Unit 6 How do you feel?第6课时学案(pep六年级英语上册)

Unit 6 How do you feel?第6课时学案(pep六年级英语上册)


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Period 6 Main picture  Let’s check  Let’s wrap it up  Story time P56-57  P64-65Learning aims(学习目标)1.复习本单元重点单词和句型。2.能够独立完成Let’s check  Let’s wrap it up的活动。3.理解Story time中的故事。Important &difficult points(重难点)巩固本单元词汇和重点句型。Learning steps(学习步骤)Step1预习温故. (用时5分钟)1.Go over old words, phrases and sentences.T: I say, you do.   Sad, angry/ …T: Spell the words. S-A-D/ …(看谁写得又快又准确)T: I am … What should I do?     Ss: You should …2. Read and speak out their Chinese meanings.see a doctor   do more exercises   wear warm clothes   count to tentake a deep breath    Don’t be sad   be afraid of   be angry withStep2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)1.Main picture P56-57(1)Listen to the tape and read after it(2)Role play 2.Finish Let’s check.3. Finish Let’s wrap it up. (可选上)Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)Story time: 1. Listen to the tape and find out the key sentences: I can’t wait.   I’m so happy.  Where is he? I’m a little worried.   What are you doing here?   Don’t be angry! Count to ten and take a deep breath.2. Teach Story time.3. Role play Story time.Step 4. 达标检测(用时8分钟)一.连词成句。1. is/ my/ mother/ ill(.) ____________________________________________2. go/ the/ to/ hospital/ let’s(.) _______________________________________3. she/ do/ exercise/ should/ more(.)___________________________________二.阅读理解。 Many students are not well today. The teacher is making a report to the head teacher. Sue is ill today. She doesn’t feel well. She should see a doctor. Bob feels cold. He should wear warm clothes. What’s wrong with Tom?He is angry, because he won’t go to the zoo tomorrow. What should he do? He should take a deep breath and then count to ten. Mary is weak. She should do more exercise. I hope they will be better soon.(   )1. Sue should       . A. see a doctor  B. wear warm clothes   C. count to ten(   )2.      won’t go to the zoo tomorrow.  A. Bob    B. Tom    C. Mary(   )3. Mary is      .     A. not well     B. ill      C. weak(   )4. The teacher is making a report to     .    A. Sue     B. the head teacher  C. students(   )5. Bob feels     .     A. warm     B. hot    C. coldStep5.布置课后作业(用时2分钟)1. 读Story time.  2.复习本单元单词和句型。学生小结:这节课我学会了                              板书设计:       Unit 6 How do you feel?I can’t wait.   I’m so happy.  Where is he? I’m a little worried.  What are you doing here?   Don’t be angry! Count to ten and take a deep breath.教学反思:  

资料: 10.8万


