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Unit 7 Art——Topic Talk 【教学目标】 Students will be able to 1. read and talk about art 2. listen for general understanding 3. read for specific information and understanding words in context 【教学重难点】 1. listening for general understanding 2. reading for specific information 【教学过程】 1. Pair Work: Discuss different art forms. (1) Instruct students to page through a magazine on art. (2) Brainstorm different forms of art on the board, e.g., Beijing Opera, band performance, painting and dancing. Ask students: a. Define each of these forms of art. Give an example. b. Have you seen these forms of art? Share your experience with the class. (3) Discuss the vocabulary below the photos on page 6. (4) Have students show and explain their example of art, found in their magazine. (5) In pairs, students discuss the four photos using the vocabulary words and say whether they like them or not. Students’ answers must be supported by logical reasons. 2. Complete the Text Builder. (1) Explain to the students that they will be listening to a dialogue about going to a classical concert. (2) Before playing the dialogue, play a classical show from TV or radio. (3) Discuss the students’ opinions of classical music. (4) Have students preview the text in the Text Builder. Explain the meanings of unknown terms. (5) Play the dialogue. (6) Ask students to recall the information they heard in the dialogue to complete the sentence frames. If needed, play the dialogue a second time and pause after key statements in the talk. (7) Review the answers with students. 3. Talk about an art form. (1) Ask students to use the Text Builder to talk about an art from they like. (2) Allow students time to prepare on their chosen form of art using the Text Builder for vocabulary. What form of art inspires you? Explain why. Define that art form. When did you first see that art form? Share an experience. (3) Students share their idea with a partner or the class. 4. Listen and answer questions. (1) Have students preview the questions on page 7. (2) Tell students that they should take notes or answer the questions while listening. (3) Play the dialogue. (4) Have students discuss what they heard in small groups. If needed, play the dialogue again. (5) Instruct students to answer the questions independently, in full sentences. 5. Write a short paragraph. (1) Ask students to call out words they learnt in this section, such as atmosphere, costumes, stage design, opera, modern art. Write the new words on the board. (2) Students discuss what they learnt about these words. (3) Ask students to write and share some information about their favourite art form.

资料: 3.2万


