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- 1 - 2014 年秋七年级英语 11 月月考试卷 第一部分:听力测试(共 25 分) Ⅰ、听句子选择图片:你将听到五个句子。请根据听到的内容选出五幅相应的图片。听一遍。 共 5 小题,计 5 分。 1._________ 2.________ 3._________ 4.________ 5.________ Ⅱ、听对话回答问题:你将听到六段对话,每段对话之后你将看到一个或几个问题。请根据 听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。听两遍。共 10 小题,计 10 分。 请听第一段对话,回答第 6 小题。 6. Where are they? A. At the boy’s home. B. At Jane’s home. C. At school. 请听第二段对话,回答第 7 小题。 7. What color is the watch? A. Yellow. B. Black. C. Red. 请听第三段对话,回答第 8 小题。 8.Who has a model plane? A. Cindy. B. Cindy’s brother. C. Cindy’s cousin. 请听第四段对话,回答第 9 至第 10 两个小题。 9. The black pen is _________. A. Dale’s B. Cindy’s C. Frank’s 10.What’s color is Bob’s pen? A. White. B. Brown. C. Red. 请听第五段对话,回答第 11 至第 12 两个小题。 11.Who is Betty? A. David’s friend. B. David’s sister. C. David’s cousin. 12.How old is she? A. 11. B. 10. C. 9. 请听第六段对话,回答第 13 至第 15 三个小题。 13.Who has a tennis ball? A. Tony. B. Cindy. C. Peter. 14.What’s on the sofa? A. A schoolbag. B. A watch. C. A hat. 15.Who is Mary? A. Cindy’s sister. B. Tony’s sister. C. Peter’s cousin. Ⅲ、听短文选择答案:你将听到一段短文,然后你将看到 5 个问题。请根据听到的短文内容 选择能回答问题的最佳答案。听两遍。共 5 小题,计 5 分。 16.What’s Jack’s last name? A. Smith. B. Brown. C. Green. 17.Where is the schoolbag? A. On the chair. B. Under the bed. C. On the desk. 18.Frank thinks playing soccer is________. A. interesting B. relaxing C. difficult 19.Frank thinks playing soccer is__________. A. interesting B. relaxing C. difficult 20.________ are on the bookcase. A. A model plane and a CD B. A clock and a pencil box C. A clock and a tape player Ⅳ、听短文填写表格:你将听到一段短文,请根据听到的短文内容完成表格中的有关信息。 听两遍。共 5 小题,计 5 分。 People Jenny Linda, Jenny’s(23)_________ Hobby(爱好) Playing(21)___________. Playing(24)__________ Telephone number (22)____________. (25)___________ 第二部分:语言知识及应用(30 分) Ⅴ、单项选择(15 分) 26.---Do you like_________? ---Yes. I like apples, pears and bananas. A. vegetables B. rice C. fruit D. sports 27.---Do they eat________ in the school? ---Yes, they do. A. well B. really C. fat D. late 28.---What color_______ their jackets? ---_______ black. A. is; It’s B. are; They’re C. is; It D. are; They 29.---I’m free this afternoon. How about _______ tennis after school? ---OK. A. playing B. play C. plays D. to play - 2 - 30.---I like oranges. ________? ---I like apples. A. Are these oranges B. Do you like apples C. What about you D. What are these 31.---Your shorts_______ very nice. ---Thank you. A. sound B. look C. watch D. see 32.---The question is difficult. I can’t answer it. ---Let me ________ you. A. meet B. thank C. help D. call 33.---How is Jack? ---He is_________. A. fine B. right C. interesting D. here 34.We have sports shoes_________ white________ 40 yuan. A. for; in B. in; in C. for; for D. in; for 35.---What do you think of these books? ---They are very interesting. I like them and I’ll _______ them. A. play B. spell C. take D. lose 36.---What’s the ________ of the TV? ---2,460 yuan. A. number B. price C. name D. color 37.---Mrs. Green, this is your ID card.________ ---Thanks. A. Here you are. B. How are you? C. Let’s go. D. Are you sure? 38.---__________? ---I’m looking for a sweater for my wife. A. Can you help me? B. What can I do for you? C. How much is it? D. What color is it? 39.---_______ you and Mike brothers? ---No, I _______ his cousin. A. Is; am B. Is; is C. Are; is D. Are; an 40.---Who is that girl? ---She is my little sister. _________ name is Jenny, and we all like_______. A. Hers; she B. Her; her C. Her; she D. Hers; her Ⅵ、完型填空(15 分) Hi, I’m Cindy. I have ___41___ good friends. They’re Mary, John and Jack. I love___42___, Mary likes reading very much. You can see ___43___ everywhere in her room. And she likes to tell stories(讲故事) to us. John likes___44___. He has two baseballs, five__45___ and three basketballs. He ___46___ sports ___47___ me every day. That’s ___48___. Jack ___49___ sports, too, ___50___he doesn’t play them. He only watches them ___51___ TV. I ___52___ watching TV is boring. I ___53___ a computer. My friends and I like ___54___ computer games, but ___55___ can only play them on weekends(周末). 41.A. two B. three C. four D. five 42.A. him B. he C. them D. it 43.A. books B. keys C. jackets D. pictures 44.A. computers B. dogs C. bags D. sports 45.A. rulers B. oranges C. volleyballs D. desks 46.A. plays B. asks C. sees D. calls 47.A. and B. to C. with D. of 48.A. late B. difficult C. interesting D. tidy 49.A. like B. doesn’t like C. likes D. don’t like 50.A. and B. but C. now D. only 51.A. in B. for C. with D. on 52.A. think B. want C. don’t think D. don’t want 53.A. find B. like C. have D. know 54.A. play B. plays C. playes D. to play 55.A. they B. we C. you D. I 第三部分: 阅读与写作(65 分) Ⅶ、阅读理解(40 分) A Dear Emma, Thanks for sending(寄) me the photo of your room. Here is a photo of my room. Look! A bed, a desk, a chair and a bookcase are in my bedroom. My bed is blue and it is near the window(在窗户附近). My desk is near the bed and it’s black. My books and computer are on it. An English dictionary is on the bookcase. Where is my pencil box? It is in the desk. My two pens and three rulers are in the pencil box. My schoolbag is on the chair. My brother’s white baseball is under my bed. And you can see a dog in the photo. Its name is Sam. My room is tidy, isn’t it? Yours, Jack 56.Jack’s desk is_________. A. red B. black C. blue D. white 57.划线单词“it”指的是“_________”。 A. the bed B. the desk C. the chair D. the bookcase 58.On the bookcase is________. A. a Chinese dictionary B. an English book C. an English dictionary D. a Chinese book 59.Jack’s pencil box is ________. A. on his bed B. on his desk C. under his bed D. in his desk 60.下列哪项陈述是正确的? - 3 - A. Sam is Jack’s brother. B. An eraser is in the pencil box. C. Jack has a photo of Emma’s room. D. Jack’s brother doesn’t have a baseball. B Dear Ann, I’m very happy to get your letter(信). Thank you for telling me about your best(最好的)friend Amy. In this letter I will tell you something about mine. My best friend is Julia. She comes from England. She is 15 years old. She is one year older than(比)you and me. We always go to school together. We are not in the same class. She is in Class 8. She is very kind. All her classmates and teachers like her very much. She is good at singing(唱歌). She always teaches me to sing English songs. She also likes swimming. Every Tuesday(星期二), we go to swim together. Julia is the best swimmer of my friends. Julia has a sister, Jenny. She is a lovely girl and we are good friends. She has a book store. She is very busy every day. At weekends, we often go to help her in the store. It’s very interesting. We always have a good time there. Yours, Lily 61.Lily is________ years old. A. 14 B. 15 C. 16 D. 17 62.划线单词“songs”的中文意思是“___________”。 A. 国家 B.旗帜 C.歌曲 D.电影 63.Julia________ on weekends. A. plays sports B. goes to swim with Lily C. helps Lily with her English D. goes to the book store with Lily 64.Who are Lily’s good friends? A. Ann and Amy. B. Ann and Jenny. C. Amy’s sister and Julia. D. Ann’s sister and Jenny. 65.下面的陈述哪一项是正确的? A. Jenny comes from England. B. Julia always teaches Lily to swim. C. Lily and Julia are not in the same grade. D. Julia is the best swimmer of her school. C A. I always have lunch at school B. I do some sports with my friends after school C. I love them very much D. I go to school at 7:20 E. it’s not very interesting Hello! My name is Jim. I study in a middle school in Yichang. My school is old but very clean. The teachers and classmates in my school are nice to me and___66____. I get up(起床)at 6:30. After breakfast, ___67___. Our first class starts at 8:00. We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. We have many subjects like English, Chinese, math(数学)and P.E. English is my favorite. I also like music, but I don’t like math because ___68___. I live far( 远 的 )from the school, so ___69___. After lunch, I often chat with my good friends. In the afternoon, ___70___. Then I go back home at 5:30. I always have a good time at school. I love my school life. D Lucy is in Class Eight, Grade Seven. She has a sister Lily. They are in the same class. They look the same and they are always in the same clothes. Miss White is their new English teacher. It’s difficult for her to tell(分辨) who is Lucy and who is Lily. “What’s your name?” she asks one of them. “Lily Brown, Miss White.” “How old are you?” “We are nine,” says Lily. “Who is the older of you two?” “Let her guess, big sister(姐姐),” says Lucy. 71.What class is Lily in? 72.Who is Miss White? 73.What’s the last name of Lily? 74.Who is the older(大一些)of the two girls? 75.请将文中划线部分翻译成汉语。 Ⅷ、写作。(25 分) A) 根据所给提示完成下列句子。(计 10 分) 76.我们有蓝色毛衣只卖 30 美元。 We have blue sweaters _____________________________________________. 77.我们卖的书包价格很优惠。 We sell our schoolbags______________________________________________. 78.这些袜子很便宜,我要买两双。 These socks are very cheap.__________________________________________. 79.我妈妈有好的饮食习惯。 My mother has____________________________________________________. 80.我的好朋友李华想成为一名体育明星。 My good friend Li Hua______________________________________________. B)书面表达(15 分) 假如你是明星服装店的导购员,下面是你们店里的商品及价格提示,请你运用所学词汇 和句型,用英语介绍一下。 提示:毛衣:¥38 帽子:¥8 T 恤衫:¥28 短裤:¥18 短袜:¥2 要求:语言流畅,语法正确;60 词左右。 - 4 - 2014 年秋七年级英语 11 月月考答题卷 分数___________ 听短文填表 21.____________ 22.___________ 23.____________ 24.___________ 25.__________ 阅读短文填空 71. ________________________________________________________________________ 72. ________________________________________________________________________ 73. ________________________________________________________________________ 74. ________________________________________________________________________ 75. ________________________________________________________________________ Ⅷ.写作一(计 25 分) 76.We have blue sweaters ___________________________________________________. 77.We sell our schoolbags___________________________________________________. 78.These socks are very cheap._______________________________________________. 79.My mother has_________________________________________________________. 80.My good friend Li Hua___________________________________________________. 81.写作二:书面表达(15 分) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

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