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江苏省扬州市邗江区 2019-2021 年三年中考一模英语试卷分类汇编 阅读理解 江苏省扬州市邗江区 2021 年九年级第一次模拟考试英语试题 四、阅读理解 (共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,计 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Snow White: Alcazar Castle in Spain The castle is located in a historic town called Segovia in Spain. It dates all the way back to the 12th century. It began as an Arab fort ( 堡 垒 ) and later became a palace for kings. Further into its life, it became a prison and then a military school. However, today you can visit it as a museum. The Little mermaid: Chillon Castle in Switzerland This castle dates all the way back to 1150. It was not all built at once, as the castle is a collection of 25 little buildings. It is served as a prison for a while, then a fort, and now it is treated as one of Switzerland’s most famous castle. Tangled: Mont Saint-Michel in France Mont Saint-Michel is an island. Built between the 11th and 16th century, it is one of France’s most popular sites. It was used as a small military fort, a prison, and it is known today as the site of a beautiful Gothic style abbey. Sleeping Beauty & Cinderella: Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany Sleeping Beauty’s Castle and Cinderella’s Castle were both inspired by Neuschwanstein Castle. Built between 1869 and 1886, this castle is likely to be the most-photographed tourist attraction in Germany. Neuschwanstein Castle is located on the top of a hill in the Alps, 51. Among the four places, the most ancient one comes from ________. A. Spain B. France C. Germany D. Switzerland 52. All the places used to be a prison except __________. A. Alcazar Castle in Spain B. Chillon Castle in Switzerland C. Mont Saint-Michel in France D. Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany 53. This passage probably comes from ___________. A. a story book B. a government report C. a history textbook D. a travel magazine B Can dogs and cats get along well in the same home? People who are thinking about getting a dog as a friend for their cat are worried that they will fight. A recent research has found that if the cat is taken back home before the dog, and if they are introduced when still young (less than 6 months for cats, a year for dogs), it is highly possible that the two pets will get along swimmingly. In two-thirds of the homes, cats and dogs have a good relationship. However, it wasn’t all sweetness. There was a reported coldness between the cat and dog in 25% of the homes, while aggression (侵略,好斗) and fighting were found in 10% of the homes. One reason for this is probably that some of their body languages are just different. For example, when a cat turns its head away it means aggression, while a dog doing the same means submission (顺从). In homes with cats and dogs living peacefully, researchers found a surprising behavior. They are learning how to talk in each other’s language. It is a surprise that cats can learn how to talk “Dog”, and dogs can learn how to talk “Cat”. What’s interesting is that both cats and dogs have seemed to become smarter. They can learn to read each other’s body languages, showing that the two may have more in common than was expected. Once familiar with each other’s body language, cats and dogs can play together, and enjoy sleeping together on the sofa. The importance of this research on cats and dogs may go beyond pets — to people who don’t Germany. If you come to visit this castle, you will be amazed by the extremely beautiful landscape that surrounds it. get along well, including neighbours, workmates at work, and even countries. If cats and dogs can learn to get along, surely people have a good chance. 54. The underlined word swimmingly in Paragraph 1 means ________. A. early B. hardly C. coldly D. smoothly 55 . Some cats and dogs may fight when ________. A. they are cold to each other B. they look away from each other C. they misunderstand each other’s body languages D. they are introduced at an early age 56. What is found surprising about cats and dogs? A. They learn to speak each other’s language. B. They watch each other’s behaviors. C. They eat and sleep together. D. They know something from each other’s voices. 57. It shows in Paragraph 4 that cats and dogs ________. A. have common interests B. are not so smart as was expected C. have a common body language D. are less different than was thought C Erin held her four-leaf clover (三叶草) in her hand so the kids around her could see it. “Why is it lucky?” Donnie asked. “Four-leaf clovers are hard to find.” Erin said. “But how do you know it’s lucky?” Donnie asked. Erin shrugged (耸肩). “I just know.” She couldn’t think of a way to explain it. “Let’s test it,” Joannie said. “We could all try to catch the leaves when they fall off the trees. Everyone knows it’s lucky to catch a leaf before it falls to the ground.” “Okay,” Erin said. “First one to catch a leaf wins.” A gust of wind blew. “Oh no!” Erin yelled. She looked at her empty hand. “Where’s my four-leaf clover?” “The wind must have blown it away,” Joannie said. “I have to find it!” Erin said, searching the grass covered with leaves. “Forget it. You’ll never find it,” Donnie said. Erin sighed. She’d never catch a leaf without her lucky clover. Still, she followed the others to the trees. “The competition begins on the count of three,” Joannie said.”One, two, three!” Erin scrambled (推挤,争抢) for a leaf falling nearby, but she fell over. “Ouch!” she said. “The bad luck is starting already.” Before she could get up, she saw a leaf falling towards her. She reached for it and closed her hands around the prettiest red leaf. “I guess you didn’t lose your luck after all,” Joannie said. “You have to make a wish,” Joannie said. “Then let the leaf fall to the ground.” Erin stood up and thought about her wish. She closed her eyes and whispered so no one else would hear. “I wish I’d stop being so superstitious (迷信的),” she whispered. 58. What happened right after the leaf-catching competition began? A. Erin made a wish. B. Erin caught a red leaf. B. Erin fell over. D. The wind blew Erin’s four-leaf clover away. 59. We can infer from the passage that the author believe _________. A. four-leaf clover does bring good luck B. catching a leaf before it falls to the ground can bring good luck. C. It is a bad thing to be superstitious. D. It is a good thing to be superstitious. 60. Choose the right order of the events given in the story. a.Erin got her four-leaf clover. b.Erin took part in the competition. c.Erin lost the four-leaf clover. d.Erin made a wish. e.Erin fell over. f.Erin won the competition. A. a-c-b-e-f-d B. a-b-c-e-f-d C. c-a-b-f-e-d D. c-b-a-d-e-f 61. What’s the best title for the passage? A. An Interesting Competition B. Making a Wish C. Catching a Leaf D. The Lucky Leaf D When Charles Dickens was a small boy, he was sent by his parents to work in a boot-blacking factory. His parents had other children and many debts (债务) to pay. Charles's father was put into prison for his debts. The boy tried to raise enough money to get him out but was unsuccessful. At last, the whole family went to live with Charles's father in his room in the Marsalsea prison. This was a common practice and, while the prisoner could not leave the grounds, the families could go in and out freely until the gate was locked at night. For the rest of his days, Dickens was interested in prisons. Whenever he traveled through strange towns and cities, he went to visit them, as other tourists would visit museums and palaces. Almost every book he wrote has a prison and some prisoners in it. He had been born in 1812 and had stayed busy at one kind of work or another from the time he was six years of age. He died of a sudden stroke in 1870. He provided the world with its clearest picture of the texture (质感) of English life during the 1800’s, one without which readers would never know the sounds, smells, and tastes of those long-ago days. 62. Charles’s father was thrown into prison simply because_________. A. the boy couldn't raise enough money. B. he couldn't return the money he had borrowed from others. C. the boy was unsuccessful in making enough money in the boot-blacking factory. D. the boy was too small to save him. 63. The common practice of those days was __________. A. the family should go to live together with the prisoner B. the family members should remain in prison until the prisoner was set free C. the family members could stay with the prisoner and have freedom to leave or enter the prison in the daytime D. the family members could go in and out of the prison at any time. 64. The difference between Charles Dickens and other tourists lies in that _____________. A. he liked to visit prisons while others didn't B. he liked to visit palaces while others didn't C. he was not interested in prisons while others were D. others showed more interest in prisons than him 65. If you read Charles ’s novels, you can _____________. A. see the clearest picture of his life as a prisoner B. hear the sounds, enjoy the smells and tastes of those long-ago days C. know very clearly what the life of the nineteenth century England was like D. know clearly how he and his family lived in the prison 答案: 51-55BDDDC 56-60 ADDCA 61-65DBCAC 扬州市邗江区 2020 届九年级一模英语试题 四、阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,计 30 分) 阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 A Mini dictionary: 1. register v. 注册,登记 2. sponsor n. 赞助人 51. This is most probably a(n) _________. A. report B. email C. poster D. survey 52. Book Aid International helps people in Sub-Saharan Africa _________. A. by giving them money B. by reading books about childhood C. by providing books D. by building them new bookshops 53. The article encourages people to join Book Aid International by _________. A. offering them some books for free as a reward B. showing them reading books can bring them lots of fun C. telling them how many friends they can make in Sub-Saharan Africa D. showing them they can make a great difference to lives of people in other countries B As soon as you meet, or even see, a person, you form an impression of him based on his body language. This is why it is important to make a good first impression on the person who will be interviewing you. Within the first 60 seconds of meeting you, the interviewer will have formed an impression about what type of person you are and what kind of employee you would become, and 55% of this will be based only on your body language. Here are some tips to make that impression a good one. First of all, relax. Think positive thoughts and you are more likely to come across as a positive, confident person during the interview. Dress smartly, as your appearance is one of the first things an interviewer will notice you. Stand up straight, and walk in with your shoulders back and your head up. Try to avoid slowing down as you walk into the room because this suggests fear and uncertainty. Shake hands with the interviewer firmly. You should have a positive handshake and a warm smile. Opening your coat or jacket as you sit down shows that you, too, are open. Posture is important. You should be sitting well back in your seat. Sit up straight and lean(倾 斜)forward slightly, but not too much. Sitting at too much of an angle expresses discomfort and distrust. Two of the most common defensive(防卫的) signals are crossing your arms and legs, so try to avoid them. Another important issue is eye contact. Looking someone in the eye shows confidence in yourself and trust in the other person. However, don’t overdo it, as too much eye contact or staring will make the other person uncomfortable. Use more eye contact when listening than talking, and when you look away, look down. Looking up at the ceiling will make you seem bored or rude. 54. The purpose of the first paragraph is to tell readers_____. A. how to make a good first impression B. how long it takes to make a good first impression C. the importance of making a good impression D. what a good first impression is 55. Which of the following does the author advise you to do when you are being interviewed? A. Open your coat or jacket when sitting down. B. Go into the room more slowly than usual. C. Avoid looking at the eyes of the interviewer directly. D. Gross your arms or legs. 56. If you lean forward too much, it means you______. A. are too nervous B. don’t have confidence C. don’t trust others D. are very bored 57. Which is the best title for the passage? A. How to answer questions in an interview B. How to use body language to win an interview C. How to understand body language D. How to deal with an interviewer C If you have a chance to go to Finland, you will probably be surprised to find how “foolish” the Finnish people are. Take the taxi drivers for example. Taxis in Finland are mostly high-class Benz(奔驰) with a fare(费用) of two US dollars a kilometer. You can go anywhere in one, tell the driver to drop you at any place, say that you have some business to attend to, and then walk off without paying your fare. The driver would not show the least sign of anxiety. The dining rooms in all big hotels not only serve their guests, but also serve outside diners. Hotel guests have their meals free, so they naturally go to the free dining rooms to have their meals. The most they would do to show their good faith (信用) is to wave their registration card to the waiter. With such a loose (宽松的) check, you can easily use any old registration card to take a couple of friends to dine for free. The Finnish workers are paid by the hour. They are very much on their own as soon as they have agreed with the boss on the money. From then on, they just say how many hours they have worked and they will be paid accordingly (相应地). With so many loopholes (漏洞) in everyday life, surely Finland must be a heaven to those who love to take “small advantages”. But the strange thing is, all the taxi passengers would always come back to pay their fare after they have attended to their business; not a single outsider has ever been found in the free hotel dining rooms. And workers always give an honest account of the exact hours they put in. As the Finns always act on good faith in everything they do, living in such a society has turned everyone into a real “gentleman”. In a society of such high moral(道德) practice, what need is there for people to be on guard against others? 58. While taking a taxi in Finland, a passenger _________. A. can go anywhere without having to pay the driver B. can never be refused by the taxi driver wherever he wants to go C. only pays two US dollars for a taxi ride D. needs to provide good faith demonstration (证明) before leaving without paying 59. We can know from the passage that in Finland _________. A. big hotels provide meals for all kinds of diners B. big hotels are mostly poorly managed C. both hotel guests and outside diners are served food for free D. big hotels provide meals for only those who live in the hotels 60. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. The workers can get more pay by working long hours. B. The workers are always honest with their working hours. C. The bosses are too busy to check the working hours of their workers. D. The workers and their bosses will make an agreement in advance(提前,事先)about the pay. 61. The underlined word “those” in Paragraph 5 probably refers to _________. A. people who are worth praising B. people who often have meals in big hotels C. people who often take taxis D. people who are dishonest D "Stop that!" he shouted. Beauty continued kicking White Fang while Cherokee kept holding on. Scott was very angry. He shouted at Beauty and knocked him down. All the men stopped shouting. They knew the dog fight was over and there would be a fight between two men. Beauty stood up and shouted at Scott to mind his own business. Scott knocked him down again. Beauty was not a brave man so he did not try to fight Scott. Scott had heard about White Fang. He knew he was one of the best lead sled dogs that could be trained to pull sleds in the snow. “I’ll buy that dog from you," he told Beauty, “A hundred and fifty dollars." "He's worth more than that to me," Beauty shouted. "I want three hundred dollars." "You'll take one hundred and fifty," Scott said. He bent down and tried to separate the two dogs, but the bulldog still held on. Scott shouted at Tom Keenan to help him. "I don't know how to separate them," Keenan said."This has never happened before." Scott asked Matt for his gun. He began to push part of the gun into the bulldog's mouth as he tried to open it. "Don't break his teeth," Keenan shouted. Scott paid no attention to him. At last, he got the bulldog to open its mouth. Matt came forward and pulled White Fang away. The wolf-dog was now almost dead from his wounds and loss of blood. ——Taken from White Fang 62.Why did Scott buy White Fang? A.Because he won the fight. B. He was one of the best lead sled dogs around. C.He did not know. D. He was the best bulldog around. 63.How was White Fang after the fight? A.He looked like he would have a fight again. B. He was far from death. C.He looked like a bulldog. D. He was almost dead. 64.What does the underlined word “sled” mean? A.雪橇 B.狂野 C.血腥 D.领导 65.Who is White Fang’s new god? A. Beauty B. Keenan C. Scott D. Matt 答案: A 篇:CCD B 篇:CACB C 篇:BACD D 篇:BDAC 扬州市邗江区 2019 届九年级一模英语试题 三、阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,计 30 分) 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 A Microsoft Bill Gates and Paul Allen set up Microsoft in 1975. It started off small and is now one of the biggest companies in the world. They are famous for their “Window” operating system. Other popular Microsoft creations include MSN messenger, Microsoft Word and the X box. Some people complain that Microsoft has a monopoly(垄断) in the computer industry. Lenovo Lenovo Group Ltd was set up in 1984 by 11 engineers with the support from the Institute of Computing Technology under the Chinese Academy of Sciences(中科院). In 2004, Lenovo bought the personal computer business of IBM and became the worlds largest PC manufacturer( 制 造 商 ) with its computer sales rising to the top of the world in 2013. Google Google was built by two students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were still at university. The y made a website which helped people find things they wanted on the Internet. This type of website is called a search engine(引 擎).Now they create new products such as "Google Earth" and make money from advertising HUAWEI Ren Zhengfei started Huawei in 1987 in Shenzhen with RMB 21, 000 he raised. It has 21 Research and Development(R&D)institutes(研究所) around the world and invested ( 投 资 )$13.8 billion in R&D in 2017, up from $5 billion in 2013. Huawei has provided its products and services in more than 170 countries and its networks have reached one third of the world’s population 31. If you want to find information on the Internet, the product of ______ will be the most helpful? A. Microsoft B. Lenovo C. Google D. Huawei 32. Which of the following is NOT true according to the table(表格)? A. Google was a website started by two university students. B. Lenovo completely bought IBM to increase its computer sales. C. The X box is one of the popular products among Microsoft users D. HUAWEI has developed international markets for its products. 33. According to the company profiles, ______ play(s) a very important role in Huawei. A. R&D B. sales services C. world population D. The Internet B Over seven years ago when I first started rock climbing I was frustrated(挫 败的). I thought I would be natural for climbing. I was always an athlete and naturally good at sports. So, I didn’t understand why I was so bad at rock climbing. I went to the rock gym and climbed all the time, and everyone kept telling me “just climb more and you’ll get better.” “Well, however, nothing I did was working. It felt like the harder I worked at it, the less progress I was actually making. After a while, I even started hating any climber who was stronger and better than me---especially the climbers who made it look so easy. After a long time, I started making friends with some of the most experienced climbers around… professionals(专业人员)and full-timers. In fact, I felt so comfortable with them that one afternoon I just came out and simply asked for help. There is a saying, “If you want a shortcut to success, find someone who is successful and ask them to show you how to get there.” It is true in just a few short months. I learned far more from these climbing professionals than what I had learned during the previous( 之 前 的 ) years of struggle on my own. My climbing changed…my strength, skills, mental toughness, formwork, confidence, everything. I was no longer the average climber that no one knew. I discovered that climbing like the experts is more about working smarter, not harder(no training 7 days a week). What I discovered is so simple that, looking back now, I realized the biggest thing holding me back from being a better climber and having more fun doing it. 34. According to the passage, we can learn that _____. A. the writer had no gift for rock climbing B. the writer didn’t get the skill of rock climbing at first C. the writer didn’t work hard at rocking climbing D. the writer thought too much of himself 35. The writer once hated other good rock climbers because _____. A. they didn’t want to teach him B. they always made fun of him C. he envied their good skills D. he began to dislike rock climbing 36. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. The writer never lost heart when he studied rock climbing. B. It took several years for the writer to become a good climber. C. The writer felt uncomfortable staying with those climbing experts. D. The writer hated to learn from those better than him. 37. What the writer wants to tell us is that _____ A. the more you climb, the better you’ll be. B. mends always make you progress C. the way of learning is important D. it’s not necessary to work hard C In many – even most – space-themed films, whenever Earth faces a disaster, the solution is always fleeing the planet in spaceships. But the latest Chinese sci-fi movie, The Wandering Earth, offers a different and more ambitious idea. In the film, based on a short story by Chinese sci-fi writer Liu Cixin, Earth is in danger of being destroyed by the dying sun. In response, humans around the world work together to build a giant engine system that will push Earth away from the sun. Instead of abandoning Earth again – this time we’re taking it with us. This “ambition” didn’t come from nowhere. For thousands of years, “homeland” has had a soft spot in the hearts and minds of Chinese people. One old idiom is luoyeguigen, which means returning to one’s homeland in old age, like fallen leaves returning to the roots of their tree. Or look to an ancient verse: “The season called the White Dew begins tonight/Nowhere as in our native place is the moon so bright”. These both show the tight bond that Chinese people h ave had with their homeland.This special cultural background is probably what sets The Wandering Earth apart from Hollywood-style space films. “What is Chinese sci-fi?” Guo Fan, the film’s director, said in an interview. “A vehicle that can really express our cultural and spiritual core can be called Chinese sci-fi. Otherwise, we’re just imitating others and telling the same American stories.” And the makers of The Wandering Earth may have chosen the best time to tell its Chinese sci-fi story. The film was released on Feb 5, the first day of Chinese New Year. It was a time when many people had just made the hard journey back to their hometowns. So to them, there is only one possible way to tell the story: Earth goes wherever humans go, because it’s our home. 38. What is the difference between The Wandering Earth and Hollywood-style space films? A. A different and more ambitious idea. B. Its Chinese makers. C.The story with great imagination. D. The specical cultural background. 39. What does the underlined word ‘abandoning’ mean in Chinese? A. 抛弃 B. 毁灭 C. 依赖 D. 索取 40. The makers of this film choose Feb 5 to put on it probably because ________. A. it was the Spring Festival and many people have time to watch it B. many old people want to return to their hometown then C. it can cause many people’s common feeling at this time D. Chinese people usually celebrate together on that day 41. What can we learn from the passage? A. This film was based on a short story by Chinese sci-fi writer Guo Fan. B. This film tells us each of us should return to our hometown when we grow old. C. We should protect the Earth because it is in danger of being destroyed by the dying sun. D. The director of this film thinks Chinese sci-fi should have our cultural and spiri tual core. D “Don’t tell anyone”. We hear these words when someone tells a secret to us. But it can be hard to keep a secret. Often, we can’t help “spilling the beans”, even if we regret it later. According to Asim Shah, professor in the Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine, US, keeping a secret may well “become a burden”. This is because people often have an “obsessive and anxious urge(冲动) to share it with someone. An earlier study, led by Anita E. Kelly, a scientist at the University of Notre Dame, US, suggested that keeping a secret could cause stress. People entrusted with secrets can suffer from depression, anxiety, a nd body aches, reported the daily Mail. But with secrets so often getting out, why do people share them at all? Shah explained that people often feel that it will help them keep a person as a friend. Another reason people share secrets is guilt over keeping it from someone close to them. A sense of distrust can develop when people who are close do not share it with each other. “Keeping or sharing secrets often puts people in a position of either getting or losing the trust of someone.” according to Shah. He added that talkative people could let secrets slip out. But this doesn't mean that it is a good idea only to share secrets with quiet people. A quiet person may be someone who keeps everything inside. To tell such a person a secret may cause them stress, and make them talk about the secret. Shah said that to judge whether to tell someone a secret, you' d better put yourself in their position. Think about how you would feel to be told that you mustn’t give the information away. Shah also recommended that if you accidentally give up someone’s secret you should come clean about it. Let the person know that their secret isn't so secret any more. 42. The underlined phrase “spilling the beans” in paragraph 1 probably means _______. A. Keeping a secret B. Discussing a secret C. Letting out a secret D. Thinking about a secret 43. Why may keeping a secret “become a burden”? A. Because people who tell a secret may feel regretful. B. Because people who keep a secret may feel stressed. C. Because people may feel depressed after letting out the secrets. D. Because people are forced to share their secrets with others. 44. From the passage, we can infer that _______. A. People may feel guilty if they keep secrets for someone close to them B. Keeping a secret may lead to distrust between close friends C. To tell talkative people a secret may cause them much stress D. It’s always a good idea to share secrets with quiet people 45. What’s the best title of the passage? A. Keeping secrets is a burden. B. Don’t tell secrets to anyone. C. Always share secrets with others. D. Others’ secrets are no more secrets. 答案: 31-33 CBA 34-37 BCBC 38-41 DACD 42-45 CBBA

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