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1 Lesson 32 I can’t wait for winter 一、教材分析 冀教版七年级英语(下)第六单元是围绕 “seasons” 这个话题展开的。本单元 的第一课时以对话的形式简要介绍每个季节的特点及活动,第二课时 Lesson 32: I can’t wait for winter 的内容是介绍加拿大的冬天,要求学生能够表达加拿大冬天 的天气、人们所穿的衣服以及冬天从事的活动,并由此拓展思考,描述家乡冬天 相关的活动,着重训练学生综合运用语言的能力。 二、学情分析 七年级学生整体比较活跃,他们想象力丰富,对事物充满好奇,模仿能力强,并 开始思考。同时经过一学期的学习,已经具备了一定的听、说、读、写的能力, 大部分学生都能较好的完成课堂学习任务。因此,为了力求课堂教学形式的多样 化,生动有趣,激发学生的学习兴趣,课堂中利用活动的设计引发学生积极的思 维,充分调动学生的创新精神,给学生展示自己才能的舞台。 三、教学目标 知识与技能: 1. 熟练掌握新课标要求的“四会”词汇: research,website,hill,ice,clear; 2. 让学生能够介绍加拿大冬天的天气,人们的着装和所从事的活动。 3. 能够通过阅读和听力捕捉有效信息; 过程与方法: 1.在任务中引导学生积极运用英语来表达与交流。 2. 能够积极参与小组合作并发表自己的见解。 情感、态度与价值观: 1.能够在个人及合作学习的过程中体会到学习英语的乐趣及成就感。 2.能够领略冬季的美妙与快乐,培养热爱自然、热爱生活的思想。 四、教学内容 1. 了解加拿大冬天的天气,人们的着装和所从事的活动。 2. 学习介绍冬天及活动的句式。 a. I’m doing some research for my report about my favorite season. b. Start your day on the ski hills or go ice skating. c. You can even get the family together and make a snowman. d. What a cold, snowy day! 五、重难点 重点: 1. 运用所学知识介绍自己所在地区春天的景色。 2. 掌握以下重点句子: a. I’m doing some research for my report about my favorite season. b. Start your day on the ski hills or go ice skating. c. You can even get the family together and make a snowman. d. What a cold, snowy day! 2 难点: 让学生能够介绍加拿大冬天的天气,人们的着装和所从事的活动,并且由此及 彼地描述家乡冬天相关的内容。 五、教学过程 Ⅰ. Class opening Step 1. play a game about seasons Step 2. Lead in T1: In this unit, we are talking about seasons. Yes? T2: We know there are four seasons of a year. What are they? T3: What’s the weather like in Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter? T4: Well done!I like winter best. How about you? Now let’s enjoy a vedio ab out winter in our hometown----Huining. T5:It’s beautiful, isn’t it?, I can’t wait for winter , How about you? T6: Let’s learn about winter in Canada together,OK? (板书课题) 【设计意图】 1.以学生熟悉的谈论天气的话题引入冬天的美景,过渡自然,易于理解。 2.用家乡桃花山,景园,会师园冬天的一小段视频导入新课,感觉熟悉亲切, 调动学生表达的积极性。 Ⅱ.New Lesson Task 1. Listening Step 1. Listen to the passage and circle the phrases you hear. Listen to the passage again and put the sentences in the correct order. The correct order is: 4,3,5,2,6,1 【设计意图】 课本 Let’s do it! 的第二题只排序,上课时设计改成从 6 个句子里选 4 个短语, 然后再对句子进行排序,训练学生听细节的能力。 Task 2. Reading Step 2. New words learning Danny also likes winter best. He is doing some ________ [rɪ'sɜːtʃ] about winter, he can find a picture on the ________ ['websaɪt] .Look at this picture. The sky is ____ [klɪə]. Under the sky, there is an ____ [aɪs] ___ [hɪl]. Of course, there is also a big _________ ['snəʊmæn]. 【设计意图 】 1. 词汇填空课型,音标提示和上下文提示的设计有效训练学生提取信息的能 力; 2. 利用图片帮助记忆单词,直观形象,印象深刻。 go skating on the ice go skiing make a big snowman roll in the snow have a snowball fight stay inside Put on my scarf,hat,gloves and jacket 3 3. 大声朗读单词,理解句意,掌握短语 do some research, on the website, an ice hill, make a snowman。 Step 3. Fast reading: What winter activities does the website mention? Watch the video and write a sentence about each activity on the list. a. go skiing ---In winter, I can go skiing on the snow. b. go skating--- In winter, I can go skating on the ice. c. have snowball fights--- In winter, my friends and I have snowball fights together. d. make a snowman---In winter, I like to make a snowman with my sister. 【设计意图】 课本 Let’s do it! 的第一题,上课时将略读文章找冬天的活动设计改成看视频 找出四个冬天的活动,并用相关的活动造句子。 Step 4. careful reading T1: So what’s winter like in Canada? Now let’s Read and finish the table. Winter in Canada weather Winters here are really ______ . You can enjoy a ______,_____night beside a warm fire. clothes Don’t forget your _____,____ and _____. activities Start your day on the________ or go ice _______. You can ____ the family _______ and make a ___________. Have lunch in the _________ restaurant T2:Check the answers and then read together. (板书 get together,world-class) 【设计意图】 1. 阅读理解课型,略读和精读的设计有效训练学生提取信息的能力; 2. 用表格填空的形式,降低难度,使文章得关键点显得更清楚,便于总结,突 破重点。 Task 4. Discussion Step 1: How is the weather in winter? What do people wear in winter? What else can we do in winter? Discuss with your partner. Step 2: Show pictures and read the activities together. T:Check the answers and then read together. (板书描述春天的关键词) 【设计意图】 春天的活动丰富多彩,用美丽的图片对答案,更能唤醒学生对自然的热爱。 Task 5. Summary Can you describe winter? weather activities clothes icy,white cold,snowy down coat boots gloves,hats, scarves go skiing have snowball go skating fights get together and have hot food winter 4 make a snowman roll in the snow The weather is… We can… We wear… 【设计意图】 1.知识树总结四季,为学生展示提供语言知识与灵感 2.通过关键词复述课文,巩固记忆。 Ⅲ. Class closing Step 1. Show a vedio about winter in our hometown.. T1: Enjoy the beautiful sceneries in our hometown. Let’s protect our homes together. 【设计意图】 领略家乡的四季的美妙,同时也让学生更加热爱家乡。 Step 2. Homework Enjoy the video and try to do a report about winter weather in our hometown. Key points: 1. 季节 2. 冬天的天气状况。 3. 冬天人们喜欢做的事情。 Blackboard Design Lesson 32 I can’t wait for winter I. What’s winter like in Canada? 1.icy,white 2. cold,snowy II. What can we do in spring? 1.go skiing ,go skating,make a snowman 2.have snowball fights, roll in the snow 3.get together and have hot food

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