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2021 学 年 度 北 师 大 版 新 教 材 必 修 三 UNIT-9 Learning Lesson 2 Language Learning Tips 教学设计 【教学目标】 Students will be able to 1. listen to an interview about effective ways to learn English 2. extract specific information while listening and complete missing information 3. discuss effective ways of learning English 4. listen to an interview on the differences between British and American English and complete a table with missing information 5. listen to and practise ways of showing interest while speaking 【教学重难点】 Listening for specific information from an interview 【教学过程】 1. What tips do you know about learning English? 1) Invite students to share any specific learning difficulties they may have with the English language, e.g., difficulty with pronunciation, spelling, grammar, difficulty to understand the structure of a new language. There are many skills a learner needs to work on like speaking, listening, reading and writing. 2) Read the four listed tips on page 56. Ask students to share their own tips and support with reasons. 3) Students write their tips next to the fifth bullet point. 2. Listen and identify the topic. 1) Read and discuss the topics with the students. This will help them prepare for what they need to listen out for. 2) Play the interview once and then repeat again if necessary. Students tick the topics mentioned as they listen to the interview. 3) Ask students to check their answers in pairs and then review as a class. 4) Ask students some general comprehension questions: a. Why is it a good idea to read simplified classic literature and watch English films and programmes? b. What does “learning words in context” mean? c. What is a natural way to learn English grammar rules? 3. Listen and complete. 1) Play the interview for students to complete the missing information. 2) In pairs, students review their answers. 3) Play the interview again for students to confirm their answers. 4) Low level students can refer to the interview script on pages 108 and 109 to complete the missing information. 5) Review the answers as a class. 4. Pair Work: Discuss the questions on page 56. 1) In pairs, students read and discuss the two questions. Ask students to think back tips on learning English and how to overcome certain areas of difficulty, as well as their own ideas. 2) Ask students to search for online tips on learning English. 3) Students note down their answers. 4) Hold a class vote on the most important piece of advice from the interview. 5) Students share other ways to learn English vocabulary and grammar effectively. 6) Put students in small groups to discuss their ideas. Invite a representative from each group to present their group’s ideas. Write any interesting ideas on the board. 5. Do you know the differences between British and American English? 1) Write some examples on the board. 2) Students work in pairs or small groups to use their dictionaries or online websites to find other examples. 3) Students write their examples of differences between British and American English on the board. 6. Listen and complete the table on page 57 on the differences. 1) Play the programme once for general understanding. Ask students to list the examples they heard and to add any other details they remember. 2) Point out to students that they need to include their own ideas in the “Examples” column. They could use their ideas from Activity 5 7. Listen, imitate, and complete the Talk Builder. 1) Explain to students that it’s important to show interest in what others are saying. Read and discuss the Talk Builder. 2) Students try to complete the spaces with the expressions on the right. 3) Play the programme for students to check their answers. 4) Students can role-play the dialogue in pairs to compare their answers. 8. Search online for more differences. 1) In small groups, students search for more differences between British and American English. Either provide online resources or students can bring in resources. 2) Tabulate the differences that students found between British and American English on the board. 9. Pair Work: Act out a dialogue. 1) Pair up students with different abilities. Encourage students to practise and make their dialogue sound as natural as possible. Students need to use different expressions to show interest. 2) Students can refer to the dialogue script on page 109 as a model for their role-play. 3) Students role-play their dialogues in front of the class.

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