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Unit 2 Lessons in life 速读教材 P14-15 课文,完成下列任务 Ⅰ.阅读判断 判断下列句子提供的信息是正确,还是错误,还是没有提及 1.Albom is very satisfied with his life as a successful sports journalist. A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned. 2.Arthur thinks that the book is optimistic and full of life. A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned. 3.Marty thinks that the book should be on the school reading lists. A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned. 4.Amy Wang thinks that making a lot of money can not make us happy. A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned. 5.Marty gave the fewest stars to the book. A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned. [答案] 1-5 BABBB Ⅱ.补全信息 选择正确选项填入空白处,补全所给句子提供的信息 A.be needed to get through this book B.am influenced by popular culture C.been given a deeper insight into the world D.is filled with joy and hope E.is reunited with his favourite college professor 1.This all changes when he ,Morrie Schwartz. 2.Indeed,it was a pleasant surprise to find that this book . 3.After finishing it,I feel I have and can see things from a different point of view. 4.This book made me stop and think about how much I and the importance of creating my own values based on love and open communication. 5.A box of tissues will ! [答案] 1—5 EDCBA Ⅲ.表格填空 Name Opinions about the book What lessons they learnt Arthur K He finds the book full of 1.joy and hope. The book encourages him to 2.appreciate what he has and to make the most of each day. Amy Wang She thinks the book should be on all school reading lists.And she felt she was given 3.a deeper insight into the world. We should find out 4.what is important in our lives.She felt as if she had been woken up from a long sleep and finally 5.opened her eyes to the world. Marty His first impression was that the book is just a collection of repeated overemotional thoughts and messages.Nonetheless,he would recommend people read it because the book 6.is a bit different. The book made him stop and think about 7.the influence of popular culture and the importance of 8.creating his own values. Vivian The book made her miss 9.all the good friends that she had lost touch with. Always 10. keep in touch with the good people you meet.Live life to the full. 细读教材 P14-15 课文,完成下列任务 Ⅰ.主旨匹配 1.Para.1 A.Arthur K's comments on the book and the lessons he learnt. 2.Para.2 B.Vivian's opinion about the book and the lessons she learnt. 3.Paras.3-4 C.The background of writing the book Tuesdays with Morrie. 4.Para.5 D.Marty's thoughts about the book and the lessons he learnt. 5.Paras.6-7 E.Amy Wang's feelings about the book and the lessons she learnt. [答案] 1—5 CAEDB Ⅱ.单项选择 1.Who might be the author of the book Tuesdays with Morrie? A.Arthur K. B.Amy Wang. C.Morrie. D.Mitch Albom. 2.What left the deepest impression on Arthur? A.Morrie's insight. B.Morrie's reflections. C.Morrie's bravery. D.Morrie's widespread recognition. 3.Why does Amy Wang think that the book should be on all school reading lists? A.Because the book will be beneficial to young people. B.Because the book can tell students how to focus on their study. C.Because the book can teach young people how to make money. D.Because the book full of pictures is very interesting. 4.What's Vivian's main feeling about the book? A.Interesting. B.Touching. C.Informative. D.A little boring. [答案] 1-4 DCAB Ⅲ.读后续写微技能 读后续写微技能——表达观点 A.阅读课文中含有表达观点的语句 1.Indeed,it was a pleasant surprise to find that this book is filled with joy and hope. 2.I think this book should be on all school reading lists. 3.Despite its widespread recognition,my first impression was that Tuesdays with Morrie is just made up of a collection of overemotional thoughts and messages, many of which are repeated. B.判断下列语句中哪个不是表达观点的 1.As Morrie anticipates his own death,he observes everything as though through new eyes — the things around him seem more beautiful than ever before and hold new meanings. 2.It's up to us to find out what is important in our lives and establish our own values. 3.I guess that's one of the lessons of the book — always keep in touch with the good people you meet as you go through life. [答案] 1

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