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长城位于北京,有着两千多年的历史,全场约 6700 米,它是世界上最伟大的人 工奇迹之一,暑假期间你与家人一同去游玩,请就“游览长城”这一话题写一篇 游记。 内容: 1. 介绍长城 2. 游览的时间,天气状况,乘坐的交通工具 3. 观看长城的感受 The Great Wall is one of the greatest man-made wonders in the world. It is located in Beijing, the capital of China. Besides, It is a nearly 6700-meter-long wonder with a history of more than 2000 years. Last summer vocation, I went to travel from Foshan to the Great Wall by plane. It took me several hours to get there. When I got there, the weather was so fine that I couldn’t wait to visit it. So after I placed my packages in the hotel, I hurried to visit the Great Wall. Climbing the Great Wall was so tiring but when I arrived at the top, I was amazed by the sight! This trip left me with an unforgettable memory. What a wonderful sight! I am so proud of our country that it has such a great wonder! 春节是中国人最为重要的传统节日之一,假如你要为学校做一个关于传统文化的演讲,请你 写一篇英语演讲稿,内容包括 1:介绍春节(时间,历史) 2:春节人们的活动以及对于中国人的意义 3 :呼吁同学们重视中国传统文化 Spring festival is one of the most important festivals in China. It has a history of more than thousands of years. In addition, Spring Festival means the beginning of a new year so it always falls in January and February. Some days before Spring Festival, people will do some cleaning and tidy up the house. On the eve of Spring Festival, people always gather together to have a big family dinner and then stay up late to welcome the coming Chinese new year. In Spring Festival, people prefer to visit the friends and relatives. The reason why Chinese people do such things during Spring Festival is that it is a time for Chinese people to gather together after the hard work all the year. Besides, family unity means a lot for Chinese people. Spring Festival is such an important traditional festival that we had better learn more about the meaning of our traditional culture. 某英文报社正就青少年与父母关系展开题为“how to keep a good relationship with parents ”征文活动,请你就以下信息点,写一篇对应的文章 1:父母规矩太多,过于强调学习成绩,不理解自己问题等 2:你对这些问题的看法 3:你与父母保持良好关系的方法 As far as I am concerned, my parents set too much rules for me at home. For example, I am not allowed to go out with my friends at night. What’s more, my parents don’t allow me to choose my own clothes. Besides, they pay too much attention to my exam results. To some extent(在某种程度上), I think my parents do not quite understand me. However, I try my best to understand my parents. Although I am not given too much choices and plenty of pressure was put on me, I deeply believe that’s because they really love me and they want me to have a bright future. As for me, I try to keep a good relationship with them. I do my best in my study in order to be a pride of them. In addition, I would like to listen to their opinions and try to talk with them as friends and share my ideas with them. Because I think communication is the key to keeping a good relationship.

资料: 3.2万


