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The Third Period (Sound time, Culture time and Cartoon time) Free talk: Play a game. The Speaking Shadow.(模 仿说话) Hello, everybody. I'm Alex. Do you know what I am? I'm a big cat. A cat? No. But we're from the same family. Where do I live? In the forest. I'm the king of the forest. Who is my friend? A mouse! A mouse? Yes, he is little, but he saved me. Really? But how? He made a hole in the net with his sharp teeth. Read and choose Think WH – QUESTIONS Think Who? What? A. About the winner of the table tennis match. B. About getting the ball out of the hole. C. About how to play table tennis. Read andthink B 1. What do Billy and Willy do ? 2. How does the ball get lost ? 3. How do they get the ball? Read and answer Read the story Read in roles.(分 角色读) Read after one.(跟一个 学生读) Read together. (齐读) …(P12-P13页) 四人一小组,选择一种喜欢的 方式读课文。 Think and share! Do you have any other good ideas to get the ball out? ? This is Aesop's Fables. This is a Chinese idiom book. a book from the Greek(希腊的) story teller, Aesop (伊索). Greece(希腊) The Tortoise and the Hare The tortoise ran slowly but he still won the race. The Fox and the Crow After the crow sang loudly, she dropped her meat to the fox. Chinese idioms lying by the tree to wait for (守株待兔) kill two birds with one stone (一石二鸟) They both teach us something in each story. Stories are fun. Stories make us wise. We learn from stories. Let’s go and read more. Enjoy the stories 一、写出下列单词的过去式。 1.wake ___________ 2.let ___________ 3.catch ___________ 4.get ___________ 5.make___________ 6.say ___________ 7.become_________ 8.bite___________ 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.The girl is singing ___________ (happy). 2.I went to the hospital because a dog ___________ (bite) my leg. 3.There ___________ (is) a lion in the forest many years ago. 4.My brother ___________ (read) English every morning. Do the exercises

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