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2. If I were a boy, I think I could understand how it feels to love a girl . 3. If I were a boy, I would turn off my phone and tell everyone it’s broken . 1.If I were a boy, even just for a day, I’d roll out of bed in the morning and throw on what I wanted. Subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood subjunctive mood Grammar 1. 定义:虚拟语气是一种特殊的动词形式,用来 表示说话人所说的不是一个事实,而是一种愿 望,假设,怀疑,猜测,空想。(无法实现, 或与现实相反) The subjunctive mood ①If I were a bird , I could fly to the south in winter. ②If water is heated , it turns to steam. Real conditional sentences(真实条件句) describe real-life, possible situations. true, facts Unreal conditional sentences(非真实条件句) describe unreal, imaginary situations. untrue, wish • If it were May 1st today, I would stay at home. • If I got much money now, I would donate some to people suffering the earthquake. • If I lived on the moon at present, I might see the beauty—Chang’e. Find the rules If…_____sth,… __________________ sth.did/were Would/could/might/should do Contrary to the present truth If I ____ (be) free now, I __________ (travel) around the world. Complete these sentences If I ____ the lottery, I _______ buy an expensive car. won Would Find the rules If …______ sth, … ________________ sth. Contrary to the past would/could/might/should have done If I _______ (have) time last night, I ______________(go) to see the film. Complete these sentences If I _________ (be) more careful, I ______________ (achieve) a high mark. No Image had been could have achieved • If I got time next week, I would help you. • If my uncle should come to my house tomorrow, I might get some pocket money. • If I were to finish my homework early this evening, I would take a walk with you. Find the rules If…_______sth,… _________________sth.would/could/might/should do Contrary to the future did were to do should do If it ________(be) Christmas Day tomorrow, I _________(get) some gifts. Complete these sentences Mark: 100 Pair work What would/could/might/should you do if you had a lot of money? If I had a lot of money, I would/could/might/should … I wish I _______as tall as Yaoming.were I Wish… I had a lot of watermelon yesterday, so I have a stomachache . I wish I ____________( eat ) so much watermelon yesterday. hadn’t eaten I wish it ___________( rain) tomorrow and I wish I ___________(come) across the handsome boy again. would not rain would come wish 的宾语从句 wish 的宾语从句 与现在事实相反: 一般过去时( be 用were ) 与过去事实相反: 过去完成时 与将来事实相反: would/could /might+V.原 Rewrite these sentences with I wish E.g. I am not a boy . 1. I can not solve this problem. 2. I did not pass the exam. 3. I am afraid our performance will not go well . I wish I were a boy . I wish I could solve this problem. I wish I had passed the exam . I wish our performance would go well . If today were my birthday , I wish… Pair work Group work : A letter to Lilly Imagine what you would do to make your class better, if you were Lilly , your English teacher, using if I were…, I would…; I wish… the more, the better. Homework Make your letter perfect, and then hand in your letter.

资料: 3.2万


