九年级英语Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry period 1学案(人教新目标)

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九年级英语Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry period 1学案(人教新目标)‎ ‎【学习目标】‎ 重点词组: have…in common, leave out , drave sb crazy, be friends with, why don’t you…? The more…..the more…..‎ 重点句式:‎ Sad movies make me cry.‎ The soft music makes Amy relax.‎ 理解使役动词make. Let, have的用法 ‎【学习重、难点】‎ 熟记重点单词和短语。‎ ‎【课前自习】 ‎ 一、 单词冲浪。(先熟记第166页P81-82 的单词,再闭合书本测试 音标 单词 中文及词性 音标 单词 中文及词性 rather friendship drive lately 二、预习第81-82页的‎1a-2d划出重点词组及句子并记住:‎ ‎1.想要做某事 2.使我想哭 3.使我想睡觉 ‎ ‎4.喜欢听安静的音乐 5.宁愿做某事 ‎ ‎6.使得某人发狂/发疯 7.玩得开心 ‎ ‎8.有很多共同点 9.越……越…… .‎ ‎10.花费更多时间在一起 11.和某人成为朋友 ‎ ‎12.你为什么不….? 13. 也是也不是 ‎ ‎14.使得我们的友谊更加牢固 ‎ 三、知识点拨。(把它抄在语法笔记书上,并记一记)‎ ‎1.make 使得,制造,制作 make+sb +adj. 使某人怎样,make sb happy/sad/nervous make sb do sth 使某人做某事,make me relax/work/study 使役动词make,let ,have sb do sth make+sb+过去分词 ,“使某人怎样”,make me understood ‎ 练一练:‎ ‎1.I tried hard to make myself (hear).(我努力使大家能听见我)‎ ‎2.The news made him very (happy).‎ ‎3.The boss makes the workers (work) 12 hours a day.但是改为被动语态的时侯,要加to,例如:He was made to work 12 hours yesterday.此句当中的to 是不能少了的,一定要注意。‎ ‎2.would rather do sth 宁愿做某事,would rather not do sth 宁愿不做某事 would rather do sth … than do sth…宁愿做某事而不愿做某事,当和人称代词连用时,可以缩写为:I’d , We’d . He’d , They’d , You’d.‎ 2‎ 练一练:1.We’d ratther (go) shopping tomorrow.‎ ‎2.I’d rather ( stay) at home than (go) out to play.‎ ‎3.He’d rather (not talk) to him.‎ 四、单选题 ‎( )1.I looked carefully , but it was still dark see anything.‎ A: too,to B:so, that C:enough, to D:very,to ‎( )2.He left in hurry he forbot to lock the door.‎ ‎ A.so,that B.so a, that C.such,that D.such a , that ‎( )3. You look tired today, Linda.What’s wrong ?:‎ ‎ I was busy I didn’t go to bed until midnight yesterday. ‎ A.such,that B,too,to C,so,that D,too,enough ‎( )4.I was with your mother in London before the war.‎ ‎ A:friend B:a friend C: friends D: the friends 五、选词填空(用所给单词 的正确形式填空)‎ ‎(he, bedroom, fail, unfail, help, happy, somebody, refuse, near, again)‎ Nobody can be happy all the time,You may become 1 sometimes, for example,when you 2 an exam.Or you may become sad when you lose one of your friends or relatives.It’s normal to have these feelings.If you don’t know how to solve these problems,you may learn something from Jeff.‎ ‎ Jeff 3 went mad when his elder brother died young.‎ He 4 to play soccer or go to the movies with his friends.Instead,he just sat in his 5 and didn’t talk to 6 , even his parents,Jeff felt that the world was 7 .After a few months,Jeff begin to understand it wasn’t 8 to be sad.Now he still misses his brother, but he is beginning to talk to his parents and this makes them happy 9 .He doesn’t stay in his room by 10 any longer. Instead,he goes to the movies or plays sports wiyh his friends and he is feeling better now.‎ 2‎

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