa Lansade...is one of them. Her experiment on horses provides insight into this"并结合第 三段实验的内容可知,Léa Lansade 和她的团队做实验是为了研究马识别人脸的能力。故选 B。 10.考查推理判断的能力。最后一段提到,在马厩里做任何可能会让马闷闷不乐的事情之前 要三思。毕竟,它很可能会"记住"你。由此可知,作者在最后一段使用了比较幽默的口吻来 行文。 11.考查理解主旨要义的能力。本文主要讲的是研究发现驯养的马通过看照片就可以认出自 己的饲养者。故选 B。 D 答案:12-15.DAAD 解析:12.考查推理判断的能力。根据第三段的"One benefit of Carto is that with it, perfume samples are created instantly" "We can adjust the perfume almost live with the customer"可知,使 用 Carto 的话,香水样品可以被即时创造出来,而且香水商可以根据顾客的喜好现场对香水 的香味进行调整。 13.考查推理判断的能力。根据第四段的"Claire Viola... is the first to agree it hasn't been without weakness" "sometimes the results are wrong" "You have to qualify every new material, so it understands the difference between different perfumes"可知,Claire Viola 认为,Philyra 还有一 些缺点——有时候结果会出错,且你必须对每一种新材料进行鉴定,这样它才能理解不同香 味之间的差异。由此可推知,Philyra 还需要改进。 14.考查理解态度的能力。根据最后一段的"Technology and science... the perfume category is displaying a warm, emotional, human approach to it. The partnership between AI and perfumers is anchored in this philosophy"可知,Margaux Caron 认为,科技有时是冷冰冰的,但香水系列展 示了一种温暖的、感性的、人性化的方法,人工智能和香水商之间的合作正是基于这一理念。 由此可知她支持 AI 技术的使用。 15.考查理解目的的能力。纵观全文可知,第一段介绍了 AI 技术进入香水行业,下文主要介 绍了 Carto 和 Philyra 两种人工智能产品在香水制造中的应用。故选 D。 第二节 答案:16-20 CBFGE 解析:本文是一篇说明文。作者讲述自嘲是接纳真实自我的表现,它不会让你难堪,反而会 让你瞬间变得有魅力。 16.空前讲述每个人都有过在公共场所尴尬的经历,第二段开头讲"自嘲是在接纳真正的自己 ",且 C 项"没关系,你甚至应该嘲笑它"与文章标题相呼应,且承接上文、引出下文,故选 C 项。 17.根据前文中的"receiving who you really are willingly"和后文中的"won't be able to laugh at yourself without first accepting yourself"可知,此处应填 B 项"自我接纳是自信的关键",只有 先接纳自我才能做到自嘲。 18.根据前文中的"people who are able to laugh at themselves are the optimistic ones. They tend to be more successful in life"可知,能够自嘲的人是乐观的人,他们在生活中往往更成功。因 此,此处应填 F 项"这是因为自嘲能够使人放松心情",对前面句子进行了解释。 19.空处在段首,是主旨句。本段讲述不要担心会失去他人的尊重,自嘲会让你更受欢迎, 因为这说明你有勇气,你很真实。后文中的"people actually appreciate it" "you are real"也与 G 项中的 people、real 相呼应,故此处填写 G 项"自嘲让人们更喜欢你,因为你是真实的"。 20.结合前文中的"Think about some past mistakes you made."和后文中的"it is human to make mistakes. Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will be so much happier"可知,此处讲的是怎样自 嘲,故应填 E 项"试着以积极的方式看待它们,而不是感到尴尬"。 第二部分 语言知识运用 第一节 答案:21-25 BBDCD 26-30 BADCA 31-35 ACABC 解析:21.作为一名有木工经验的建筑检查员,对 Couch 来说,制作几张木桌只需要快速去 一趟五金店和 50 美元的物资。trip"(尤指短程往返的)旅行,出行"。 22.当 Couch 把他的作品发布到社交媒体上后,他收到了大量来自家长们的请求,他们请求 他提供可以复制书桌的蓝图。creation"作品,创作"。 23.参见上题解析。flood"大量涌入,挤满"。 24.受新冠肺炎疫情的影响,各学区采用了远程教学而非传统的课堂教学。adopt"采用"。 25.根据上文的"…he was 23 with requests from parents for blueprints to copy the desks"和 "With more kids learning from home than ever before…"可知,很多家长想要制作书桌,而且随 着越来越多的孩子在家学习,提供良好的学习环境是具有挑战性的。challenging"挑战性的"。 26.考虑到这一点,Couch 在网上制作了一个 DIY 教程,详细介绍了制作书桌所需的材料和 操作指南。with sth. in mind"考虑到,想到"。 27.参见上题解析。detail "详细说明"。 28.根据下文中的"I had 200 messages the following morning, and the requests continue..."可知, 视频迅速传播并走红,所以此处表示视频(得到的关注)超乎寻常。crazy"疯狂的,不理智 的"。 29.第二天早上我收到了 200 条消息,并且请求还在不断地涌入。pour in"大量涌入"; move around"走来走去";set out"出发";pass down"流传"。 30.在看了教程后,一对夫妇受到启发,决定帮助他们所在社区的孩子们。inspire"启发思考, 引起联想"。 31.这对夫妇给了 Couch 一个他无法拒绝的提议,如果他同意(为学生)制作 35 张书桌,他 们将承担相应用品的费用。offer"提议";decision"决定";announcement"宣告"; difference" 差异"。 32.参见上题解析。bear"承担(费用)"。 33.Couch 对这个项目很感兴趣并签约参加。enthusiastically"热心地,满腔热忱地"; surprisingly"出人意料地";hurriedly"匆忙地";hesitantly"迟疑地"。 34.虽然收到这些桌子的家庭肯定很欣赏它们,但 Couch 制作这些桌子的真正动力是为了加 强邻里的团结感。motivation"动力"。 35.下文提到他希望人们更加关注他们的社区,并意识到最积极的变化发生了,所以此处应 是加强邻里的团结感。strengthen"加强"。 第二节 答案:36.described 37.had spent 38.on/ upon 39.extremely 40.concentration 41.impressed 42.was named 43. the 44.Although/ Though/ While 45.or 解析:36.考查非谓语动词。根据语境并分析句子结构可知,空处应作后置定语,修饰 the 3M Young Scientist Challenge,且 describe 与其逻辑主语为动宾关系,故填 described。 37.考查时态。结合"during the past years"和"before she shifted her research"可知,此处描述的 动作发生在过去的过去,应用过去完成时。 38.考查介词。此处考查的是"have influence on/ upon"结构,该结构表示"对……有影响"。 39.考查副词。空处修饰形容词 demanding,故用副词形式。extremely"极其"。 40.考查名词。空处在句中作宾语,且被 a lot of 修饰,故用名词形式。concentration 表示"专 心,专注"时为不可数名词。 41.考查形容词。空处作表语,形容人的感受,故填 impressed"钦佩,有深刻的好印象"。 42.考查时态和语态。此处描述发生在过去的动作,应用一般过去时,且 name"选中,任命" 与主语 Anika 为被动关系,故用被动语态。 43.考查冠词。根据语境可知,此处表示"她们二人",是特指,故用 the 修饰 two。 44.考查让步状语从句。此处表示尽管她获得了这个大奖,但是 Anika 说自己并不比别人聪 明,主从句之间是让步关系,故用 Although/ Though/ While 引导让步状语从句。注意:空处 位于句首,首字母要大写。 45.考查并列连词。根据句意可知,此处表示无论你是年轻还是年老,故用连词 or。 第三部分 写作 第一节 Doing the Housework Benefits Us Good afternoon, everyone. I'm Li Hua, student of Senior Three. I think doing some housework is meaningful to us students. Firstly, it can help relieve our parents' pressure. Besides, it's a great way to prepare for our future independent life. As far as I know, the students in my class have busy daily routines. We have limited time to do the housework. But many of us usually do it at weekends. There're many benefits of doing the housework, so what are we waiting for? Let's resolve to be considerate of our parents and do more housework in our spare time. 第二节 Ogün said that Pamuk only had minor skin issues which are easy to treat. "When Cemre heard that her dog would be fine, she was very happy," Ogün said. "I applied external medications to Pamuk. He is now enjoying himself again, healthy and happy." That cold vet hunt for Cemre did not only lead to Pamuk's cure, but also for them to gain a friend in Ogün. Ogün then made sure that the little girl and the pup would never ever have to brave the snow again just to find him. He's been visiting the village to check in on them. "It made me very happy that an 8-year-old girl behaved in this way with such a loving heart," Ogün said, who did not ask for any service fee from Cemre. "The fact that a person at such a young age exhibits this behavior gives hope to humanity. With all that's going on in the world, there's still hope. Cemre showed us that the only truth in the world is love.''

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