Unit 1 My school教案(2)

Unit 1 My school教案(2)


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课 题             Unit 1  My school 教 学 目 标 New words: art room, music room, hall, library … Sentence patterns: Welcome to …   Is there a … Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t. New words: art room, music room, hall, library… Sentences: Is there a … Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. Word cards, picture, tape-recorder Ⅰ. Free talk Ⅱ. Presentation Make a plan of your school with the places marked on it. The plan does not need to have the English names written on it. ( Books closed ) Show the pupils a plan of your school with the places marked on it, revising the English names for the places. Point to the plan and ask, for example, Is there a music room? Ask a pupil to come out and point to the place named and say Yes, there is. Ask about a place not in the school, e.g. Is there a swimming pool? Is there a zoo? Then teach No, there isn’t. 4. ( Books open ) Show Transparency. Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask the pupils to repeat the characters’ words after the beeps. Ⅲ. Practice 1.     Show Transparency and play the Pupil’s Book Cassette. Explain that Tim and Pat are visiting Mike’s school. The Ss listen and follow in their books. Continue to play the cassette and ask the pupils to repeat. 2.     Show the words in Tim and Pat’s thought bubbles. Drill the question form with the pupils by giving them the six word cues one by one and getting the pupils to ask Is there a/an …? For each place in the school. 3.     Show the words with ticks and crosses in Mike’s thought bubble. Explain that a tick means they should answer Yes, there is. A cross means that they should answer No, there isn’t. 4.     Divide the class into three groups to role-play Tim, Pat and Mike. Get them to chorus the conversation following the order of the word cues in Tim and Pat’s thought bubbles. 1.Copybook 2 2.Workbook 2 3.Review what we learned today. Unit1 My school Welcome to my school! Is there a … Is there an … Yes, there is./No, there isn’t. 1. Practice the sentence with the plans of different school, doing a survey, or drawing a plan of pupils’ ideal school may enable the lesson more interesting. 2. Pupils need to be remind to add a ‘a’ in the sentence.          
