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2021 中考英语复习之真题阅读词块与阅读练习(十二) 2020 年湖南省衡阳市市中考英语 B 篇 目录 内容 第一部分 中考真题试做 第二部分 真题词块解析 第三部分 阅读练习 一:真题试做 The world's largest radio telescope was finished on Sept. 25, 2017 in China. FAST is a five-hundred-meter telescope. It is also called Tian-yan ("The Eye of Heaven"), with a dish the sire of 30 football grounds, deep in the mountains of southwest China's Guizhou Province. The giant dish is built on a howl-like valley. The surrounding area has "radio silence" as there are no towns and cities within a 5-kilometer radius(半径范围) and only one county center within 25 kilometers. FAST is made up of 4 450 panels(面板). The second largest radio telescope is in Russia. The bigger dish will be able to pick up weaker signals (信号). The radio telescope is like an ear, listening to tell meaningful radio messages from white noise in the universe. With the help of the telescope, we can receive weaker and more radio messages far away in space. It will help us to search for intelligent life outside of the Galaxy(银河 系) and explore the origins(起源) of the universe. "Any of its discoveries will lead to a Nobel Prize," said Joseph Taylor, a Noble Prize winner. The FAST project began in 2011. And the telescope is expected to remain the global leader for the next 10 to 20 years. 1. Where was FAST developed? A. In China. B. In Russia. C. In America. 2. The underlined word "giant" probably means "___________" in Chinese. A. 神秘的 B. 巨大的 C. 宽广的 3. FAST is used to __________________. A. explore the origins of human beings B. receive distant radio messages from the universe C. watch the beautiful scenery of the Galaxy 4. From the passage, we can know that __________________. A. FAST is the largest radio telescope all over the world so far B. Noisy towns are around the telescope within a 5-kilometer radius C. The second-largest radio telescope is made up of 4 450 panels 5. How long did it take to finish the FAST project? A. About twenty years. B. About ten years. C. About six years. 二:词块梳理 radius 英 /ˈreɪdiəs 美 /ˈreɪdiəs/ n. 半径,半径范围;[解剖] 桡骨;辐射光线;有效航程 n. (Radius)人名;(意、印尼)拉迪乌斯;(英)雷迪厄斯;(法)拉迪于斯 复数 radii 或 radiuses 双语例句 1.He indicated a semicircle with a radius of about thirty miles. 他标示出一个半径大约三十英里的半圆。 2.Simply change the radius to 2000, and you should start to see some results. 只需将半径更改为 2000,您应当便会看到一些结果,当然。 3.The radiation radius of the radioactive radium radiator in the stadium is variable. 放射性的镭散热器在体育场的辐射半径是可变的。 panels 美 /ˈpænlz/ n. 面板(panel 的复数);[建] 嵌板;事务委员会 v. 嵌镶(panel 的第三人称单数形式) 双语例句 1.Solar panels trap energy from the sun. 太阳能电池板吸收太阳能。 2.Solar panels can only operate in sunlight. 太阳能电池板只能在日光下起作用。 3.The decor is simple – black lacquer panels on white walls. 这种装修风格简约–白色的墙上装饰着漆成黑色的板。 signals 美 /ˈsɪɡnlz/ n. 信号;动机(signal 的复数);标志 v. 表示(signal 的第三人称单数);发信号 双语例句 1.They fired three distress signals. 他们发射了 3 次遇难求救信号。 2.The crew did not send out any distress signals. 机组人员没有发出任何求救信号。 3.We overlook all sorts of warning signals about our own health. 我们会忽视关于我们健康的各种警报信号。 origins 英 /'ɔridʒinz/ n. 起源(origin 的复数) 双语例句 1.This particular custom has its origins in Wales. 这一特殊风俗起源于威尔士。 2.In a new book, German journalist Andreas Bernard studied the origins of ele vator. 德国记者安德烈亚斯·伯纳德在他的新书中研究了电梯的起源。 3.Did Buddhist uses that as well? I heard that in Hindu terms, like the sound of the origins ofthe universe. 佛教徒也会用到这些吗?我在印度教中听到过,就好像是宇宙起源时 的声音。 Galaxy 英 /ˈɡæləksi/ 美 /ˈɡæləksi/ n. [天] 星系;银河系(the Galaxy);一群显赫的人 n. 三星智能手机品牌 2015 年三星中国公布 Galaxy 的中文名称为 “盖乐世”(Galaxy) [ 复数 galaxies ] 双语例句 1.The Galaxy consists of 100 billion stars. 银河系由 1 千亿颗恒星组成。 2.Astronomers have discovered a distant galaxy. 天文学家们发现了一个遥远的星系。 3.At least one supernova occurs per decade in our galaxy. 每十年至少有一颗超新星在我们的银河系中出现。 三. 阅读练习 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文内容回答所提问题。(共 5 小题,计 10 分) On Sept. 19, 2014 Alibaba went public on the New York Stock Exchange (纽约证券交易所), raising $25 billion through an IPO (公司股票的首次公开发行), the biggest in the US history. It shows that Ma Yun has done his business successfully. The short Chinese man seems to be the tallest in the world right now. Ma, who was an English teacher, has become one of the richest men on the Chinese mainland. Born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Ma grew up as a happy kid. At the age of 12, he wanted to learn English. Every morning, he woke up at 5 a.m., cycling 40 minutes to a hotel near the West Lake where he could chat with foreign tourists. On a trip to the US in 1995, Ma was shown the Internet for the first time. Seeing the chance, Ma returned to China and set up a website called China Pages without even knowing much about computers. Four years later, 18 people including Ma, his wife and his friends founded Alibaba in Hangzhou. People called him "Crazy Jack Ma". But 15 years later, Alibaba has developed into the world's largest e-commerce(电子商务) company. No one thinks he's mad now. Ma's favorite line has been printed on Alibaba's souvenir T-shirts. It reads, "Everybody should have a dream. What if that dream comes true?" 31. How much did Alibaba raise through an IPO on Sept. 19, 2014? ______________________________________________________________________ 32. Where was Ma Yun born? ______________________________________________________________________ 33. What did Ma want to do when he was twelve years old? ______________________________________________________________________ 34. Alibaba was founded in 1995, wasn't it? ______________________________________________________________________ 35. What did Ma do after coming back to China from the US? ______________________________________________________________________

资料: 3.2万


