Unit 5 Nelson Mandela教案(新人教必修一)

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Unit 5 Nelson Mandela教案(新人教必修一)‎ 教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands)‎ 类别 课程标准要求掌握的项目 话题 The qualities of a great person;the lives of some great people 词汇 hero quality willing active republic principle fight peaceful prison period law advise continue fee gold youth league stage vote position accept violence equal blanket degree guard educated terror fear cruelty reward right(n.) criminal leader president sentence(v.) sincerely 词组、短语 lose heart in trouble worry about out of work Youth League as a matter of fact blow up put ... in prison come to power set up be sentenced to 功能 ‎1 发表意见(Giving opinions)‎ Why do you think so?‎ What do you think of ...? What’s your opinion?‎ I agree / don’t agree. I think / don’t think ...‎ I prefer ... In my opinion ... I’m afraid ...‎ ‎2 评论(Making comments)‎ ‎ Good idea! That’s an excellent idea.‎ 语法 定语从句(Ⅱ)(由where,when,why,介词+which,介词+whom引导的定语从句)‎ The school where I studied only two years was three kilometres away.‎ This was a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg‎.‎ The reason why I got a job was because of my hard work.‎ ‎... we were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the government.‎ The person to whom you should be grateful for a peaceful South Africa is Nelson Mandela.‎ 随堂练习 ‎1、Read these statements. Tell whether they are true or false and why.‎ ‎ True False ‎①Elias met Nelson Mandela at school. □ ‎②Nelson Mandela was a black lawyer. □‎ ‎③Elias was unable to read or write because he was lazy. □ ‎④Nelson Mandela helped him keep his job. □‎ ‎⑤Elias was happy blowing up government buildings. □ ‎⑥Nelson Mandela believed that black people were being treated as well as white people in South Africa. □ ‎⑦Nelson Mandela thought violence was a good way to help black people. □ ‎⑧The government were happy with Nelson Mandela and the ANC. □ ‎2、Now make a timeline of Elias’life until he met Nelson Mandela, using the reading to help you. Work out the year in which he was born and then fit in the other events in his till he was fourteen.‎ ‎—1940 Elias was born ‎—1942‎ ‎—1944‎ ‎—1946 Elias began school ‎—1948 Elias left school ‎—1950‎ ‎—1952 Nelson Mandela opened his law firm ‎—1954‎ 课堂笔记 ‎1、The time when I first met Nelson Mandela, was a very difficult period of my life.‎ 第一次见到纳尔逊·曼德拉的时候是在我一生中非常艰难的时期。‎ 这个句子中包含一个定语从句,该定语从句属于B句型,when I first met Nelson Mandela 是一个定语从句,when在定语从句中作状语,代替先行词time。‎ ‎①This was a time when you could not read or write.‎ ‎②The day when Nelson Mandela told me what to do and helped me was one of the ‎ happiest days of my life.‎ ‎2、It was 1952 and he had opened a black law firm to advise poor black people on their problems. ‎ 那时是1952年,他开设了一家黑人律师事务所,为那些遇到麻烦的穷苦黑人提供咨询服 务。‎ 注意advise的习惯搭配:‎ advise ... on就某事出主意,advise sb to do sth / advise doing建议某人做某事 ‎①The teacher advised us to do more reading in our spare time.‎ ‎ 老师建议我们在业余时间多读点书。‎ ‎②They advise planting more trees in spring.‎ ‎ 他们建议在春季多植树。‎ ‎③It’s a doctor’s job to advise patients on health problem.‎ ‎ 医生的职责就是向病人提供有关健康的建议。‎ ‎④Could you advise me on this problem?‎ ‎ 对于这个问题你能给我一些忠告吗?‎ ‎3、The school where I had studied only two years was three kilometers away.‎ 我仅仅读了两年的那所学校有三公里远。‎ be ... away有……远,可以指距离,也可以指时间。‎ ‎①My birthday is three days away.‎ ‎ =My birthday is three days off.‎ ‎ =My birthday is in three days’time.‎ ‎ 再过三天就是我的生日。‎ ‎②The new house(that)he has just bought is about three miles away.‎ ‎ =The new house(that)he has just bought is about three miles off.‎ ‎ 他新买的房子大约在三公里以外。‎ 注意:be ... away和be far away的区别,与具体数字连用时,要用be ... away,不 能用be far away。‎ ‎①My hometown is far away from here.‎ ‎ 我的家乡离这儿很远。‎ ‎②My hometown is 50 kilometers away from here.‎ ‎ 我的家乡离这儿有50公里远。‎ ‎4、We were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important,‎ or fight the government.‎ 我们被置于这样一个境地:要么我们被迫接受低人一等的现实,要么跟政府作斗争。‎ ‎“less+形容词(副词)原级+than”是形容词(副词)比较级的一种,表示前者不如后 者。‎ ‎①This building is less tall than that one.‎ ‎ 这栋建筑物没有那一栋高。‎ 比较:This building is taller than that one.‎ This building is much taller than that one.‎ ‎②This truck is running less smoothly than it used to be.‎ ‎ 这辆卡车比如以前跑得那样稳了。‎ ‎5、Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.‎ 只有在这时,我们才决定用暴力反对暴力。‎ 这是一个倒装句。一般句子是主语在前,动词在后,但在倒装句中,句子的结构是动词 在前,主语在后。(该语法项目安排在高二正式学习)‎ only修饰的副词、介词短语和状语从句放在句首加强语气时,经常用倒装句。‎ ‎①Only yesterday did his father tell the truth, which was a big surprise to him.‎ ‎ 昨天他父亲才把真相告诉他,这对他真是一个令人吃惊的消息。‎ ‎②Only by bike can you get there on time.‎ ‎ 只有骑自行车你才能按时到达那儿。‎ ‎③Only when you come and join us can we win the game.‎ ‎ 只有你参加,我们才能赢得这场比赛。‎ ‎6、Since I was better educated, I got a job working in an office.‎ 因为我受过比较好的教育,我得到了一份坐办公室的工作。‎ better educated是well educated的比较级,英语中副词+过去分词的用法经常出现。‎ ‎①The middle-aged woman is always well dressed.‎ ‎ 那位中年妇女一直打扮得很好。‎ ‎②The workers there are badly paid.‎ ‎ 那儿的工人待遇很差。‎ ‎③The desks and chairs in the classroom are orderly placed.‎ ‎ 教室的桌椅摆放得很整齐。‎ 语法:定语从句 由关系副词when,where,why引导的定语从句 见课本P91‎ 练习:‎ ‎1.Elias has had some problems with his messages for his friends. Can you help him from sentences with the following words and phrases.‎ A.The mines B.The reason C.The time D.The government building E.The date a.where b.when c.why ‎1.we voted ‎2.I worked ‎3.I joined the ANC Youth League ‎4.I got a job ‎5.I arrived ‎①was the 5th of August.‎ ‎②was because of my hard work.‎ ‎③were 9 kms from my house.‎ ‎④was late at night.‎ ‎⑤was very grand.‎ 答案:A和a和2和③、B和c和4和②、C和b和3和④、D和a和1和⑤、‎ E和b和5和①‎ ‎2.Now Elias has lost some of his messages. Can you and your partner help him by finishing them for him?‎ ‎①The day when I first heard Nelson Mandela became the president of South Africa was a very exciting time.‎ ‎②South Africa is now a country where people of all races and colors can live ‎ together happily.‎ ‎③This is the government building in which the trial of Nelson Mandela was held in 1963.‎ ‎④The person to whom you should be grateful for a peaceful South Africa is Nelson Mandela 重点词汇 ‎1、will/willing willing是形容词,“愿意的”意思,常用于短语be willing to do sth,意为“愿意干 某事”。will在将来时态中是助动词,做情态动词时也有“愿意的”意思,但其后都接 动词原形,也可以接从句。will作名词是“意志,意志力”的意思。‎ ‎①A willing worker is willing to do anything.‎ ‎ 一个自愿劳动者愿意干任何事。‎ ‎②Are you willing that he should be allowed to join?‎ ‎ 你愿意允许他参加吗?‎ ‎③You can follow us and join the game if you will.‎ ‎ 假设你愿意的话,可以和我们一道去玩游戏。‎ ‎④Where there is a will, there is a way.‎ ‎ 有志者,事竟成。‎ ‎2、lose heart 失去信心 lose one’s heart 爱上某人;倾心于某人 ‎①Don’t lose heart. You’ll succeed sooner or later.‎ ‎ 别丧失信心,你迟早会成功的。‎ ‎②When did you lose your heart to her?‎ ‎=When did you fall in love with her?‎ ‎ 你是什么时候爱上她的?‎ ‎3、advise sb to do sth=advise doing sth=give sb advice on sth 建议(某人)做某事 ‎①Our teachers often advise us to do more reading in our spare time.‎ ‎ 我们的老师经常建议我们在业余时间多读点书。‎ ‎②They advise planting more trees in spring.‎ ‎ 他们建议在春季多植树。‎ ‎③She gave me a piece of advice on how to learn English well.‎ ‎ 她给我提了一条如何学好英语的建议。‎ ‎4、continue to do sth=continue doing sth 继续干某事 ‎①The rain continued two days.‎ ‎ 雨接连下了两天。‎ ‎②They continued to work/working though it was raining hard.‎ ‎ 尽管雨下得很大,但他们继续劳动。‎ ‎“继续”还有哪些表达法?‎ go on to do sth 继续干另外一件事 go on doing sth 继续干同一件事 go on with sth 继续干同一件事 go ahead(with)sth 继续要干的事 ‎5、out of work=out of a job 失业 Her mother is out of work/a job, but she is busy at home.‎ 他母亲失业了,但在家很忙。‎ 相关搭配:‎ out of date 过时 out of fashion 过时 out of repair 年久失修 out of use 不能再用 out of control 失控 out of order 混乱 out of danger 脱离危险 out of sight 看不见 out of kindness 出于好心 out of pity 出于同情 ‎6、receive 收到 accept 接受 ‎①He received an invitation, but he didn’t accept it.‎ ‎ 他收到了一封请帖,但他没有接受(不愿去)。‎ ‎②He received a lot of money from his parents, but he didn’t accept it because he wanted to live on his own.‎ 他收到了他父母的一大笔钱,但他没有接受,因为他想自食其力。‎ ‎③accept one’s advice 接受某人的建议 accept one’s gift 接受某人的礼物 ‎7、be equal to sb 与某人平等 be equal in 在某方面平等 ‎①Women of China are equal to men.‎ ‎ 在中国男女平等。‎ ‎②They aren’t equal in everything though they are well paid.‎ ‎ 尽管他们待遇不错,但不是在各个方面与他人平等。‎ ‎③Few pleasures can equal that of a cool drink on a hot day.‎ ‎ 没有什么快活的事比得上在炎热天喝一杯冷饮。‎ equal在此为及物动词,“与……平等”的意思。‎ ‎8、fear sb or sth=be afraid of sb or sth 害怕某人或某事 fear to do sth=be afraid to do sth 害怕干某事,不敢做某事 ‎①Child as he is, he fears nothing.‎ ‎ =Child as he is, he is afraid of nothing.‎ ‎ 尽管是个小孩,但他什么也不怕。‎ ‎②The girl fears to speak in public.‎ ‎ =The girl is afraid to speak in public.‎ ‎=The girl dare not speak in public.‎ ‎=The girl doesn’t dare to speak in public.‎ ‎=The girl doesn’t speak in fear of the public.‎ ‎ 这个女孩不敢在大庭广众之下讲话。‎

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