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义乌市2015届九年级英语下学期期中质量检测(有答案)‎ 考生须知:‎ ‎1.全卷共6页,7大题,76小题。满分为120分,考试时间100分钟。‎ ‎2.本卷答案必须做在答题纸的对应位置上,做在试题卷上无效。‎ 温馨提示:请仔细审题,细心答题,相信你一定会有出色的表现!‎ 试 卷 I 说明:本卷共有3大题,45小题,共70分。请用2B铅笔在“答题纸”上将你认为正确的选项对应的小方框涂黑、涂满。‎ 一、听力(本题有15小题;第一节每小题1分,第二、第三节每小题2分,共25分)‎ 第一节:听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。‎ ‎1.What will the weather be like tomorrow ?‎ A. It’ll be sunny. B. It’ll be foggy. C. It’ll be windy.‎ ‎2. How did Tom come to school this morning?‎ ‎ A. By bike. B. By bus. C. On foot.‎ ‎3. Who isn't going to Beijing ?‎ ‎ A. Mary. B. Mary's father. C. Mary's mother.‎ ‎4. Why can’t Tony go out with him?‎ A. A football game. B. A basketball game. C. A table tennis game. ‎ ‎5. What did Bill do last night?‎ A. Read a novel. B. Read a newspaper. C. Played computer games.‎ 第二节:听长对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项。‎ 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第6、7两小题。‎ ‎6. What are they talking about?‎ A. Beijing traffic condition. B. National Day holiday. C. Mr Wang’s travel in Beijing.‎ ‎7. How many hours did Mr Wang stay in one place?‎ A. 3 B. ‎3.5 ‎‎ ‎‎ C. 13.5‎ 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8~10三小题。‎ ‎8. Who has moved into a new house ?‎ ‎ A. David. B. Lisa Morgan. C. No one.‎ ‎9. Where is his new house ?‎ ‎ A. In Times Supermarket. B. In the center of the city. C. Near the Times Square.‎ ‎10. Why did David call Lisa ?‎ ‎ A. To tell her his new telephone number . B. To ask her to go to the supermarket .‎ ‎ C. To ask her to go to see his new house and play with him .‎ 第三节:听独白,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项, 完成信息记录表。‎ ‎ Information Card Name of the book: 11 ‎ Price: 12 Writer: 13 ‎ Fit for: 14 Main idea: It’s about how to 15 . ‎ ‎11. A. How to Be Good Friends B. Ways to Study English C. Man and Nature ‎12. A.¥21 B.¥‎32 ‎ C.¥38‎ ‎13. A. David Smith B. Jack Brown C. Tony Smith ‎ ‎14. A. primary school students B. middle school students C. college students ‎ ‎15. A. study English B. get on well with others C. protect the environment 二、完形填空(本题有15小题;每小题1分,共15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。‎ Daniel Brown was just five years old when he climbed into the family car and let it go away down the road. He was only three when he flooded the kitchen. ‎ 9‎ ‎ His mother, Angela Brown, isn’t in 16 and has no way to watch him. She is very busy looking after her new baby, a little girl called Laura, 17 Daniel. She told us, “Daniel has a lot of strange ideas.” At that moment, we hear a huge noise and then silence. We go upstairs and find Daniel 18 out of a wardrobe(衣橱)he has pulled over onto the floors, a book in his hand. “It’s 19 you, Mum,” he says and looks up at his mum and smiles. Seven-year-old Daniel has a lovely face. He has golden hair, big brown eyes, and a friendly smile. I have to say that Daniel doesn’t look like a(n) 20 boy. Angela told me all about it, “Once I found him 21 he was about to put Jasper in the washing machine.” Jasper, she 22 , is the Browns’ dog. “When I asked him why, he said that he thought Jasper was dirty! It’s surprising 23 one little boy can cause so much trouble. Another time he cut off the hair of the little girl next door. She was going to her sister’s wedding and the neighbors haven’t spoken to us since. Angela told me about Daniel’s most 24 crime(罪行). “It was 4:00 pm. I was about to washing the 25 after the light meal when the baby started crying. Daniel decided to help and 26 the kitchen sink(水槽) with water. When I came in, the water was already flooding the kitchen and was about to flood the hall. The carpet was all wet and had to be replaced. That cost a lot. I hope 27 will get better when he gets older.”‎ ‎ 28 , Daniel is another Daniel in school and all the things he does go to opposite direction. This may be because he is 29 bored. Meanwhile he continues to be the naughtiest little boy in England. Will his baby sister Laura 30 to be the naughtiest little girl?‎ ‎16.‎ A. time B. health C. hope D. person ‎17.‎ A. as well as B. no longer C. of course D. instead of ‎18.‎ A. jumping B. walking C. taking D. climbing ‎19.‎ A. on B. for C. with D. around ‎20.‎ A. brave B. active C. naughty D. well-behaved ‎21.‎ A. before B. after C. until D. as ‎22.‎ A. explained B. cried C. replied D. nodded ‎23.‎ A. how often B. how C. when D. what ‎24.‎ A. exciting B. expensive C. interesting D. enjoyable ‎25.‎ A. shoes B. fridge C. floor D. dishes ‎26.‎ A. carried B. cleaned C. filled D. shook ‎27.‎ A. nothing B. anywhere C. everything D. everyone ‎28.‎ A. Amazingly B. Exactly C. Awfully D. Unluckily ‎29.‎ A. always B. often C. sometimes D. seldom ‎30.‎ A. pick up B. grow up C. wake up D. give up 三、阅读理解(本题有15小题;每小题2分,共30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。‎ A DARWIN‎ COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL REPORT ‎ Form Teacher: G. Baker Pupil's Name: Simon Watkins ‎ Term: Summer 2013 Form: IV B Subject Exam Classwork Comments English ‎59‎ ‎61‎ Simon has reached a satisfactory grade but now needs to work harder Mathematics ‎77‎ ‎85‎ Sound work and progress all the year. Well done!‎ History ‎46‎ ‎53‎ Au unsatisfied exam result. He is unable to give attention to this subject for long.‎ Chemistry ‎78‎ ‎85‎ His ability in the subject was not fully seen in his exam work, but I have high hopes for him 9‎ Physics ‎86‎ ‎94‎ An excellent term's performance. A born scientist, I feel.‎ Biology ‎57‎ ‎60‎ This time next year he will be taking the "O" exam. He needs to concentrate (专注于) on the work, not on class conversation.‎ French ‎41‎ ‎46‎ Clearly he has no patience in learning the language. His attitude (态度) is not so good.‎ Physical Education ‎/‎ ‎31‎ Weak. It's time to exercise his body more and his voice less. He should try to work with a team.‎ FORM TEACHER'S REMARKS ‎ Basically satisfactory work and progress. I hope that in some subjects he needs to make speedy improvement.‎ HEADMASTER I shall be keeping an eye on his progress in his weaker subjects though is success in the sciences is most pleasing.‎ ‎31. According to the comments of the Chemistry teacher, Simon __________.‎ ‎ A. has the ability to be better B. has high hopes for himself ‎ C. has tried his best D. often talks with others in class ‎32. Simon's improvement in _________ will draw more attention of the headmaster in future.‎ ‎ A. Biology and Mathematics B. French and History ‎ C. English and Chemistry D. Physics and Physical Education ‎33. In G. Baker's opinion, Simon __________.‎ ‎ A. grade in maths is much weaker than that in Chemistry B. has improved a lot in biology this term ‎ C. is one of the top students in his class D. needs to improve a lot on some subjects B ‎ It was a hot and windy day. Cortney Townsent, 14, and her horse Rocky were training in an open area in Oklahoma, US. They were training for a national equestrian (马术) contest.‎ ‎ About noon, Cortney and her trainer said they smelt smoke. A big wildfire happened not very far from them. ‎ ‎ "We saw white smoke, then it turned black, and it was coming closer," Cortney said. "We began moving horses to their stables(马厩)." The trainer hurried back to call the people in the training center to move other horses away. ‎ ‎ After a short time, the fire was all around them. ‎ ‎ "The fire was coming straight at us and we had to move again," Cortney said. "Rocky wouldn't get in the trailer (运送大型动物的拖车). I either had to leave Rocky or ride him away."‎ ‎ She called her grandparents for help, but they couldn't come, because the highway was closed and they had no other way to get there.‎ ‎ "I had nothing with me," Cortney said. "Rocky was really nervous, and all I had was a rope and his halter (缰绳). There were cars all around me on the highway. It was like the world had gone mad. I thought, don't look back, and just keep going forward."‎ ‎ Cortney was so scared, but she would never leave Rocky behind. They stopped once for water. A person with a horse trailer offered to help. Cortney said Rocky wouldn't get in, but to her surprise, he did. ‎ ‎ They went back to the training center. People there praised Cortney for being calm and brave when dangers came.‎ ‎34. The fire happened __________.‎ A. in the stables B. at Cortney's grandparents' house ‎ C. on the highway D. in an open area near the training field ‎35. Cortney decided to __________ when Rocky wouldn't get in the trailer.‎ ‎ A. keep riding Rocky forward B. leave Rocky behind 9‎ ‎ C. find a bigger trailer for Rocky D. stay on the highway ‎36. From the story, we know that __________.‎ ‎ A. the trainer refused to help Coutney B. Cortney's grandparents came to help her C. a stranger finally helped Cortney and Rocky out D. Cortney rode Rocky back all the way by herself ‎ C ‎ Drell Heath clearly remembers all the times that bullies(恃强凌弱者) teased him. He reacted by starting an anti-bullying club. Drell, a student as Joseph W. Grier Academy‎, ‎US, started the club with the help of five friends and his teacher Diane Hamilton.‎ ‎“Bullies need to stop bullying. It’s not right.” Drell said. The club meets twice a month and there are about 10 members, but Drell said the hopes everyone will work with him. At club lunch meetings, members discuss ways to deal with bullies.‎ ‎“I would say, ‘Don’t pay attention to the bullies out there’. My mom always says, ‘The bullies get back what they give out.’” Drell says.‎ As the club grows, Drell hopes to appoint (委派) one student in each classroom to help stop bullying situations, he said. Because of his hard work, drell received a nomination(提名)for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools’ All Stars Award.‎ ‎“The most exciting thing about this is more and more good things are happening,” Drell said. “People in the club get A’s and B’s and more and more people are going to join our club.”‎ There are many similar projects in the school, such as Gardens of Kindness”, and “No name Calling Week”. They all start from Drell’s club, said Hamilton, who is now the club’s adviser. She said she needs the new club to help find out about bullying because it often happens behind adults’ backs.‎ As for the club’s tenacity(坚韧), she said, “They push me. Drell keeps asking me when the club gets to meet again.” She is also impressed by the club’s hard work and leadership.‎ Drell has already called on more students to keep working on stopping bullying when he leaves for middle school. “I just want the club to be successful throughout the years,” Drell said.‎ ‎37. When Drell was bullied, he __________.‎ ‎ A. cried but never told anyone B. started a club ‎ C. bullied the other students D. asked his five friends for help ‎38. The following things impressed Hamilton except __________.‎ ‎ A. tenacity B. great effort C. leadership D. being creative ‎39. We can tell from the story that _________.‎ ‎ A. bullying happens a lot in front of adults B. few students want to work with Drell ‎ C. Drell’s club helps his teacher a lot D. there are no longer any bullies in Drell’s school ‎40. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 “The bullies get back what they give out.” means _______.‎ ‎ A. the bullies will be punished someday B. the bullies always look after themselves well ‎ C. the bullies never return the things they get from other students ‎ D. the bullies often make terrible messes when they’re out of school D ‎ ①I thought this matter is advantageous to us until the other day I took my car to mail a small package. The journey is 281 steps. But I used the car. And I wasn’t in any hurry, either, I had only become one more victim (受害者)of a national sickness—motorosis. ②It is an illness that I had thought myself immune(免疫的) because I was born and grew up in the tradition of going to places on my own two legs. At that time, we regarded(认为) 25 miles as good day’s walk and the ability to cover such a distance in ten hours as a sign of strength 9‎ ‎ and skill. It seemed that walking was not a hardship for us. And the effect(影响) was lasting. When I was 45 years old, I raced with a teenage football player to see who was first to reach the 168 steps up the Stature of Liberty and I beat him. ③Such things today are thought to be bad for the heart by many middle-aged persons. But a well-known British physician, Sir Adolphe Abrhams, pointed out recently that hearts and bodies need proper exercise. A person who avoids exercise is more possible to have illnesses than one who exercises regularly. And walking is an ideal form of exercise — the most familiar and natural of all. ④Henry Thoreau showed us the richness of going on foot. The man walking can learn the trees, flower, insects, birds and animals, the beauty of seasons, the very feel of himself as a living creature (生物) in a living world. He cannot learn in a car. ⑤The car is a convenient way of transport, but we have made it our way of life. Many people don’t stay close to Nature any more, they think the world they were born to enjoy is all man-eating shark, ▲ . And much of their thinking takes place while waiting for the traffic light to turn green. ⑥I say that the green of forests is the mind’s best light. And none but the man on foot may know what is basic and forever. 41. What does " this matter " in the first sentence refer to according to the writer? ‎ A. Exercise regularly. B. Cover 25miles in ten hours. C. Often driving cars. D. Going on foot. 42. How many of the following statements are facts but not opinions? a. I took my car to mail a small package. b. It is an illness that I had thought myself immune. c. It seemed that walking was not a hardship for us. d. I raced with a young man and I beat him.‎ ‎ e. I say that the green of forests is the mind’s best light.‎ ‎ A. 2 B. ‎3 C. 4 D. 5‎ ‎43. What can we learn from Paragraph ④?‎ ‎ A. Middle-aged people like getting back to nature. B. Walking in nature helps open one’s mind. C. People need regular exercise to keep fit. D. A person who often goes on foot will be rich. 44. Which sentence is the best to be placed in the blank in Paragraph ⑤?‎ ‎ A. to them safety is a steel river running on a road or a street ‎ B. whenever they can find a way to say NO to the Nature ‎ C. they may get pale when they are in such situation ‎ D. what they care about is not the environment but their transportation ‎ ‎45. Which could be the best title of this passage? A. Nature is basic and forever B. One more victim C. Do more outdoor activities D. Return to walking 试 卷 Ⅱ 说明:本卷共有4大题,31小题,共50分。答题请用‎0.5毫米及以上的黑色签字笔书写在“答题纸”的对应位置上。‎ 四、词汇运用(本题有15小题;每小题1分,共15分)‎ A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。‎ ‎ ‎ ball ‎ hundred greet throw away month ‎ ‎46. Would you please show us some traditional ways of ________ in England?‎ ‎47. I’m really sorry that I have ________ the paper on the desk.‎ ‎48. The magazine English Square comes out ________. ‎ 9‎ ‎49. James often goes to the ________ and now is an excellent Waltz dancer.‎ ‎50. Congratulations! You are the ________ customer of our store. Here is the gift for you.‎ B. 根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,在空白处填入单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。‎ While kids are still singing Let It Go after Elsa and Anna in Frozen, Baymax, a new Disney 51 (角色), has made everyone want to hug him.‎ The big robot is from the Disney movie Big Hero 6. He lives with a 14-year-old smart boy called Hiro Hamada. Hiro's 52 (年长的) brother is killed in an accident and he feels really sad about his brother's 53 (死). Baymax has helped Hiro get through hard times. Soon Hiro finds that some bad people kill his brother and want to take the city. 54 stop it, he uses high-tech gadgets (机械) and turns Baymax, as well as four other friends, into a band of superheroes.‎ Big Hero 6 has received very good feedback (反响). Last month, the movie won the Best Animation Feature at the 87th Oscar awards. Baymax has become so popular 55 mothers in Japan have started to make rice balls as the 56 (形状) of Baymax for their children. In China, fans 57 (亲切) call him "the Big White".‎ The friendship between Hiro and Baymax 58 (尤其) makes many cry in the cinema. As a nursing robot, Baymax is never 59 (设计) to be a superman, but he cares about Hiro and is willing to do everything, even give his life to help Hiro.‎ US actor Scott Adsit, thinks that it is the selflessness (无私) that has make the robot so beloved. "He is there to love you, 60 expecting anything for himself, " said Adsit. "I think we all love him because we have our own flaws (缺陷) and he is fairly flawless."‎ 五、语法运用(本题有10小题;每小题1分,共10分)‎ ‎ 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构和上下文连贯的要求在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。‎ ‎ Cool wind, yellow leaves, wild geese (大雁) flying south... these things don't only show 61 is coming. They also mean it's the best time for the whole school to hold a sports meeting.‎ ‎ Wu Xinwei, 14, from Jiangxi still felt excited when asked about his 200 relay race (接力赛) during his school's sports meeting held before the National Day holiday. 62 was his first time to run a relay race. " I was afraid to 63 the stick," said the second runner of the 4-person team. " But when I got it, I thought of nothing but running as fast as I 64 ."‎ ‎ Wu's team won the first place. "It's really a team effort", he said. "It's 65 (use) for just on person to run quickly. All the team members play 66 parts."‎ ‎ When the players were sweating on the playground, other students were also busy. Wu's classmate, Cheng Yifan, wrote short 67 to the school's broadcasting(广播)station. To get the results in time, Cheng often went to the playground to see the games. When the result came 68 , she ran back to the stand to write.‎ ‎ Besides getting students to take part, sports meeting also help students become more confident. Li Shuqing 13, from Jiangxi, said a classmate of hers behaved 69 (bad) in his class. "But he won many prizes at the sports meeting," Li said. "We all 70 (feel) proud of him and he was very happy to find his talent for sport."‎ 六、任务型阅读(本题有5小题;每小题1分,共5分)‎ ‎ 请阅读下面文章,分别为相应的段落找到合适的标题,并把序号填入相应的位置。‎ A. To change the world, invest in youth. B. Expect the unexpected. C. Think ahead. ‎ D. Wealth isn't happiness but responsibility. E. You don't need connections to 9‎ ‎ achieve success.‎ ‎ ‎ The sound of 16,000 people chanting "Ali, Alibaba" fills the Yellow Dragon Stadium in Hangzhou, a city on China's eastern coast. As the theme to The Lion King begins to blare over the sound system, a tiny figure rises through the stage floor. Jack Ma begins to sing Elton John's "Can you feel the Love Tonight" to his lovely employees. It was time to celebrate. China's richest man explains how to lead a successful life.‎ ‎ 71. ▲ "We got successful today not because we did a great job today — we had a dream 15 years ago.‎ ‎ 72. ▲ " When I graduated, I earned $‎20 a month, which was fantastic. When you have one million dollars, you're a lucky person. When you have 10 million dollars, you've got a lot of headaches. When you have more than one billion dollars or more, there's a duty on you — it's the trust of people on you, because people believe you can spend money better than the others."‎ ‎ 73. ▲ "Life is like a box of chocolates, Ma said, drawing a line from one of his favorite films, Forrest Gump. "You never know what you're going to get."‎ ‎ 74. ▲ " We don't have a rich father or a powerful uncle. We only have the customers that supports us."‎ ‎ 75. ▲ " The secret here is helping those who want to be successful. Help small guys. Because they will be big and they will have the seeds you bury in them, they will bloom and harvest."‎ 七、书面表达(本题有1小题,共20分)‎ 回想初中三年的学习生活,或是老师的谆谆教诲,或是同学的鼓励帮助,或是家长的默默陪伴,彼此之间一定发生过许多难忘的故事。请你以A helpful hand makes a big difference为题,结合你的相关经历写一篇短文。‎ 要求: 条理清晰,语言流畅,用词准确, 字迹工整,80-100词。‎ A helpful hand makes a big difference ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 9‎ 九年级英语听力材料及参考答案 听力原文 第一节:听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的答案。对话读一遍。‎ ‎1. W: What bad weather ! I don’t like the rain .‎ ‎ M: The radio says it will be fine tomorrow.‎ ‎2. W: Hey , Tom. Didn't you come to school by bike this morning? ‎ ‎ M: Oh, no . My bike is broken. So I walked here.‎ ‎3. M: Who will go to Beijing with you, Mary?‎ ‎ W: My mother. My father is very busy these days.‎ ‎4. W: Tony, would you like to go to my birthday party tomorrow afternoon?‎ ‎ M: I’d love to. But I am going to a basketball game.‎ ‎5. W: Did you read newspapers last night, Bill?‎ ‎ M: I planned to read a novel but I played computer games instead.‎ 第二节: 听长对话回答问题,对话读两遍。‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第6—7小题。‎ W: Many people in Beijing found that the traffic condition was very bad just after the National Day holiday.‎ M: That’s right. On the evening of October 7, there were about 140 traffic jams in the city. It’s really a serious problem.‎ W: I agree with you. Mr. Wang in Beijing said his car stayed in one place for nearly thirteen and a half hours.‎ M: Something must be done to change the traffic condition. ‎ 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。 对话读两遍。‎ W: Hello, Lisa Morgan. Speaking. ‎ M: Hello, Lisa. This is David. I’d like to tell you my family has moved into our new house.‎ W: Good news. So is this your new telephone number?‎ M: Sure it is. And it’s in the center of the city, near Times Supermarket .‎ W: Is it very big?‎ M: Maybe. There are three bedrooms and a large living room, with a small garden .‎ W: A garden? We can play games there.‎ M: Yes. That’s why I call you. Can you come and see this afternoon? About two o’clock ?‎ W: Terrific! I can’t wait.‎ M: That’s a deal. I’ll wait for you at the supermarket. See you later.‎ W: See you.‎ 第三节:听独白,请根据独白内容,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成下面的表格,独白读两遍。‎ Good morning, everyone. It’s my turn to give you a duty report. Today I want to introduce a new book named Man and Nature. It’s written by David Smith. I bought it in the bookshop next to our school with my friend Tony yesterday. The price of the book is 32 yuan. It tells us what the environment is like now and what we can do to protect the environment. The pictures in this book will help us understand it better. Our English teacher Jack Brown thinks the book is very useful and it’s fit for us middle school students. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Thank you!‎ 9‎ 参考答案 一、听力部分 ‎1---5 ACBBC 6---10 ACABC 11---15 CBABC 二、完形填空 ‎ 16---30 CADBC DABBD CCADB ‎ 三、阅读理解 ‎31---33 ABD 34---36. DAC 37---40 BDCA 41---45. CABAD 四、词汇填空 ‎46. greetings 47. thrown away 48. monthly 49. balls 50. hundredth ‎51.character 52. elder/older 53. death 54. To 55. that ‎ ‎56. shape 57. warmly 58. especially 59. designed 60. without ‎ ‎ 五、语法填空 ‎61. autumn/fall 62. It 63. drop 64. could 65. useless ‎ ‎66. their 67. reports 68. out 69. (the) worst 70.felt 六、任务型阅读 ‎71. C 72.D 73. B 74. E 75. A 七、书面表达 范文一: Over the last three years, I’ve experienced lots of things with my best friend, happy or sad, sweet or bitter. At this time, I’d like to show my thanks to him for giving me so much help when I was in trouble. Especially, I will never forget the smile which has changed me a lot.‎ When I entered the new school, I was too shy to make friends with anyone. However, other students talked happily with each other. On a cold morning, I was sitting in my seat and didn’t pay any attention from others when he came in, looking at me with a bright smile. Suddenly, I felt something warm and friendly touch my heart. ‎ Now, because of the smile, I’ve made more friends. And he, of course, became my best friend. The beautiful smile saved me when I felt lonely and brought me a big difference. It will be in my heart forever.‎ 范文二: I still remember how nervous I was on my first day in the new school three years ago. I found it difficult to follow my teacher in the first English class. She spoke English all the time.‎ In the morning class the next day, the English teacher came to me while I was reading the book as other students. After listening to me for a while, she gave me a big smile and said she liked my voice very much. The smile shone on the whole day and the following days. A few months later, I took part in a speaking competition and won the third prize. ‎ Thanks to my teacher’s comforting smile in the morning class, it encouraged me to be a confident girl.‎ ‎ ‎ 9‎

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