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课时教学设计 课 题 Module 5 Unit 1 There are only nineteen crayons. 课 型 新授 教学目标 1、能理解、认读生词:enough , give out , be careful , everyone , them . 2、 能理解和认读句子 There are enough...; 和 There aren’t enough... . 3、能用 There are enough. 和 There aren’t enough 表达物品数量是否充足. 4、能在积极参与活动、和他人合作完成任务的过程中获得学习乐趣和学习成就 感。 教学重点 全体学生能运用: 词汇:crayon, begin, floor 句型:There are only nineteen crayons. But there are twenty children in the class. There are twenty-one crayons. 教学难点 学生能够运用所学数字谈论数量。 教学准备 单词卡片,互动教学系统,PPT 教 学 过 程 修改意见 一.热身导入 1. Greet to each other.:Good morning,boys and girls,how are you? Ok,now ,let’s review numbers,let’s count,(1-90). 2. Sing a song: Ten little fingers.(复习数字 1-10) 3. Look at your desk,How many books are there in your desk? (小组抽问,答对奖励小红旗) 4 T: How many ______ can you see ? 5. Show a picture and ask: How many faces can you see? (小组讨论后,教师问,小组回答) Then the teacher gives the right answer: Thirteen faces. (对回答正确的小组给予奖励) 二.任务呈现 1. T: Look, it can draw. It can draw many beautiful pictures. What’s this? 引出 crayon,并教授。(板书:crayon) 2. T: How many crayons can you see? Are there twenty? Ss: No, there are only nineteen crayons. 3. T: Yes,today let’s learn “Module 5 Unit 1 There are only nineteen crayons.”(板书课题) 三.课文学习 1. Listen and find. (1) Show a picture of Ms Smart and ask them: Who’s she? Ss: She’s Ms Smart. T: Yes, she bought some crayons yesterday? But “Did she lose one?” (2) Let students watch the video and think over the question: Did she lose one? S1: No, she didn’t. (3) She didn’t lose the crayon. But where’s the other one? Teach the new word: floor.(并板书) 2. Listen and answer. Let students watch the video for the second time, then answer the questions: ① There are only nineteen crayons. But how many children are there in the class? But _________________________. ② How many crayons are there now? ___________________________ Students answer the questions: S1: ① But there are twenty children in the class. S2: ② There are twenty-one crayons. (板书 But there are twenty children in the class. There are twenty-one crayons.) 3. ① Let the students read the sentences and the teacher say “begin”, they start to read. (既巩固重点句子又自然 引出单词:begin) ② Teach the word: begin.(并板书) 4. ① Watch the video and read again. ② Teach : give out, all right ③ Work in pairs : Act the text out. 四.训练巩固 1. Finish the exercise, judge “T” or “F”. (小组讨论,并写上正确答案,教师把每组的答案贴在黑板上,进 行讲解与批改,小组全对的要给予奖励) 2.Play a game: ②抢蜡笔:学生运用本课所学 How many crayons ____? There are ____ crayons.等句型进行操练。 五.任务完成 1. Show three tasks: The first one, let them speak by themselves. The second one, work in pairs. And the last one, let them write.(逐步提升练习,运用“How many”“There are” 句式,进行巩固练习。评出最好小组,给予奖励) 六.小结与布置作业 1. Summary T: What have we learned today? Students read the words and the sentences. 2. Homework ① Read the dialogue. ② Write some sentences about There is ,There are 板书设计 Module 5 Unit 1 There are only nineteen crayons. Words:flow begin all right There is There are 教学反思

资料: 3.2万


