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1 重庆双福育才中学英语八下 Unit1-4 测试 一、 单项选择 21. —What's the matter with your sister? —She had toothache ,and she went to see dentist. A. a;/ B. an;the C. the;the D.a;/ 22.liked to stay up late in the past, but now I going to bed early and getting up early. A.used to B.use to C. am used to D. am use to 23. —Excuse me. Could you please tell me my car? -Sure,pack it right here. A. when to park B. where to park C. where to slop D. bow to stop 24. The old man stays at home , but he never feel A. lonely; alone B.alone; alone C. alone; lonely D. lonely;lonely 25. -Are you similar your mother? -No I take my father. A. after; after B. to;to C. to; after D. after; to 26.Tom didn't drop his dream and A. neither do I B.so do l C. neither did 1 D. so did I 27.— Could I your i-pad? —With pleasure. But you mustn't it to others. A. borrow; lend B. lend; borrow C. lend; lend D. borrow; borrow 28.Wang Lin will help with the housework he gets home after school. A. since B. while C. as soon as D. before 29.—There is much rubbish in the box. Could you please ,Cindy. A. take out them B. take them out C. take out it D. take it out 30.Don't ask me. Just think . A. on yourself B. by yourself C. of yourself D. to yourself 二、完型填空 The cellphones of Chinese brands(品牌),Such as Huawei, Xiaomi, Letv, OPPO and so on,become more and more popular recently. Because they have better quality and better service than before. People 31 use Apple or Samsung the most in the past But it is quite 32 now. Because cellphones of Chinese brands can 33 the same function(功能)with a 34 price. For example, a news conference presentation(发布会) 35 April 14.2020 of Letv Company(公司)announced(宣 布)that Lctv and Lctv Pro will 36 later. They all 37 less than 2500 yuan with advanced(高级的)function, beautiful outlook and good quality. It’s easy for 38 people to accept it While, some foreign brands arc quite expensive like Apple VI and Samsung Galaxy. People sometimes even pay over 9000 yuan to buy them. Besides, people in China have a 39 feeling to protect our native(本土的)brands than before. More and more people become interested in our own brands 40 those foreign brands gradually(逐渐地). In a word, the cellphones of Chinese brands have a good future. ( )31. A. are used to B. used to C. using to D. use to ( )32. A. different B. same C. common D. usual 2 三、阅 读 理 解 A 1. Linda's father doesn't at home. A. do the washing B. take out the rubbish C. sweep the floor D. fold the clothes 2. How does Celina go to school? A. By bike. B. By bus. C. By car. D. By subway. 3. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Linda is one year older than Celina but one year younger than Bill. B. Celina's father needs to learn how to do the housework. C. Paul's mother is angry with his father, because he never helps her with the housework. D. Bill's grandmother helps Bill with his schoolwork. B A rainbow in the shy; So was it when my life began; So it is mow I am a man,;So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die! Have you ever read this poem? It was written by will William Wordsworth, a famous British romantic(浪漫的)poet in 1798. William Wordsworth was born on Apr. 7th, 1770, and died on Apr.23th, 1850. William Wordsworth grew up in the Lake District in the northwest England. And he was called "The Lake Poet". He lived in country during his childhood. He often went outdoors to play, close to nature, which had an important influence on his later poems. His parents died when be was a child, and his life with his grandparents was not very happy. To feel better, be loved to go for long walks in the mountains or take boat ( )33. A. give B. tell C. provide D. offer ( )34. A. more expensive B. cheaper C. lower D. higher ( )35. A. on B. in C.at D. to ( )36. A. come out B. come in C. come on D. come up ( )37. A. spend B pay C. cost D.take ( )38. A.normal B.rich C. poor D. common ( )39. A. strong B. stronger C. weak D. weaker ( )40. A. instead of B. instead C. than D.less Linda, 14 My mother does most of the housework like cooking and the clothes. My father can only do the washing. sweep the floor and take out the rubbish. He really needs to learn how to do the housework. Celina, 13 My mother and my father do 50% of the housework each. My mother does the washing and cleans the living room. My father makes the bed and drives me to school. Paul, 16 My father doesn't do a lot but he tries to help. He hangs up the clothes after my mother washes them and my mother is happy that he always gives her a hand. Bill, 15 My mother is a doctor. She is busy with her work every day, so she has little time to do the housework. In fact, she isn't good at doing it. So my father has to do most of it. Sometimes my grandmother comes to help. 3 rides. He had a strong imagination and wrote poems about the power, beauty, and mystery of nature. He was allowed to enter the University of Cambridge in 1787, and he visited France in 1790 and 1791. After he graduated from Cambridge University in 1791, be moved to France. Four years later, he returned to the Lake District and began to write poems about nature. He often created his poems during long walks. And then he told them to his sister. Dorothy who wrote them down for him. Unlike other poets before him, Wordsworth used simple language in his poems, and he described the lives of common people. In the poem above, Wordsworth explained how happy he was each time he saw a rainbow. 1. William Wordsworth died at the age of A.50 B.60 C.70 D.80 2. William Wordsworth loved to take long walks in mountains when he was young because . A. he loved his parents B. his life was not happy C. his wife was bad 1o him D. he wanted to do exercise 3.Which order is right according to the article? ①William Wordsworth wrote the poem Rainbow ②William Wordsworth visited France for the first time. ③William Wordsworth graduated from the university. ④William Wordsworth returned to the Lake District. A. ①-②-③-④ B. ①-②-④-③ C. ②-①-③-④ D. ②-④-③-① 4.Which of the following words can describe William Wordsworth's poems? A. Painful and historical(历史的)words. B. Quiet and difficult word C. Romantic and simple words. D. Sad and lively words. C We did a survey about the pressure students have nowadays. One mother's eyes were full of tears(眼泪)when she talked about waking up her son. Every morning, her ten-year-old boy puts up one finger(手指)with his eyes still closed, begging for one more minute to sleep. Why is be so sleepy? Because, like tens of thousands of students "early birds "in China, he has to get up before 6 a.m. every morning. Teenagers usually need eight to ten hour's sleep a night. But in Shanghai it's reported that 90 percent of the students do not get enough sleep. And studies show that without a good night's sleep, students seem to be weaker than they should be. Many become near-sighted(近视的) as a result. Li Ming, a junior student at Qinghua Middle School, said that he usually goes to bed after 11p.m. But when he has exams coming up, he can stay up as late as midnight. This" night bird" lifestyle has made many students nod off in class. Li Ming said that it was during afternoon classes that he felt most sleepy. "My parents are usually happy to see me studying so late, " he said. " They think I work very hard and they make me cups of coffee. " However, not all parents are happy about this. "My daughter gets up so early. She looks tired and it really hurts me, "said one of the parents. Why don't so many students get enough sleep? Now many members of society begin to think about it. 1. Why did the ten-year-old boy's mother talk about waking up her son with tears in her eyes? A.Because her son can't open his eyes every morning. B.Because there is something wrong with her eyes. C.Because her son's lack(缺少)of sleep hurt her but she had to wake him up. D.Because she thought her son was too lazy. 2. Lack of sleep leads to(导致) A.the body's weakness B.nodding off in class C.near-sighted eyes D. all the above answers 3. From the passage we can infer that many students don't get enough sleep because 4 A.they have too much homework and the pressure from exams. B.they watch TV or play computer games deep into night. C.their parents are happy to see their children go to bed late. D.there are something wrong with their eyes 4. From the passage we can see that A. all the parents hope their children stay up. B. some parents are worried about the fact that most of the students don't have enough sleep. C. most of the students are glad to go to bed late. D a junior student usually needs eleven hours' sleep a night. D Tiny Plant and animals live all around us. We cannot see them because they are so small, but they are everywhere. They live in the soil, in the air and in rivers and oceans. They grow on mountains and in the caves. Some live in the ice at the north and south poles; some live where it is very hot. They are found throughout cities and in the country. They grow on other plants and animals. Some are living on you, on your skin, and inside your body, in your mouth, nose, and all through your body. These tiny plants and animals are called microbes. The word microbe is made from two other words: micro, meaning small, and bios, meaning life. So, microbe means small life Microbes have been on earth for a very long time. They may have been the first forms of life to be alive. Today there are more microbes in the world than all other living things. People did not know microbes bad existed (存在)before. They were too small for them to see. But people did see any changes in their world- important changes. And at that time they did not know what caused them. They saw food that they kept too long change color and begin to smell bad. They saw cuts and wounds grow red and painful and become worse., They saw old plants and leaves and trees crumble apart(分裂瓦解) on the forest floor and disappear into the soil. Such changes were a natural part of the world, but people did not understand them. They did not know these changes were evidence(证据)of tiny plants and animals growing all around them. 1.The underlined phrase“microbes” means A.细菌 B.病毒 C.微生物 D.弱者 2.What can we know about microbes? A.Microbes can live all through our body B.People do not know microbes exist in the world. C.Microbes have been on earth for a very short time. D.Microbes make the food become fresher. 3.Choose the answer that completes the web below. A. Microbes are very small B. Food begins to smell bad C. People can’t see microbes D. Microbes are all around us 4.The best title is __________.. A.A terrible Life in the World B.Important Changes C.The Smallest Life Around US D.All Living Things E Many girls like taking selfies. And you can see a lot of girls posting their beautiful photos with their "big head" online. When you look at them, you may wonder: is that the girl I know? Well, thanks to photoshop, the picture-editing(编辑)software(软件), people can edit their picture in a way the rest of us can only imagine. And now, it is easier for people to edit pictures on their phones. With the help of these apps like Meitu Xiu Xiu, girls in the 5 picture have whiter skin, bigger eyes and thinner faces, which look more beautiful than they really are. According to the research, Meitu has over 500 million users and is installed on over 900 million mobile phones worldwide. The “refine and whiten” button(按钮)is far the most popular, since having white skin is a standard(标准)of beauty in China. △ Many more people in other countries get to know this amazing app now and it becomes so hot that it is now one of the 25 most popular apps of the year in America. After all, everyone wants to look beautiful. It's fun to beautify your photos, but don' t forget to beautify others' images when you post the pictures on the Internet. 1.How many times is Meitu Xiu Xiu installed on mobile phone in the world? A. Over 500 million B. Over 400 million C. Over 900 million D. Over 1400million 2.Which sentence is best for △ in Para 4? A. That’s why people install the app on their phones. B Meitu is not only popular in China. C. How can Meitu become so popular? D. Americans like this app very much. 3.What is the main idea of the passage? A. What is Meitu Xiu Xiu B. People like photoshop. C. It's interesting to edit pictures. D. What is Meitu XiuXiu and why is it popular? 4.Which is the structure(结构)of the passage? (①= Para 1;②= Para 2;③= Para 3;④= Para 4;⑤= Para 5;) A. ①②③,④,⑤ B. ①②,③,④,⑤ C. ①,②③④,⑤ D. ①,②③,④⑤ 四、口语应用。(每题 1 分,共 5 分) A:Ann, you look sad._____________ B:l failed the math exam. It is difficult for me to learn math well._____________ A:Don't worry. Maybe I could help you. You know, I always do well in math. B: _____________Thank you very much. A:You are welcome B:But l have another problem. _____________ A:Why? B: I often stay up late playing computer games at night. A: Oh,it is bad for your health._____________ B:0K.I will have a try tonight. A. It sounds great. B.You should go to bed early. C.Why don't you ask your teacher for help? D. What's wrong? E.I can't getup early in the morning. F. What should I do? G. Thank you very much. 五、任务型阅读。(65-67 题,每小题 2 分,68 小题 3 分,共 9 分) We used to write letters as a way of communication, but now making calls and sending message become a lot more popular. So a TV show, Letters Alive(《见字如面》),is helping to bring the old way back to life. Letters Alive got the idea from a UK program with a similar name, Letters Alive. Both shows invited famous actors and actresses, but there is no funny talk or social activities. Each time there is only one person who walks up lot front and reads a letter. But the letters are not just simple(简单的)letters.Every letter is like a piece of history. By reading and hearing them,it's like we are sent back to experience the past. The letters are carefully chosen from lots of special ones.For example,there is a moving note from 2500 years ago.Ii was written by a soldier to his elder brother to report the life in the area. According to Guan Zhenwen, director of Letters Alive, there is a kind of humanity(人性)behind each other,each one may open our heart and allows people from all ages to experience a moment of time in someone else’s life that’s why the show has 6 been so popular in China since the beginning. 65. Is there any funny talk or social activities in Letter Alive? 66. How many people can walk up to the front and read letters each time? 67. Why is this show so popular in China? 68.Which is a better way for you to communicate with friends, writing a letter or making calls?Why? 六、单词填空(每小题 0.5 分,共 5 分) 69. He aw a walled(钱包)__________(lie) on the ground on his way to school. 70. Bill_________(hurt)) his left leg when he played basketball yesterday. 71. His dog's________(die) made him sad. 72. The________(own) of this big house also owns this new car. 73.A fiend of________(I) asked me to watch movies with him last Sunday. 74. You'd better sleep________(early) than you did yesterday so hat you can get enough sleep. 75. Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a child's d________. 76.1 get such a strong feeling of s________when I see the animals get better. 77. We should set up a group to help d________people. 78. The earlier kids learn to be i________,the better it is for their future. 七、完成句子。(每空 1 分,共 10 分) 根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。 79. There is something wrong with my computer.(改为一般疑问句) __________there __________ wrong with your computer.(改为一般疑问句) 80. Both Tom and Jim are interested in watching TV.(改为否定句) _________ Tom nor__________ are interested in watching TV. 81. I didn't leave until he gave back my book (改为同文句) I __________ until he__________ gave back my book. 82.你知道做好决定的重要性吗?(完成评句) Do you know the _________ of _________ good decisions? 83.你没有必要现在就完成它。(完成译句) There's _________ _________ for you to finish it now. 八、短文填空。(每空 2 分,共 16 分) Ten years ago, I came to San Francisco alone to learn acting. One day, I was pretty tired because I practiced acting till twelve at night. It seemed that I had great problems dealing acting lesson and my part-time at the same time. On my way home, I thought seriously about ____84_____up acting and the life here When I walked down the empty streets under tall building. I felt very small and cold. So I began running to ____85_____myself and away from possible robbers(抢动犯).Suddenly, I heard a sound behind me.I didn't stop running. ____86_____ I began to run faster,imagining that someone was after me holding a knife or a gun. I didn't realize____87_____ the noise was until l arrived home. It was my wallet falling on the street. I ran back to the place where I heard the sound. Although I searched(搜寻)the street carefully, I heard _____89____ . Before I was going to leave, I heard a voice from the garbage can{垃圾插),"Carla Miller!" I thought I was dreaming. How could anyone know my_____90____ ? then a small man with a kind smile came up to me. "Is his what you are looking for?" be asked me______91___ my black wallet in his hand. I went to bed at nearly two o'clock, but I wasn't sleepy.I didn't feel cold either, because I found his city was a much___92______place than l imagined. That night l finally decided to keep on learning acting and settle down(定居)here. 7 84. _________________ 85.________________ 86._____________________ 87.__________________ 88. _________________ 89.________________ 91._____________________ 92.__________________ 九、书面农达。(20 分) 假如某英语报社正在以”should student take after-school classes”?为题进行英语征文比赛,请你根据下面提示,用英 语写一篇短文参加比赛,可适当发挥。 提示:1.你的观点 2.原因(至少两点) 3.呼吁学生们参加不参加课外补习班 要求:1,根据提示内容进行写作,可适当发挥; 2.80-120词. Should Students take after-school classes? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___

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