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江苏基地学校 2021 届高三大联考英语读后续写:感恩节的真谛 题目: 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成-篇完整的短文。 Every previous year on Thanksgiving Day I'd woken up early, filled with excitement, unable to wait for the turkey, pumpkin pie with pecans, and my grandma's famous cheesecake. But I would never forget the lesson that my mother taught me when I was 14 years old. That Thanksgiving, I couldn't find the magic anymore. For some reason the holiday seemed fake (假 的). I suddenly felt like Thanksgiving was a big lie. I saw no reason to celebrate. As my aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandma started to arrive carrying plates of food, baskets of bread, and pitchers of egg nog, I grew more and more angry and frustrated. None of them were really thankful, I realized. The whole thing was a lie! When my mom called for everyone to take their seats for dinner, I left. I ran into the guest room where no one would look, crying. I was defiant ( 反 抗 的 ) because I wanted to be an honest person but 1 was realizing that Thanksgiving was fake. It didn't feel right to join in the tradition---say something beautiful one by one around the table. My mom, worried that 1 was absent from the table, came to see what was wrong, "No one is really thankful!" I sobbed, "They just pretend for one day because that's what you're supposed to do!" My mom sat down next to me and listened wisely. Then she nodded. “You’re right," she told me, "it's fake until you find the truth for yourself." She said Thanksgiving was a time to reflect because we don't always get a chance to see loved ones and eat a good meal. Then she left. I didn't listen to her. I was convinced that I could never find joy celebrating again. 注意: 1.续写词数应为 150 左右: 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 指导: 找 Clues Characters: I: 14 years old; excited --> angry and frustrated (reason: fake holiday; no magic; a lie); starving Mother: listened wisely My aunts, uncles, cousins, grandma: Setting: On Thanksgiving Day; my mother taught me a lesson Items: plates of food, baskets of bread, pitchers of egg nog Theme: mother’s lesson: It’s fake until you find the truth for yourself. A time to see loved ones and eat a good meal. 设计 Plot: 第一段: 聚合思维: 由 At her words, I realized they wanted me to be a part of the tradition.可知第一段关键词: her words, tradition, 自问:what are her words? What does her refer to? What is the traditon? 再结合 But I was also starving and I had to eat something 可知我饿了,应该回到桌子上。 But I was also starving and I had to eat something. 场景: 1.I returned to the room. 2.Mother announced the start of the tradition. 场景有了,具体围绕: 1.I returned to the room+emotion: angry + action: sat down reluctantly 2.Mother announced the start of the tradition.+ content: everyone thanks sb.+others ’ response 可见这一段的情节比较简单的,关键是如何把每个场景丰富起来。 第二段: At her words, I realized they wanted me to be a part of the tradition. 由 tradition 可知:接下来都是大家说出 thanks,理由是 thanksgiving day 本身的含义很明显的, 就是感恩。(老友记里有很多这样的场景),关键是如何展开。 场景: 1.Uncle 的感恩内容 2.Mother 的感恩内容 3.我的感恩内容 看起来无非就是:你感恩,我感恩。如何让“我”感到感恩的真诚,这就要下功夫了。 这个时候就要照应文章所给的线索了: I: 14 years old; excited --> angry and frustrated (reason: fake holiday; no magic; a lie) Theme: mother’s lesson: It’s fake until you find the truth for yourself. A time to see loved ones and eat a good meal. 这个里面应该着重: The change of my emotion; The theme I was starving fake holiday; no magic; a lie 我的做法是:每一个人的感恩都在改变我的看法,然后最后用 dialogue 结尾,通过我的口说出了 theme。 But I was also starving and I had to eat something. 我的饥饿(也可以用...force myself to return to the table...)和我的所见(直接用 only to find... 这是非常高频的句法) My stomach grumbling again, I left the guest room hesitatantly, only to find the turkey and cheesecake ready but untouched. 我的所想(照应文章的 angry) Meeting their caring eyes, I frowned and sat down reluctantly. Hmm, what was the point of pretending to be thankful? It was nothing but a lie! 妈妈的宣布(衔接句) “Welcome little Mary back.” Mother announced excitedly, “ Everything ready now, let’s start showing gratitude to whoever helped us.” Her words were greeted with heated claps. At her words, I realized they wanted me to be a part of the tradition. Uncle 的感恩,让我的眼睛开始湿润 The ceremony began with Uncle Tom. He shared his story of unemployment and it was Grandpa who brightened his gloomy days. My eyes moistened for his heart-felt thanks. 妈妈的感恩,让我的心灵开始震撼 “I should thank Mary who helped me with housework everyday…” Mother began her turn, her voice filled with love. What a deep shock in my heart! 我的感恩,点出主旨(照应线索 hunger, sob,truth/magic) Eventually my turn came. My hunger was replaced with deep gratitude. Regretful for my initial stupid idea, I couldn’t help sobbing, “My thanks go to mother and everyone present. You make me find the truth of Thanksgiving day——gratitude and reunion.” 场景之间如何过渡?这个问题必须要考虑进去,一般通过时间和环境过渡,我的做法是:began with...Mother began her turn... Eventually my turn came. 完整: But I was also starving and I had to eat something. My stomach grumbling again, I left the guest room hesitatantly, only to find the turkey and cheesecake ready but untouched. Meeting their caring eyes, I frowned and sat down reluctantly. Hmm, what was the point of pretending to be thankful? It was nothing but a lie! “Welcome little Mary back.” Mother announced excitedly, “Everything ready now, let’s start showing gratitude to whoever helped us.” Her words were greeted with heated claps. At her words, I realized they wanted me to be a part of the tradition. The ceremony began with Uncle Tom. He shared his story of unemployment and it was Grandpa who brightened his gloomy days. My eyes moistened for his heart-felt thanks. “ I should thank Mary who helped me with housework everyday…” Mother began her turn, her voice filled with love. What a deep shock in my heart! Eventually my turn came. My hunger was replaced with deep gratitude. Regretful for my initial stupid idea, I couldn’t help sobbing, “My thanks go to mother and everyone present. You make me find the truth of Thanksgiving day ——gratitude and reunion.” (166 words) 答案范文: But I was also starving and I had to eat something. So after a few minutes I went back to the dining room. And I couldn’t believe what I saw. Waiting for me, with wide smiles, was my entire extended family and a table covered with untouched plates. At first, I was confused. I wondered why no one was digging into their carefully-constructed meals. That ’ s when I noticed that everyone was looking at me with concern. ‘Andy,’ my aunt said, ‘We can’t eat without you. It’s your turn.’ At her words, I realized they wanted me to be a part of the tradition. As usual, we shared what made us all thankful one by one around the table. I didn’t know what to say. But I had to. Everyone had something beautiful to say. Listening, I came to understand what my mom meant about finding the truth. For me, this holiday was a chance to pause and reflect on everything I cared about. That was worth celebrating. And with that, I took a huge and satisfying bite of food.

资料: 1.9万


