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中考英语词汇训练 2 1. You can catch fish with the______. And you may also get in touch with your friends on the Inter_________. 2. You can only borrow two books at a time from the _______and can keep them for at most half a month. 3. He is not telling the truth. He is_______. 4. The box is too heavy for me to ________ up. 5. It’s too dark in the room because there’s no ________ there. 6. She may become a singer because he _______ singing very much. 7. Two dots make a straight ______. 8. Many _____ have been saved during the battle against SARS. 9. I often hear from my friends and I have to write _____ to them as often as possible as well. 10. He moved his _______ but in the end he kept silent and said nothing. 11. We ______ to the news over the radio every day. 12. Hurry up. There is ______ time left. 13. He used to ______ in the country before he lives in the city. 14. You can see many _____ vehicles coming from H.K. and their length is much longer than the usual ones. 15. One day Tom lost something. He ______ ______(寻找) it everywhere but didn’t find it. So he went into Ken’s room. First he _____ ______(环视), then he ______carefully____(看) a beautiful picture on the wall. In the picture the man _____ _____(看起来像)a foreigner but he wasn’t. When he looked about in the room again, his face ______ _______(显得苍白)when he suddenly found a snake in the corner. He hurried back home and was well ______ _______(照看) by his mother. Soon he ________________ ____________(康复). 16. He ___________ ___________ ___________one day when he was walking through the forest. 17. _____________ ____________ buildings have fallen down during the war between Iraq and America. . 18.________________ noises can make people deaf. 19. We ______________our motherland. 20. He whispered to me in a ______ voice. 21. “Thirteen” is an _______ number in America. 22. We usually have ______ at twelve. 23. There are a lot of ________ in the factory. 24. You can borrow many books, novels and ______from the library. 25. He always __________ ___________ _________ in the room. So his room is always messy. 26. We decide not to go for a picnic. We’ve ________ ________ ________ _______ to stay home. 27. _______________ can conquer(征服)the world. 28. A company is in the charge of a_______________. 29. We need ________________ more hands to help us. 30. A ___________ can tell us which direction to go. 31.__________ is the third month of a year. 32. He made a __________ in the sand and walked twelve paces north. 33. You can buy lots of things in the shops or___________. 34. They are husband and wife. They got ___________ years ago. 35. More building ___________ are needed to complete the fifty-storey-high building. 36. Chinese, English and ____________ are most important subjects in school studies. 37. That man over there cannot be our headteacher. It ____________ be our headmaster. 38. We usually have three _____________ a day, breakfast, lunch and supper. 39. Pork is also a kind of_____________. 40. If you are ill, you have to take some ____________. 41. I remember _____________ him somewhere before. 42. She is a Party _____________ now. She joined the Party last year. 43. I must have my broken bike_________. A knife is usually made of wood and ___________. 44. The women’s one-hundred-_______________ race will be held soon. 45. You can use a ______________ if you want to make your voice louder. 46. He walked to the ______________ of the room and stood there looking around. 47. You _____________ make another big mistake if you are careless again. 48. A _____________ is not as far as a kilometer. 49. If you want to drink the ____________ you can _____________ the cow yourself. 50. Mummy, Tom’s doll is so lovely, but ____ is so ugly-looking. I’d like to buy another new one. 51. A _____________is smaller and takes fewer passengers than a big bus. 52. Miss Print unfortunately ________ the bus home yesterday. How he _______ his family now. 53. There are eighteen _______________ in one and a half years. 54. A well-educated man never makes the same _______________ again. 55. Lost time __________________ returns. 56. Lost things can _________________ be found. 57. Please wait a_______________. I’ll be back soon. 58. _____________ is not the second day of the week, is it? Yes, it is. 59. ________________ is not everything though we need it when buying things. 60. We can enjoy a full _______________ on the mid-autumn night. 61. Xinzhou Middle School is getting ______________ and _________________ beautiful. 62. The _____________ dew will soon disappear when the sun has risen. 63. _______________ usually does most of the housework. 64. A _________________ is larger than a hill. 65. __________________ climbing is both an enjoyable and healthy sport. 66. With the _______________ wide open, He gasped in surprise. 67. Though crowded, he tried to _______________ forward. 68. _____and _____ Smith enjoy fishing a lot. So the Smiths have caught different kinds of fishes. 69. _______ has been done to prevent more traffic accidents from happening. But little progress has been made. 70. You can learn a lot of things about science if you visit the science __________. 71. Some people prefer classic _______________ to pop_______________. 72. ---____________ we do so much homework today? ---No, you needn’t. Just half of it. 73. Mum, would you mind _________ doing things all by___________? I’ve grown up now. 74. He studies in ____________ 1 Middle School. 75. It’s strange that your _____________ can not be found in the name-list. 76. _____________ are used to keep clothes clean when having a meal. 77. We celebrate our ______________ Day on October 1st. 78. The place is very ______________ here. It’s only several minutes’ walk. 79. You can wear a pretty necklace around your_______________. 80. The room is untidy. It _______________ to be tidied at once. 81. As the saying goes, the ____________ nearby can give more help than the relatives far away. 82. No _____________ is good _________________. 83. We read news from the ______________ every day. 84. He lives ______________ door to me. He is my neighbour. 85. How ______________ to meet you here! 86. We usually say good ______________ before we go to bed. 87. Nine plus(加)ten is______________. 88. Two thirty-eighth equals(等于)to one___________. 89. You are _______ ________ a child after all. 90. I forgot ______ _______ the door that day so a thief broke into my house and stole lots of my valuable things. 91. Ten taken from one hundred is_________________. 92. Would you ______________ shopping tonight? Of course not. Let’s meet at six. 中考英语词汇训练 2 答案 1. net 2. library 3. lying. 4. lift 5. light 6. likes 7. line 8. lives 9. letters 10. lips 11. listen 12. little 13. live 14. long 15. looked for / looked around / looked …at / looked like / looked white / looked after looked better. 16. lost his way 17.Lots of 18.Loud 19. love 20. low 21. unlucky 22. lunch 23. machines 24. magazines 25. makes a mess 26. made up our minds 27. Man 28. manager 29. many 30. map 31.March 32. mark 33. market. 34. married 35. materials 36. maths 37. may 38. meals 39. meat 40 medicine 41. meeting 42. member 43. mended ( metal) 44. meter 45. microphone 46. middle 47. might 48. mile 49. milk… milk 50. mine 51. minibus 52. misses 53. months 54. mistake 55. never 56. hardly 57. moment 58.Monday 59.Money 60. moon 61. more… more 62. morning 63. Mother… most 64. mountain 65.Mountain 66. mouth 67. move 68.Mr. Mrs. 69. Much 70. museum 71. music …music 72.Must 73. my …myself ? 74. No. 75. name 76.Napkins 77. National 78. near 79. neck 80. needs 81. neighbours 82. news … news 83. newspaper 84. next 85. nice 86. night 87.Nine …nineteen 88. nineteenth 89. no longer 90. to lock 91. ninety 92. mind

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