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Module 1 Life in the Future Integrating Skills 词汇知识·自主学习 Ⅰ. 用本模块所学单词的适当形式填空 1. Whatever trouble he meets, he is always optimistic(乐观的). 2. If we can do these things, we will definitely (确定地) grow up happily and healthily. 3. He wanted to find out what young people think about the future of urban (城市 的) life. 4. The country used to be a British colony(殖民地) in Asia. 5. She had the courage and determination to rise above her physical disability(disabled). 6. As we grow older, we learn the limits (限度) of our abilities. 7. Some people enjoy making predictions (预测) without caring about their results. 8. He worked so hard that eventually (终于) his health became poor and he fell ill frequently. 9. When I got to the railway station, they were loading (装) the truck with bananas. 10. Clouds of different shapes (形状) made the sky especially beautiful. Ⅱ. 根据语境选用方框中适当的短语填空 look out, for a start, on the way out, come true, throw away, in progress 1. Look out! The stone is falling from the mountain. 2. For a start, we should discuss how to deal with the problem. 3. It’s a waste of money to throw away so many clothes. 4. The cars that are powered by petrol will be on the way out because oil is likely to run out. 5. To my joy, my dream of going to college will come true. 6. The work is still in progress and may be finished in two weeks. Ⅲ. 完成句子 1. I’m too busy enjoying my life now to worry about the future! 我现在正忙着享受生活, 以至于没有时间担心未来! 2. Thirty years from now people will be wearing clothes made of paper which they will be able to throw away after wearing them two or three times. 从现在起三十年后人们将穿着纸制的衣服, 穿过两三次以后就可以把它们扔掉。 3. So in ten years I hope I will either be working in a hospital or as a doctor with my own surgery. 因此十年后, 我希望要么在医院工作, 要么做一名拥有自己的诊所的医生。 4. Not all predictions come true. 不是所有的预言都会实现。 要点精研·探究学习 1. look out 小心; 当心 *Look out! We’re having/’re going to have an accident! 小心! 我们要出事故了! *Do look out for spelling mistakes in your work. 一定要当心你作业中的拼写错误。 *Don’t look down on/upon those old men. Instead, we should look up to them. 不要看不起那些老人。相反, 我们应该尊敬他们。 【导图理词】 *(2020·天津高考)Look up Charles Dickens, and you might learn a thing or two about realism. 翻阅查尔斯·狄更斯的作品, 你或许对现实主义了解一二。 用适当的介词或副词填空 (1)Look out! There’s a car coming! (2)He decides to look into the matter till the truth is out. (3)Don’t look down upon/on him; he’s no fool. (4)All the students look up to the old philosophy teacher. (5)(2020·江苏高考)In looking into the stories of biological discovery, I also began to find something else, a collection of scientists, usually brilliant, occasionally half-mad, who made the discoveries. 2. optimistic adj. 乐观的; 乐观主义的 *Life is full of ups and downs, but if we are optimistic and take a positive attitude, we will be likely to enjoy our life. 生活充满了起起伏伏, 但是如果我们乐观采取积极态度, 则我们很有可能享受我们的生活。 *The stockholders are optimistic about the company’s future. 股东对公司的前景很乐观。 *They are optimistic that he will win the match. 他们乐观地认为他会赢得这次比赛。 【词块积累】 (1)be/remain optimistic about 对……很乐观 be/remain optimistic+that 从句 对……乐观 (2)optimist n. 乐观的人, 乐天派 (3)optimism n. 乐观; 乐观主义 (4)pessimistic adj. 悲观的 (1)The sellers are optimistic about their sales because they predict that consumers will be buying more gifts in the coming Christmas. 这些卖家对于销售很乐观, 因为他们预测在即将到来的圣诞节期间消费者会买更多礼物。 (2)An optimist can’t be pessimistic about the future. 一个乐观者不会对未来悲观的。 3. predict vt. 预言; 预料 *It is virtually impossible to predict the future accurately. 精确预言未来的事实际上是不可能的。 *Who can predict how the elections will turn out? 谁能预料选举结果会怎样? *That politician is optimistic about the relationship of the two countries and predicts that no war will break out between them. 那位政治家对这两个国家的关系很乐观, 预测两国之间不会发生战争。 *The scientist made a prediction that in the future the earthquake could be predictable. 那位科学家预测未来地震是可以预测的。 【词块积累】 (1)prediction n. 预测, 预言 make a prediction 做预测 (2)predictable adj. 可以预测的 *(2019•天津高考)Even though we live in a high-tech age, it’s still impossible to predict the weather accurately. 即使我们生活在一个高科技时代, 精确地预测天气仍然是不可能的。 用 predict 的适当形式填空 (1)Driving a car requires you to predict what other road users will do and get ready to react to something unexpected. (2)The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability. (3)Without reliable data, prediction has no foundation. 4. Not all predictions come true. 不是所有的预言都会实现。 【句式解构】 此句中“not all+n. 或 all+n. +not”表示“不是所有的……都”, 是部分否定的用法。 当 all, both, every 等词与 not 连用时, 表示部分否定。 *Not all the children want to have a glass shaped like a pear. 不是所有的 孩子都想要一个形状像梨的杯子。 *All horses are animals, but not all animals are horses. 所有的马都是动物, 但并不是所有的动物都是马。 *(2019·全国卷Ⅲ)The 3, 500 residents cannot all enjoy the sunshine at the same time. 3500 名居民不能同时享受到阳光。 部分否定与全部否定 部分否定 全部否定 两者间 both. . . not/not both. . . 并非两者都 neither/not. . . either 两者都不 三者间 all. . . not/not all. . . 并非所有……都; every. . . not/not every. . . 并非每一个……都; the whole. . . not/not. . . the whole 并非全部都 no one/nobody 没有人 nothing 没有任何事物 not. . . any/none 没有一个 【知识延伸】 ①否定词和表示整体的词连用表示部分否定。 ②否定词和表示个体的词连用表示全部否定。 *I’m not completely satisfied. 我并不是很满意。 *There was not a single person in the dark street. 黑暗的大街上一个人也没有。 *All that glitters is not gold. [谚]发光的未必都是金子。 句型转换 ①All bamboos don’t grow tall. →Not all bamboos grow tall. ②Both of the two math problems are not very difficult. →Not both of the two math problems are very difficult. 5. With the first moon colonies predicted for the 1970’s, work is now in progress on the types of building required for men to stay in when they’re on the moon. 因为预测 20 世纪 70 年代将会有第一批到月球的移民, 现在正在修建这几种类型的建筑物, 当人类在月球上时, 他们需要住在里面。 【句式解构】 (1)这是个主从复合句, 句中的 when 引导时间状语从句。 (2)required for men to stay in when they’re on the moon 是过去分词短语作后置定语, 修饰 building。 *Hangzhou, known to the nation for its West Lake, has changed greatly. 以西湖闻名全国的杭州已发生很大变化。 *The glass broken by my son has been swept away. 我儿子打破的玻璃已经被扫走了。 语法填空 (1)The Town Hall completed(complete) in the 1800’s was the most distinguished building at that time. (2)The speaker answered all the questions raised(raise) by the audience. (3)Make sentences with the words given(give). (4)This is a book written(write) by a famous Chinese writer. 【要点拾遗】 1. definitely adv. 无疑地; 确定地; 明确地 *But I can definitely tell you what I’ll be doing next week—celebrating my birthday with friends. 但我可以确切地告诉你下周我将做什么——和朋友一起庆祝我的生日。 *It is definite that he will resign. 他辞职是确定无疑的了。 *The doctor is definite about Tommy’s having caught the terrible disease. 医生非常肯定汤米已得了重病。 【词块积累】 definite adj. 清楚的, 明确的 be definite about 对……很明确(肯定) It is definite that. . . 确定无疑的是…… *(2020·天津高考)We don’t have to live in the past, but we can definitely do better by learning from it. 我们没必要生活在过去, 但我们一定会从过去中吸取教训从而做得更好。 (1)选词填空(definite/definitely) ①The date of the move has not been definitely decided yet. ②It’s definite that you can find a well-paid job. (2)The workers demand a definite answer. 工人们要求一个明确的答复。 (3)He will definitely become a kung fu master. 他肯定会成为一名武林高手。 2. for a start 作为开始; 首先; 第一点(强调一系列理由、意见等的第一条) *I think the plan doesn’t work—for a start, it’ll take a very long time, and secondly, it’ll cost too much. 我认为这个计划不可行——首先, 它将花费很长时间, 其次, 它的代价太高。 *We can’t go to the concert. To start with, it’s too cold. Besides, we have no tickets. 我们不能去听音乐会了。首先, 天太冷了, 另外, 我们没有票。 【词块积累】 to start with=to begin with 首先; 第一; 起初 from start to finish 从头到尾 at the very start=at the very beginning 一开始 at the start of=at the beginning of 在…… 开始时 (1)I don’t agree this book is of poor quality. For a start, it is a book well worth reading. 我认为这本书质量不错。 首先, 它是一本值得一读的书。 (2)We don’t want to travel. To start with, we haven’t enough money, and secondly we’re too busy. 我们不想去旅游。一来我们的钱不够, 二来我们太忙了。 (3)Our English teacher often tells us English stories at the start of our classes. 英语老师经常在上课开始时给我们讲一些英语故事。 3. on the way out 即将过时; 即将被淘汰 *If something is on the way out, it’s going to disappear. 如果某物即将被淘汰, 它将会消失。 *The hairstyle isn’t fashionable; that is to say, it is on the way out. 这种发 型不时尚了, 也就是说快过时了。 *In no way can you tell him what has happened. 你绝不能告诉他发生了什么。 【词块积累】 by the way 顺便说一下 in a way 在某种程度上 under way 在进行中 in no way 决不 in the way 妨碍, 阻碍 on the way 在路上 用 way 的短语完成句子 (1)You must work hard at science and technology, or you will be on the way out. (2)Our car broke down on the way to New York. (3)Mrs Smith finds it hard to clear up the mess, as her children are always in the way whenever she tries to. (4) By the way, who is your favorite basketball player? 4. shape vt. 造成……形状; 使成形; 塑造 n. 形状 *By the year 2000, housewives will probably have a robot shaped like a box with one large eye on the top. 到 2000 年, 家庭主妇们可能会有一个盒状的机器人, 它的顶部有一只大眼睛。 *Look out for your diet or you will be in bad shape. 注意你的饮食, 否则你身体就不好了。 *Childhood experiences often play a big part in shaping one’s character. 童年经历在形成一个人的性格方面往往起着重大作用。 【导图理词】 【巧学助记】形记 shape 【易混辨析】 shaped 作后缀 shaped 作后缀, 表示“……形状的”, 如 heart-shaped 心形的; bullet-shaped 像子弹的; pear-shaped 梨形的; V-shaped V 形的; cup-shaped 杯子形状的等。 *(2020· 天津高考)For my fifth birthday, my mother baked me a cake in the shape of a monkey. 为了我的五岁生日, 我妈妈给我做了一个猴子形状的蛋糕。 语法填空 (1)The children are shaping the sand into a tower. (2)Tom’s birthday cake was in the shape of a heart. (3)If you want to live a happy life, you must stay in shape. (4)You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of shape. 5. I’m too busy enjoying my life now to worry about the future! 我现在忙于享受生活, 而无暇为未来担忧! 【句式解构】 too. . . to do sth. “太……而不能做某事”, 是一个表示否定意义的句型。 *That box is too small to hold all these things. 那盒子太小, 装不下所有这些东西。 *It’s never too late to learn. 活到老学到老。 *The task is too difficult for us to do. 这项任务太难了, 我们做不了。 (1)某些形容词与 too. . . to. . . 句型连用时, too(=very)表示肯定的意义。这些形容词 多为表示情感的词, 如 glad, pleased, surprised, delighted, happy, easy, ready, willing 等。 (2)如在 too 前加上 only, but, all, simply 或 just 时, too. . . to. . . 句型表示肯定 意义, 此时 too 带有赞赏的感情色彩。 *I’m only too glad to see you. 见到你非常高兴。 (1)She is too short to reach the apples on the table. 她太矮了, 够不着桌子上的苹果。 (2)He is too eager to know the result of the examination. 他急于知道考试结果。 (3)You can’t be too careful to do your homework. 你做作业时越细心越好。 课时检测·素养达标 Ⅰ. 语段填词 1. I believe that this optimistic (乐观的) student will definitely(无疑地) have a bright future. 2. Eventually (最后) the housewife who was tired of washing dishes bought a dishwasher(洗碗机). 3. The man invented a plane shaped (造成……形状) like a ball and predicted(预测) it would have a good market. 4. In the colony (殖民地), the doormats (门前擦鞋垫) sold well. Ⅱ. 选词填空 look out for, for a start, on the way out, come true, throw away, be optimistic about, switch on, in the shape of, in progress, get married 1. I’m not working here— for a start, it’s too far to travel. 2. It’s not always easy to find out the cause, but there are a few things we can look out for. 3. Now, having earned thousands of dollars, he is optimistic about the future. 4. Don’t throw those magazines away. I haven’t read them yet. 5. Believe in yourself. Your dream will eventually come true. 6. If they ever get married, they’ll have one terrific wedding ceremony. 7. Work on the new offices is now in progress; we can use them next year. 8. Many people switch on the television simply to kill time over the Christmas holiday. 9. This type of car is on the way out; we must develop a new one. 10. One clock was in the shape of a cart and a horse with a driver. Ⅲ. 完成句子 1. The Town Hall completed in the 1800’s was the most beautiful building at that time. 19 世纪建成的市政厅是当时最漂亮的建筑。 2. The man is too busy to take care of his family. 那个人忙得不能照顾他的家庭。 3. I invited all our teachers to our party but not all of them can come. 我邀请了我们所有的老师来参加我们的聚会, 但他们却不能都来。 4. Luckily, there are some outdoor activities which don’t need us to walk very far in the hot sun. 幸运的是, 有一些不需要我们在炎热的太阳下走很远的户外活动。 5. Under the tree sat two old men who were playing chess. 树下坐着两位下棋的老人。 Ⅳ. 课文短文改错 Not every prediction comes true. Here is a few bad predictions making in the twentieth century. Orville Wright in 1908 believes that no flying machine would ever fly from New York to Paris. In 1943, Thomas Watson, a chairman of IBM, thought there was a world market for maybe five computer. In 1957, Changing Times Magazine predicted that thirty years later people would be worn clothes that they could throw away after wearing them two and three times. In 1966, New York Times predicted that by the year 2000 housewives would probable have robots. Christopher Evans, a computer scientist, said in 1979 by the mid-1980’s no one would need hide a key under the doormat again, because there wouldn’t be some keys. 1. 【解析】第二句 is 改为 are。 2. 【解析】第二句 making 改为 made。 3. 【解析】第三句 believes 改为 believed。 4. 【解析】第四句去掉第一个 a。 5. 【解析】第四句 computer 改为 computers。 6. 【解析】第五句 worn 改为 wearing。 7. 【解析】第五句 and 改为 or。 8. 【解析】第六句 probable 改为 probably。 9. 【解析】第七句 need 后面加 to。 10. 【解析】第七句 some 改为 any。

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