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1 北师大版高中英语导学案 班级: 姓名: 课题 Unit 6 Design Lesson1 A matter of fact 主备人 课型 Reading 审核人 时间 12 月 28 日 领导签字 学习 目标 1. To improve students’reading ability.. 2. Be able to put what you have learned into practice. 导学过程 笔记 一.阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案) Step 1 Fast-reading(8min 快速阅读课文完成下列问题并在 文中找出依据.) Scan the text and choose the best answer (1) Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A Xu Beihong was good at painting vegetables. B. Qi Baishi was China's greatest painter. C Cabbage is a well-known example of Chen s work D Poppy is a typical example of Chen's style (2)From the passage we can see that A. Racing Horse, Cabbage and Poppy are all well-known examples of Chinese art B. the painting of dark and light colours is a favourite of all the art lovers C. Chen Yifei lived longest of the three great artists mentioned in the passage D. only the colour black can show animals in moving paintings (3 )Xu Beihong was important in modern Chinese folk art mainly because A. he developed the tradition of combining poetry with painting B. he held several exhibitions in Asia and Europe to promote Chinese art between 1933 and 1940 C. he painted the well-known example -Racing Horse D. he used different shades of grey in a creative way (4)Which of the following statements about Qi Baishi is WRONG? 2 A. He was mainly interested in wood when he was young. B He ever painted many pictures of scenery C. His interest changed later to wood Pictures from everyday life D. His interest changed later to simple pictures from everyday life (5)That one of Chen Yifei's paintings sold for USS 503,000 in 1997 can suggest that A. he was very good at doing business B. he was a very successful artist C. he was the richest painter in China D. all his paintings were very valuable Step2 Careful-reading (10min 重新阅读课文,注意细节 并掌握关键点,小组合作完成以下问题) Fill in the blanks according to the text.(根据课文内容填空) Artists Xu Beihong Representative Work (1) Distinguishing Features of the Paintings He developed the tradition of combing(2) and painting. His horse was running (3) .Xu drew in black ink to show the moving air on the horse's mane and tail on each side of the painting. He also used different (4) to show the sweat along the horse's body. Artists Qi Baishi Representative Work Cabbage Distinguishing Features of the Paintings the insect he painted near the cabbage fixes its eyes on the cabbage,showing the creature's (5) in the vegetable. His style leaves the audience (6) and imagining. Artists Chen Yifei Representative Work Poppy Distinguishing Features of the Paintings The woman sits alone and is deep in (7) . Her hand holding the fan is(8) positioned above her knees. Chen adds lots of (9) to the fan and the dress, and the background behind the re sweat along the woman is (10) . 二.Summary(小组讨论 8 分钟,派代表在黑板上展示出答案。) 语法填空 (根据课文内容,依据语法规则完成短文) Xu Beihong was important in modern Chinese folk art. He developed the tradition of combining poety (1) painting. His famous painting is Racing Horse. He used different shades of grey (2) 3 a creative way to show the sweat along the horse’s body. Qi Baishi was one of China’s greatest (3) (painter).He worked with wood during his early (4) (young).Then his interest changed from everyday life (5) simple pictures, such as vegetables,flowers,birds and insects. Chen Yifei was a very successful artist.His soft portraits(6) beautiful women are very valuable. His painting, Poppy, is a typical example (7) Chen’s style. In the painting, a young woman sits alone and is deep(8) thought. Her hand holding the fan is elegantly positioned above her knees.(9) (emphasize) the woman even more, Chen adds a lot of detail (10) the fan and the cloth of her dress,and chooses to point the background behind the woman black. 三.句型展示(10 分钟以小组形式讨论下列句型,分析句子结构) 1. Qi Baishi's style of painting often leaves the audience guessing and makes them use their imagination. 齐白石的绘画风格常给观赏者留有猜测和运用想象力(解读其内)的余地 (1)句子结构分析 Qi Baish s style of painting(主语) often (leaves the audience guessing) 谓语 1eave+宾语+宾补 and (makes them use)their imagination. 谓语 make+宾语十宾补 (2) leaves the audience guessing,此处 guessing 是现在分词,作 leave 的宾语补足语 ①Don't leave the water running when you don't use it. 当你不用的时候,请不要让水一直流着 leave 表示“使/让(某人/某事物)处于某种状态”,其后可跟复合宾语结构。其 基本形式如下: 名词/副词/形容词 leave+宾语+ 介词短语 过去分词/现在分词 动词不定式 ②A lack of exercise leaves your body and easily affected by disease. 缺乏锻炼使你的身体变得虚弱,并且很容易得病。 ③She went to work, leaving her mother care of her baby. 她去上班了,留下母亲照看她的孩子。 4 课后 总结 这节课我学到了什么? 这节课重点总结: 1. 2. 3. 一. 阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案) Step 1(1)D(2)A(3)A(4)C(5)B Step2(1)Racing House(2)poetry(3)at high speed(4)shades of grey(5)interest(6)guessing(7)thought(8)elegantly(9)detail(10)black 二. Summary (1) with(2)in(3)painters(4)youth(5)to(6)of(7)of(8)in(9)to emphasize(10)to 三.句型展示(10 分钟以小组形式讨论下列句型,分析句子结构) (2)weak(3)taking

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