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Unit 4 Everyday economics Ⅰ.匹配词义 A.单词匹配 ( )1.entrepreneurial A.n.日出(时分);黎明;拂晓 ( )2.cosmetics B.n.突然的兴趣,迷恋 ( )3.manufacturer C.adj.头晕目眩的 ( )4.obstacle D.n.制造商;制造公司,制造厂 ( )5.bug E.adj.创业的,具有创业精神的 ( )6.sunrise F.n.化妆品,美容品 ( )7.dizzy G.n.(商品的)分销,经销 ( )8.distribution H.n.障碍,阻碍,妨碍 [答案] 1-5 EFDHB 6-8 ACG B.短语匹配 ( )1.take a deep breath A.深呼吸 ( )2.be fond of B.仓促行事 ( )3.rush into things C.梦想某事/做某事 ( )4.in the hope of D.怀有……的希望 ( )5.be willing to do sth. E.喜欢 ( )6.dream of sth./doing sth. F.乐意去做某事 [答案] 1-6 AEBDFC Ⅱ.默写单词 1.blank adj. 无表情的 2.potential n. (事物的)潜力,可能性 3.enterprising adj. 有创业精神的;有事业心的;有进取 心的 4.phase n. 阶段,时期 5.purchase v. 购买 6.bonus n. 奖金;红利 7.guidance n. 指导,引导 8.consultant n. 顾问 9.forehead n. 额,前额 10.input n. 投入(物) Ⅰ.语境填词 bonus;consultant;forehead;dizzy;blank;phase;guidance;potential;purchase; enterprising 1.In fact,climbing so high made me feel dizzy. 2.Sign your name in the blank space below. 3.The forehead is the part of the face above the eyes and below the hair. 4.The product has even more potential in export markets. 5.I think your friend is an enterprising man. 6.The wedding marked the beginning of a new phase in Emma's life. 7.The customer can purchase the equipment from your local supplier. 8.The man is the President's consultant on economic affairs. 9.Activities all take place under the guidance of an experienced tutor. 10.A bonus is an extra amount of money added to sb.'s wages as a reward. Ⅱ.语法填空之派生词 1.She stared at him blankly(blank)not knowing what to say next. 2.Your forehead(head) is burning.Have you got a fever? 3.Debra is a very enterprising(enterprise)young black businesswoman who is involved in a lot of activities. 4.The company's distribution(distribute)network has been expanded. 5.This is Spain's largest distributor(distribute)of petroleum products. 6.The nation looks to them for guidance(guide). 7.He is a consultant(consult)employed by our company. 1.She couldn't,however,hide the line of sweat running down her forehead... 然而,她无法掩盖额头上流淌着的那道汗水…… 2.“Conditions are ideal here,”she says.“This is a place where roses grow wild.” “这里的环境理想”,她说。“是种植野生玫瑰的地方”。 3.“But I also wanted to give something back to my home town...” “但我也想给我的家乡一些回馈……” 4.“...Few in the village believed I could create a multimillion yuan business from flowers,”says Zhang. “……村里很少有人相信我能创建一个靠鲜花获利几百万元的公司,”张月说。 5 . ...she advises that people be realistic and seek guidance from expert consultants before rushing into things. ……她建议人们要现实一点,向内行的顾问寻求指导,以免仓促行事。 词汇积累 ①sweat n.汗;出汗;v. 出汗;流汗 ②studio n.(广播、电视的)录音室,录像室 ③blank adj.空白的;没表情的;不理解的;不感兴趣的 ④clue n.(问题答案的)线索,提示 ⑤take a deep breath 深呼吸 out of breath 上气不接下气 ⑥struggle to do sth.挣扎做某事;努力做某事 ⑦presentation n.展示 ⑧be fond of 喜欢 ⑨valley n.谷;山谷 ⑩pick v.选择;挑选;采,摘 ⑪delicate adj.易损的;易碎的;脆弱的;精美的;小巧玲珑的 ⑫end up doing sth.以做某事结束 ⑬surprise v.使某人吃惊 ⑭freedom n.自由 free adj.自由的 ⑮bug n.突然的兴趣,迷恋 ⑯a number of 许多的 谓语动词用复数 the number of...数目 谓语动词用单数 ⑰in the hope of 怀着(……发生的)希望 ⑱meet with 遭受,受到 ⑲rejection n.拒绝;否决 ⑳allimportant adj.极重要的 ○21entrepreneur n.创业者;企业家 ○22obstacle n.障碍;阻碍,妨碍 ○23initial adj.最初的 initially adv.最初地 ○24persuade 劝说;说服 persuade sb.to do sth.=persuade sb.into doing sth.说服某人去做某事 ○25cosmetics n.化妆品 ○26be willing to do sth.乐意去做某事 ○27decent adj.像样的;相当不错的 ○28dream of doing sth.梦想做某事 ○29rush into things 常用口语表达方式,意思是仓促行事 ○30run v.经营 ○31determination n.决心;果断 ○32sound adj.明智的;合理的 ○33capital n.首都;国都;资金 ○34negotiate v.谈判;磋商 ○35ambitious adj.有野心的 原文呈现 Business Blossoms As she spoke,Zhang Yue put her hands behind her back to hide that they were shaking.She couldn't,however,hide the line of sweat① running down her forehead, which was caused partly by the heat of the television studio②,but more by fear of the four people seated in front of her.They stared back,their blank③ faces giving no clue④ as to what they would say next[1]. Feeling dizzy,Zhang Yue took a deep breath ⑤ as she struggled to finish⑥ her presentation⑦,“And that is why I need your help in turning my new and exciting business into a successful one.” [1]their blank faces giving no clue as to...是独立主格结构作状语,其中 what 引 导宾语从句,作介词 to 的宾语。 Now chairwoman of her own company,Zhang Yue is fond of⑧ saying,“The early bird catches the worm.”The place where this happens is a valley⑨,a world away from any television studio.Moving carefully through the darkness,she passes row upon row of rose plants.In an hour,these fields will be full of people,working quickly to pick ⑩ the flowers before sunrise.“It has to be done then,” says Zhang.“These flowers are delicate⑪.” Zhang never thought that this was something she would end up doing⑫.Surrounded by roses as she was growing up,she paid them little attention.It was only after graduating from university overseas and returning to visit her parents that Zhang realised the potential.[2]“Conditions are ideal here,” she says.“This is a place where roses grow wild.” [2]这是一个强调句型,被强调的是时间状语。 Zhang therefore decided to return to her home town and grow roses,which surprised ⑬ many people[3].“I wanted to experience the freedom⑭ of being my own boss,” she said.“But I also wanted to give something back to my home town.As people say,‘It takes a village to raise a child.’” [3]which 引导的非限制性定语从句,其先行词为前面的整个主句。 She is not the only young person to have been bitten by the startup bug⑮.All over the world,an increasing number of⑯ enterprising young people are thinking of starting their own businesses,as the growing economy creates more opportunities.Like Zhang,they present their ideas in the hope of⑰ getting investment and advice,and they have the same passion and devotion.The majority meet with⑱ rejection⑲.A few, like Zhang Yue,find themselves lucky enough to get investment and the allimportant ⑳ input and support from more experienced business people.The road to their success is however still a long and difficult one,with many challenges along the way. As someone who grew up in the country , Zhang already knew about growing plants.However,like any entrepreneur○ 21 who was just starting out,she still had a lot to learn.She has overcome a number of obstacles○ 22 in nursing her business to the success it is today.“The biggest challenge at the initial○ 23 phase was to persuade○ 24 people to work for me,which was totally outside my experience[4].Few in the village believed I could create a multimillion yuan business from flowers,” says Zhang. “After I went on TV,a major Asian manufacturer of cosmetics○ 25 was willing to purchase○ 26 my product and help with its distribution.It was only then that the locals began to believe me.[5] Now my product is one of the best in Asia.This year,I can pay all my fellow workers a decent○ 27 bonus.” [4]which 引导的非限制性定语从句,其先行词是 to persuade people to work for me。 [5]此句为强调句型,被强调的是时间状语。 Seeing her peers who also dream of○ 28 success and independence,Zhang has mixed feelings.Though she welcomes the new entrepreneurial spirit,she advises that people be realistic and seek guidance from expert consultants before rushing into things○ 29 . “I love running○ 30 my own business,but it's not for everyone,” says Zhang. “ To succeed in business , you need more than a good idea , hard work and determination○ 31 .What really matters[6] is a sound○ 32 business plan,access to capital○ 33 , and good management and negotiating○ 34 skills.Most of all,don't be too ambitious○ 35 .You should know your own limits and those of the people you work with.For young people who have little life experience,that can be a challenge.” [6]what 引导的主语从句,作整个句子的主语。 译文参考 生意兴隆 张月一边说话,一边把双手放在背后,以掩盖它们在发抖。然而,她无法掩盖额头上流 淌着的那道汗水,一部分是由于电视演播室的高温造成的,但更多的是因为害怕坐在她前面 的四个人。他们回头看了看,从他们没有表情的脸上根本看不出接下来他们会说什么。张月 感到头晕目眩,她深吸了一口气,艰难地结束了介绍,“这就是为什么我需要你们的帮助,把 我的新的、令人兴奋的公司变成一家成功的公司。” 张月现在是她自己公司的董事长,她喜欢说:“早起的鸟儿有虫吃。”发生这件事的地 方是一个山谷,一个远离任何电视演播室的世界。她小心翼翼地在黑暗中行走,经过一行行 的玫瑰。再过一个小时,这些田地里就会挤满了人,他们要在日出前迅速地摘下这些花。“必 须在那时候摘,”张月说,“这些花很娇嫩。” 张月从没想过她最终会从事这样的工作。即便她是在玫瑰丛中长大的,却很少注意到它 们。直到从海外大学毕业回国探望父母后,张月才意识到这一潜力。“这里的环境理想,”她 说,“是野生玫瑰生长的地方。” 因此,张月决定回到家乡种玫瑰,这让很多人感到惊讶。“我想体验自己做老板的自由,” 她说,“但我也想给我的家乡一些回馈。正如人们所说:‘养育一个孩子需要一个村庄。’” 她并不是唯一一个热衷于创业的年轻人。全世界越来越多有进取心的年轻人都在考虑自 己创业,因为经济的增长创造了更多的机会。像张月一样,他们提出自己的想法,希望得到 投资和建议,他们有同样的热情和奉献精神。大多数人遭到拒绝。一些人,像张月,发现自 己足够幸运,能够从更有经验的商业人士那里得到投资和极其重要的投入及支持。然而,他 们的成功之路依然漫长而艰难,同时也面临着许多挑战。 作为一个在农村长大的人,张月已经知道怎样种植植物。但是,和任何一个刚开始的创 业者一样,她还有很多东西要学。她已经克服了许多障碍,使自己的企业取得了今天的成功, “最初阶段最大的挑战是说服人们为我工作,这完全超出了我的经历。村里很少有人相信我 能创建一个靠鲜花获利几百万元的公司,”张月说,“我上了电视后,一家主要的亚洲化妆品 制造商愿意购买我的产品并帮我分销。就是在那时,本地人才开始相信我。现在我的产品是 亚洲最好的产品之一。今年,我可以给所有同事发一笔可观的奖金。” 看到同龄人也梦想着成功和独立,张月百感交集。 尽管她欢迎这种新的创业精神,但她 建议人们要现实一点,向内行的顾问寻求指导,以免仓促行事。 “我喜欢经营自己的企业,但并不适合所有人。”张月说, “要想在企业上取得成功, 你需要的不仅仅是好的想法、努力工作和决心。 真正重要的是一个完备的商业计划、获得资 金的渠道、以及良好的管理和谈判技巧。 最重要的是,不要太有野心。 你应该知道自己和 同事的极限。 对于鲜有生活经验的年轻人来说,这是一个挑战。”

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