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小学英语4A Unit1--3测试试卷   Name                   2008.10. 一、听力部分(30分) (一)、听录音,选择你听到的单词(8分) (   )1、A  notebook      B  book      C  copybook (   )2、A  thank         B  think      C  pear (   )3、A car           B cap           C cat (   )4、A.  2542         B 2452       C  4252 (   )5、A  like         B  kite        C cake (   )6、A  you          B  your       C  my (   )7、A.in the bed    B.on the bed     C.in the bag (   )8.A.I’d like a toy panda.B.I like toy pandas.C.Ilike toy monkeys. (二)、听录音,选择合适的应答句(6分) (   )1、A、 It’s fine.    B 、Thank you.    C、 Not at all. (   )2、A、Yes, it is .     B、No, I don’t.    C、Yes, I am. (   )3、A、She’s in the study. B He’s in the dining room. C、It’s on the bed. (   )4、A 、Yes, I am.   B 、No, I don’t.    C、 No, I can’t. (   )5、A、It’s a tape.  B、It’s in the desk.  C、He’s in the classroom. (   )6、A、It’s red.    B、No, it isn’t.    C、It’s a car.  (三)、听录音,判断(6分) (四)、听录音,完成下列对话(10分) 1、 A: What’s this ____   English ? B: It's a _____   ________ . 2、 A: What's ______ over there ? B: It’s my _______  ______. 3、 A: Can ____ have a _____? B: _____ . Here you are . A: Oh , how_______ ! 二、语音. 判断下列每组单词划线部分读音是否相同。(相同的打√,不同的打×)(6分) 1. name my   (  )      2.panda bag (  )         3.cat pencil  (   ) 4. girl orange  (  )      5.dog red  (  )           6. fat fine   (   ) 三、词汇(共20分) A)根据中文意思完成下列单词拼写. (10分) 1、l     n      狮子         2、g     t            吉他 3、f            扇子         4、h                  她的 5、wh         在哪里        6、sw      t          毛衣 7、ch          椅子          8、p  nc              铅笔 9、f          给;为         10、th                 三 B)翻译词组。(10分) 1.一支蓝圆珠笔 _______________ 6. In which box? ___________ 2.那只老虎 _______________    7. How  lovely!______________ 3.我的钢琴_______________     8.I don’t know.______________ 4.在你的钱包里_______________  9.have a look _____________ 5.他的钥匙_______________     10. Over  there _____________ 四、单项选择题(12分) 1Where are you, Wang Bing? ”            A I’m in the studyB He’s in the kitchen.C She’s here D It’s in the sitting room. 2、This crayon is     Gao Shan. A to   B four     C for     D at 3、    like that radio.  Here you are. A I’d   B I    C Liu Tao     D Don’t 4、What’s      over there? A this    B that    C the     D rubber 5、It isn’t my umbrella.  It’s      . A Liu Tao  B he   C Nancy’s   D a dog 6、——        my toy car ? ——Perhaps it’s in the desk.  A、What’s   B、Where     C、Where’s 7、This is      father.        is a doctor(医生). A my, His   B his , She   C her ,He     D my, I 8、What’s five minus four? It’s      A nine    B four    C five     D one 9、Can I     ?   OK! A look at    B have a look    C have look    D go to home 10、“Happy Teachers’ Day!” -------    . A Sorry    B Yes    C Oh,no    D Thank you 11、你问别人身体怎么样,别人回答:        A Thank you   B Not so good   C I’m sorry  D Yes, it is 12、刘涛想拿一本故事书给高山,于是对李老师说:        A Where are you, Liu Tao?    B May I have a storybook for Gao Shan? C Here you are       D I like the storybook,Liu Tao. 四、搭配题(8分) (    )1.May I have a notebook?      A. It’s a rabbit. (    )2.The pen is for Tom.         B. Yes, come in, please. (    )3.May I come in?            C. All right. (     )4. Where’s my watch?           D. OK , Let’s go . (     )5. What’s this in English?        E. Yes, it is. (     )6. Let’s go to the park .          F. OK. Here you are. (     )7. Look at my school bag.       G. It’s on the table. (     )8. Is this your kite?             H. How nice! 四、连词成句。(10分) 1. I, may, have, book , a   (?) May________________________________________ 2. on, what’s , desk,  that,  the  (?) What’s__________________________________________ 3. your , is , on , umbrella , desk , the, perhaps ( . ) Perhaps_____________________________________________ 4.  is, rubber, for, this, David (.) This______________________________________________ 5.  for,  here’s, you, rabbit, a ( . ) Here’s_______________________________________________ 五、根据上下文完成对话(10分) A:Excuse      ,          my storybook? B:Is this      storybook? A:No,           . Perhaps     Liu Tao’s. B:Look, your storybook    over there . A:Thank     . B:     at  all. 六、阅读理解,判断正误(4分) A: Mum, it’s Teachers’ Day. I’d like a card for my teacher. B: OK! Here is a green one, on the desk. A: Thank you, Mum. What’s the time , please? B: It’s seven o’clock. A: It’s late. Where’s my school bag? B: It’s on the bed. A: Mum, shall we go by bus? B: OK. Let’s close the door. (    )1、It’s Teachers’ Day. (    )2、His school bag is on the desk. (    )3、They go to school by bike. (    )4、They go to school at seven.                    4A期中考试听力稿 一、听录音,选择你听到的单词 1、May I have a notebook for David?  Sure. 2、This is a bear, I think.  No, it isn’t. 3、Don’t do puzzles.  All right. 4、Is that a doll?  No, it isn’t. 5、Is this a kite?  Yes, it is. 6、What’s your name?    I’m Yang Ling. 7、What a nice telephone! 8、Is that your rabbit?  No, it’s my brother’s. 二、听录音,选择合适的应答句。 1、Thank  you! 2、Do you like football? 3、Where is your father? 4、Can you see the toy pandas? 5、Let’s colour the kite. 三、听录音,判断 1、Is this a ruler?  Yes, it is. 2、Your monkey is nice, can I have a look?  Sure, here you are. 3、Is this your panda? Yes, it is. 4、What’s this on the chair?  Sorry, I don’t know. 5、What’s this in English?  It’s an umbrella. 6、Is this your toy car, Nancy?  Yes, it is. 
